Guisukigwi. AYIEV. 4/10.
work hard.

FULL NAME  moon runi  문루니

moon einstein 
"moon einstein strikes!" "did she placed first overall again?" "yep. i am not surprised at all."
runi, what one might consider a genius. she usually placed first in her class, and generally places in the top three of her school during exams. the girl is capable academically, but well gifted in the science department particularly. thus, fellow students refer to her as einstein, or moon einstein, due to her family name being moon. 

"study somewhere else, nerd." "i am not a nerd, get your facts straight." "whatever, nerd."
truthfully, runi finds it ridicilous how people associate someone who is fond of reading books as nerd. it might be a lighthearted nickname to some, but to runi its the central cause of why she doesn't have a lot of friends at school.

beethoven sunbaenim
"wait, your username is moonlight sonata? ahahaha. what are you, beethoven?" "its not funny unnie! i happen to like moonlight sonata. its a beautiful work of art." "yes, beethoven sunbaenim, my apologies." an evident tone of mockery present in said girl's voice. runi sighed. beethoven doesn't deserve this.
runi thought it was a brilliant idea to use one of beethoven's song titles as her username. not only was she an avid fan of beethoven, she also greatly admires moonlight sonata, her all time favourite piano piece. apparently the idea wasn't brilliant after all. the nickname came from the one and only, erena. at first it was only a simple joke shared between the two, but somehow it spread around sapinca. now runi is in a constant guilt of misusing beethoven's great work for her entertainment.
DATE OF BIRTH  31-11-00 16
PLACE OF BIRTH   seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN  seoul, south korea
fluent. mother tongue.
basic. learned at school. understands what her school textbooks teach her, but outside of that, like talking to a foreigner, will probably end up with a tongue tied runi.
conversational. whenever runi hangs out with erena oneesan, she pesters the older girl to teach her japanese. after years of friendship and free japanese lessons later, runi's able to understand bits and pieces whenever erena speaks japanese to her.

FACECLAIM  april's yena
BACKUP   weme's sei

APPEARANCE  a youthful round face with baby fat and slightly chubby cheeks still intact. with round eyes, full lips, small pearly white teeth plus a radiant eyesmile, one can easily mistaken runi as a middle schooler. her soft dark hair, which usually smells either like aloe vera or lemon, flows past her shoulders and stops mid back. its not a common sight to see runi with her hair down. her hair is either in a neat ponytail or a simple braid. she's around average height for a highschooler, but more to the smaller side. doesn't wear any form of makeup (except baby powder, if that counts). both of her ears are pierced but she never wore earrings. in short, runi resembles a squirrel, according to erena.
runi dresses quite boyish-ly. can be mostly seen in tshirts, jeans and converse combo. doesn't really stick to one colour. not too fond of revealing too much skin because she's a bit sensitive to cold temperatures. other than tshirts, runi can be seen wearing stripes, sweaters, hoodies, turtlenecks, denim overalls, button ups, checkered shirts, 3/4 jeans, cardigans, slip on shoes, etc. though runi is a highschool student, she doesn't dress like the current fashion 17 year olds would be seen in. she dresses like a kid, left behind with the latest fashion trends.

obstinate cocky meticulous sensitive dimwitted
optimistic perceptive bold selfless idealistic
ELABORATION  when you meet runi, you see a young bright girl with an innocent face, and you'll probably think that she's a goody two shoes whose heart is made of pure gold.. yet when she opens , your vision of her wilts away and instead you see a smarty-pants blabbering away and refuses to step down in an argument. runi is a smarty-pants who thinks she's always right, and indeed she's always right. she's one to not back down in a fight, seeks challenges and loves to be challenged. dislikes losing but will admit defeat in the end. part of the main reason as to why she doesn't have a lot of friends is probably due to her "i am always right and i know everything" attitude but really runi is always right, and she does know a lot of facts. that and also her confidence which can skyrocket at times. she's also a difficult person to work with, as she aims for perfection. has a foul mouth but only loses it when provoke. rages only when she's pushed past  her limit. the real definition of book smart but street idiot. runi can be a literal fool at times, clumsily falling from chairs, forgetting her own phone password for a second, etc.
tbh runi is actually a smol sensitive baby. she cries easily but only does so when no one is looking. she's a sunshine hidden behind gray clouds. she'll be your number one supporter, fighting off whatever negativites your mind feeds you. she's the type of person to step up and tackles whatever hardship is in front of her. she acts quickly but not rashly. she won't hesitate to help you, trying her best to give you a helping hand. eventhough runi is a person who is all about facts, she sees the world in a dreamy way. she sees the good of the world, of the people in it, daring to dream big. lastly, runi's the type of person to notice whenever someone is feeling down, or hiding behind a facade. she usually keeps it to herself, wanting to approach the person and asks if they're alright but too scared to approach them. she's good at giving advices, suprising many at how wise and mature her insights are. 
tl;dr a kid who's about to become an adult but got stuck halfway.

SIGNIFICANT HISTORY  runi was born into a family well blessed economically and financially. runi's pretty much treasured, but not spoiled, by her family. she had a usual happy childhood. her parents are usually working and went back home at night. the maids in her large house are the ones who keep runi company. as an only child, runi felt kinda lonely at times. that is, until she met erena, her newly moved in japanese neighbour. since then her days are filled with the presence of the older girl. when runi was around 8 years old, her parents enrolled her to a piano class. why? because runi asked so. young runi was interested in anything. she showed great interest in the grand piano lying at the corner of her house. thus, wanting to support runi's newfound passion, her parents readily agree to let enroll her. life was okay. at school, runi showed signs of her brain's capacity, placing first rank in her class multiple times. its no wonder the glass cupboards in runi's house are filled with trophies and medals, a result of studying diligently with the goal of making her parents proud.
runi's social life involves erena and erena only. runi literally revolves around erena, and vice versa. at first, the friendship of a young kid and an older kid who didn't know how to communicate with the younger kid seems like a fragile friendship. and it is, at first. runi only knew erena as the japanese unnie, and erena sees runi as young-kid-who-won't-stop-pestering-me. but it grew slowly. runi teaches erena korean, erena keeps runi company. the communication between the two are awkward at first, since erena didn't understand korean back then. but as kids, you don't need to communicate to ask someone to play hide and seek, or cycle around the neighbourhood. the two used body language in the early stages of their friendship. after school times are one of runi's favourite time, since she gets to see erena waiting for her outside her school, or she gets to wait outside erena's school, the two then proceeding to go to the park or each other's house. erena is the only other person besides runi's family who see runi as her true self, the self with no smartazz or high ego detected. growing up, their friendship didn't fade, but instead grew stronger. with erena in uni as of now, the two didn't spend much time together, not going to each other's house as often as before. but that doesn't mean that they're drifting apart. runi and erena both try to meet up with each other weekly, catching up on whatever is going on in each other's life.
at school, runi is doing well. probably above well, if you include how many times she received high scores in quizzes and tests. she's a teacher's pet, especially the physics teacher, helping the teacher clean the whiteboard or fetching whatever the said teacher needs something from the storage. its not that runi is maintaining a reputation or making her way to the top by sweet talking the teachers. its just that runi finds the teachers more bearable than her own classmates. runi did well at school, academically speaking. but socially speaking? not much. most of the students are turned off by her know it all personality and annoying confidence. they sometimes tease runi, labelling her as the nerd who studies all the time. not all students dislike runi, some are okay actually, talking and befriending her. but most of them follow the flow, and that is to either ignore or make fun of runi. if runi were to count her true friends at school, its probably the members of the robotics club.
runi first knew of glory's existence from her classmates, who played the game at class. her curiosity got the best of her. she eventually found out that the game is called glory. that is about it. until one incident where runi wanted to try playing glory with her classmates, but lost multiple times, leading to them poking fun of runi, how she's not suit to play games and should quit trying. runi took that as a challenge. but the thing is, runi doesn't know how to play glory, as she rarely played games herself. runi discovered her saviour in the form or erena unnie, who happens to play glory. the visits to erena's house then turns into free lessons of glory by erena senpai, who is okay at the game. runi at first played glory because she wants to beat her classmates and quite frankly the game infuriated her, due to how easily she got herself killed. in runi's vision, she'll probably stop playing glory after becoming good at it. erena mentioned about sapinca day, suggesting that runi can try playing glory there in days where erena's too busy with uni life to accompany her. that is where runi found out about sapinca. runi sometimes goes to sapinca, either alone or with erena tagging, to simply play glory and chill. but days turned to weeks, and runi didn't make much progress in glory. runi's about to quit glory and accept her defeat, but its too late since she's now hooked to glory.
as a highschool students with big dreams, runi had a lot planned for her future. she hopes to go to one of sky's universities, majoring in engineering. runi knew that she'll move somewhere eventually, away from her parents. wanting to try and become independent, runi searched for jobs, using the money she earned herself for uni. erena helped her since she herself also has a job. when erena found out sapinca is hiring, she passed the info on to runi, suggesting she should apply for a job there since its safe, and a familiar place for runi as well. runi's parents almost had a heart attack when runi said she wanted to work. they wanted runi to focus on school instead and let them pay for her educational fees. runi begged her parents, and they relented, after an act of rebellion from runi who stopped eating and refused to go out of her room until they allowed her to work. fun fact ; runi's parents secretly met up wih mr kim, pleading him to take care of runi, who's quite difficult and too much to handle, and if she ever caused the slightest trouble, immediately fire her.
LIFESTYLE  runi goes to school in the morning, and finishes school around the afternoon. she then goes to sapinca to start her shift. she immediately goes home after her shift ends ( otherwise her parents might have a heart attack if she came  home late ). after working she goes straight back home because she has cram school or hagwon in the night, which is why runi is very organized and punctual, except on fridays, where she doesn't have hagwon. she also has her robotics club every friday, so on fridays she tends to be a bit late in her shift. sometimes on fridays, since tomorrow is weekend, runi tends to stay past her shift time to play glory. runi usually asks for mr kim's permission to not work / off duty whenever she has finals or midterms ( its also part of the agreement she made with her parents. they allowed her to work as long as she still prioritize her education ). whenever runi has school break or holidays, she tends to stay and sleep over in sapinca ( mr kim prepared a small simple room for runi to use whenever she stays over). 
runi puts her engineering / techie skills to use in sapinca by fixing computer bugs, errors, power outages,  etc. she's basically sapinca's friendly neighbourhood techie. besides fixing things runi helps around the cafe, mostly cleaning tables, making simple drinks, or taking care of chino.
an unnie whom runi admires and looks up to. hailing from japan, erena moved to korea, to runi's neighbourhood to be exact, with her family when she's in her early teen years. she didn't have many friends at first, except a tiny girl who dared to approach her with a bright eyesmile. the two later become friends, until this very day. she's also a big sister figure to runi. erena likes to play games as well, and was the one who introduced glory to runi. fc ; myoui mina. hover for more.
the two weren't to close at first. runi only knew shinha as a sunbae from work whom she respects. she is an unnie that runi can't help but feel initimidated. runi does more than her best when she's working in sapinca, such as cleaning the same tables three times, wiping nonexistent dust from the computer screens, etc. its not that shinha is mean. truth to be told, shinha not as scary as what runi seems to think she is. hover for more.
runi usually sees her parents early in the morning before they go to work. and if she sees them before she goes to sleep, then she's lucky. they didn't neglect runi, didn't left her to grow up by herself. haeeun and jinseok treasures their only daughter very much, working day and night only for runi to have a briight future. to runi, her parents are her supporting pillars. the moons are a close-knit, easy going family, evident on how runi shows no fear in teasing her dad's inability to eat spicy food or helping her mom put on lipstick only to deliberately smudge it. hover for more.
probably runi's true companion and friend in sapinca. runi finds comfort in talking to chino, eventhough it makes her look like a dummy at times. runi sometimes buys special treats for chino before she starts her shift at sapinca. 


01 loves anything chocolate banana flavoured
02 part of her school's robotic club
03 really good in organizing / making schedules!!
04 doesn't like inconsistency / sudden changes. the type of person to follow a fixed rule and carry out plans that has been thoroughly thought through accordingly
05 texts the way she talks ; with proper spelling / full sentences and correct punctuation marks
06 quite a text message hitler and can be easily ticked off by small things like when someone asks question without a question mark etc 
07 an avid pianist and beethoven enthusiast. took piano lessons since the age of 8, but stopped this year due to wanting to focus on her last year as a highschooler. around advanced level
08 doesn't understand slangs #rip
09 prefers to write her notes simply ( no colourful writing or decorations like studyblr )
10 rich enough to own a luxurious apartment room in gangnam
11 loves ice cream but cannot eat one ( gets mild toothache when she tries to ) so she settles for melted ice cream instead
12 hopes to be an engineering major
13 is lowkey a twice fan *coughs yoda coughs* but its a secret she'll take to her grave
14 loves classical music. its probably the only music she'll ever hear besides twice. most of her alarms and ringtones' are set as mostly beethoven's works
USERNAME  @moonlightsonata

biotic grenade
comes in the form of a small grenade. when thrown to allie/s, it restores their current health to full health, brings back their HP to 100%. has 20 seconds cool down, with limited usage of 10 grenades per day.
poison spike
a small spiked ball full of poison. mainly directed to enemies. when hit, the player's HP are reduced to half of their current health and are unable to heal from any source for 5 seconds. 15 seconds cooldown, no limited usage.
twin daggers
a weapon that is used in fighting. used when healers has no choice except fighting back when engaged in a combat. doesn't have any special abilities.
herb veil
a medicine that turns to mist when thrown to a specific target. protect allies and the healer from attacks that limits their moves for 10 seconds. called herb veil cause its actually from herbs, and the mist's
colour is green. 20 seconds cooldown.
blissful grace
increases an allie/s abilities by 10-25% for 5 seconds. for example, when a fire elementalist is blessed by a blissful grace, their fire ability does a more severe damage  to enemies, a shadow move by an assassin class becomes more faster, etc.
self heal
passive ability. heals the healer itself/fast regeneration.
petal touch
a healing ability. heals allie/s slowly but efficiently, healing over-time. can be interrupted if the player gets injured again . best used when a fight/raid is over.
everlasting godpower
a level +30 skill. restores 20% of an ally's missing health and 20% of an ally's missing mana. manaless ally will have their health restored by 25%. can only be used on a single individual. 15 seconds cooldown.
prism time
a mana-intensive fast heal for emergencies. 20 seconds cooldown. level +30 skill.
moonlight shield
a blissful grace, herb veil and petal touch combo. provides a health bonus equal to 20% for five seconds, simultaneously turning the target into an immortal state where they won't be able to be damaged or injured for 5 seconds. once activated, a shield in the form of a glowing white aura surrounds the target. 20 seconds cooldown. level +35 skill.
life steal
grants an allie/s an ability to steal 25% of an enemies' health. has a maximum usage of 5 times.
healing fingertips
when activated, the healer's fingertips glows green, and their hands are surrounded by a green light. used to heal an allie's injuries, by scanning the allie from top to bottom. for example, when player a is injured, the healer will activate healing fingertips and move its hands slowly from player a's head down until toes. if player a has shoulder injuries, it will heal once the healer's fingertips passed the shoulders.
heals 10% of health.
heals all damages from last attack.
halves all damages for 5 seconds.
runi has black wings hidden in the depths of her cloak. its actually invisible, only appears in times of difficult situations. the wings serve more as protection, as a last option if runi cannot defend herself. the wings are there for  her to escape somewhere safe, fly her away from danger.
flight protection projection
basically has the same function as phantom ghost : sword soul / sword boundary / ghost boundary, except its on wings. when activated, the wings are surrounded by a glowing light purple aura, and a circle will form around the allies and its enemies. a boundary that increases the strength and intelligence of the allies inside it. the buff only lasts for 10 seconds with a 20 seconds cooldown.

01 runi originally wanted to make a username using her family name, because she didn't exactly have any ideas and thought that moon something would sound cool. she then happens to remember that her favourite piano piece also has moon in it. she goes by looney online, a terrible but fit choice because her online alias matches the way she games.
02 her avatar is a bit similar to herself. youthful face with raven hair that flows past her shoulders, the edges fading into a shiny silver. her hair is tied halfway using a gold ribbon. her eyes are sparkling black, with a pale complexion. similar to a vampire. as for clothes, runi's avatar uses some sort of tunic dress and pants, with boots for shoes, all black in colour. she uses a belt to keep her outfit together and more tidier. her belt also happens to be a storage or place where she keeps her medicines and weapons. her overall clothes, including shoes, are adorned with some chains and buckles. runi also uses a metal vest, similar to a knight but more simple in design, as protection. lastly, to complete off the look, a two layered black cloak with a hood. the first layer reaches down to her knees, and the second layer stops at her elbows. the cloak has red embellishments around the edges, and is held together with a red ribbon tied at the front. when runi is fighting, she usually puts her hood and face mask up, with her eyes being the only facial feature visible to the enemy's eyes. shinha once joked that runi's avatar looks like a pretty beggar.
03 currently in level 23, trying to pass the level with no success. yet she still tries her best, eventhough she loses and plays so horribly one might consider her shameless.
04 tbh runi wants to change classes every single time, due to not being able to find a class that she's good at. before she reached level 20, she tried all subclasses and even wrote down each subclass' strength and weakness in her school notes. she was quite conflicted, and when she reached level 20 she still haven't chosen a class yet. one day god finally answered her prayers. runi noticed that she's not too fond of fighting and prefers to stay out and help,which is similar to what a healer does. she's currently a healer, but will probably change classes again.
05 her online alias, when repeated several times, sounds similar to her name. 
06 the type of no chill gamer and panicks all the time. like if she's about to face the boss and she doesn't know what to do, runs 1234 miles per second ( "oh gosh what to do help me!" "i can't do this i can't do this!! i demand you to take me back!" "just kill me already - nO WAIT DON'T KILL ME SPARE ME I BEG YOU"  "what to do what to do - asdfghjkl" "why does my character move like that?!?!?!" "i'll pay anyone who can be my saviour and shield me away from danger" etc ) its quite annoying but funny at times, and can disturb other players.
runi originally did not know of glory's existence. she only knew recently due to some of her classmates, who seems to keep playing the said game at class. curiosity got the best of her and runi wanted to try what her friends are playing. when she tried playing glory the first time and immediately got her friend's avatar killed, she felt taken aback, she tried playing again but failed. this leads to her classmates teasing and making fun of her, telling her that she should just stick to books and other nerd stuff, that glory wasn't her thing. runi felt challenged, so naturally she wants to be able to play glory as well. one day, when runi's visiting erena, she discovered that erena plays glory too, and that is where runi is formally introduced to glory by erena.
erena helped runi in playing glory ( more like runi practically begging erena to help her so she  doesn't look like a fool in front of her classmates ). the two sometimes hang out in sapinca ( erena's the one who told runi of sapinca's existence ) to play glory. runi had no experience whatsoever in the gaming world.
in short, runi played glory because her classmates and runi wanted to prove to them that she can also do it. she wanted to stop playing glory when she got the hang of it, but its too late cause runi is now hooked to glory!!
SCENE SUGGESTIONS im brainfried but ok
- one of her classmates challenged her to a match ??? and maybe one of the top players from sapinca helped her train so she can beat the classmate. in the end she lost anyways but resolved her problems with this classmate/s so its all gud
- techie runi to the rescue!! aka fixing computers or power outage
- runi treating the whole sapinca crew on her bday
- runi messing around with sapinca's sound system and "accidentally"  (read: on purpose) blasting twice songs
- a sapinca staff discovered runi's phone lying around somewhere and accidentallly clicks the home button revealing runi's lockscreen. the sapinca staff then hands runi back her phone, casually asking her is she likes twice. runi then went immobile, hotly declining that she doesn't even know twice ( runi then proceeds to buy a new phone to cover her other phone since its an obvious evident that shes a once )
- sapinca staff exposing that runi is a lowkey hardcore once
COMMENTS  i have no knowledge of glory whatsoever so if this made up class i made is wrong on so many levels, feel free to push me off a cliff. i stole references from  game pedias, wikis, internet, movies or animes bcs i have 0% originality rip (help me idk game terms and im not creative enough to make one!! T^T)and fun fact : i listened to twice songs on repeat while making this app :"D


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