Stolen Q

Taken from kpop-Jungshook! I'm boring right now. So I'm doing this.


1. What's your lucky number?

Lucky number? I don't think I've it but I like 24. Urmm I don't know.


2. What shoe size are you?

12 1/2!


3. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Like 5 but I only wear 2 of them because I'm too lazy to take them from the cabinet. 


4. Do you want children?

Sure. I really love kids. 


5. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?

No. Thank Goodness. 


6. Have you ever been skinny dipping?

Never. And no. I don't think I want to do it. 


7. What position do you usually sleep in?

I don't know. I like to toss around on the bed until I fell asleep. 


8. What do you typically have for breakfast?

'Nasi Lemak'?


9. Have you ever fired a gun?



​​​​​​10. Have you ever tried archery?

No. But I want to try it when I still in school but I didn't get the chance. Poor me. 


11. Favorite clean word?



12. Favorite swear word?

Just ! 


13. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?

Well when my insomnia hits me. Two days. 


14. Do you have any scars?

Quite a lot actually. I even have it on my face. 


15. Have you ever had a secret admirer?

I don't know. 


16. Are you a good liar?

No or maybe yes. Don't know. 


17. Are you a good judge of character?



18. Do you have a strong accent?

No I don't have it. 


19. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?

My jeans. But I like cheap and simple. 


20. Left or right-handed?



21. Are you scared of spiders?

If they're big. Yes! 


22. Are you a clean or messy person?

I think I'm both of it. I'm a clean person but sometimes I like to make a mess. Lol


23. Most used phrase?

"Oh God. Help me."


24. Most used word?



25. Do you talk to yourself?

Yes, sometimes and when my father saw it. He told me just don't smile alone if there's nobody around. They might think I'm crazy person. 


26. Do you sing to yourself?

I'm always singing outloud, and my best friend will laughed at me if she heard me. *sigh* am I really that bad? 


27. Are you a good singer?

I don't think so. 


28. Biggest Fear?

Blood and I couldn't handle myself when I saw them. 


29. Do you like long or short hair?

I love both. Well, I've tried both. Haha. Now, my hair is short. 


30. Can you name all 50 states of America?

Yes but do I have to? It will be a long list, I think. 


31. Extrovert or Introvert?

I'm more extroverted but I have introverted moments, like I don't mind being by myself and keeping to myself. 


32. Are you ticklish?



33. Have you ever drank underage?

No. I don't drink. 


34. How fast can you run?

I don't remember and it's been a long time now. 


35. What are you allergic to?

Seafood. But I can eat fish. Lol. 


36. What do your parents do?

They are both retired. 


37. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?

Well, I have actually. Like Myra and Noah. 


38. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child?

I don't mind but I want at least one boy and one girl. 


39. What's an interesting fact about your family?

I can't think about it right now. 


40. Name three things that you love.

Manga, Food & Book. 



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