Questions Questions Questions~

Taken from Kpop-Jungshook!

1. What's your lucky number?

7 even though that is very basic


2. What shoe size are you?

8 1/2!


3. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

like 7-10 but i really only wear 3 of them lol


4. Do you want children?



5. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?



6. Have you ever been skinny dipping?

Nahhh not my thing


7. What position do you usually sleep in?

I have to fall asleep on my stomach, but then i toss n turn through out the night


8. What do you typically have for breakfast?

I dont eat breakfast. TBH I don't eat too often in the day (which is something i'm working on)


9. Have you ever fired a gun?

Nope but I am going to a Gun Range with my Dad (He's a veteran) for my bday!


​​​​​​10. Have you ever tried archery?

No but I'm sure it's interesting!


11. Favorite clean word?

I don't have one lol


12. Favorite swear word?

! lol I just makes any joke funnier to me


13. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep?

Well when my insomnia hits it ranges. But the longest had been 5 days


14. Do you have any scars?

Quite a lot actually. Not just from being a rowdy child but I also have a severe skin condition so cuts and scars are nothing new for me


15. Have you ever had a secret admirer?

Not that I know of


16. Are you a good liar?

I laugh when I lie, I laugh when I tell the truth so you tell me loll


17. Are you a good judge of character?

I am actually!


18. Do you have a strong accent?

Well I have a mix of a Country (I lived in Oklahomah & Texas) and a Northeastern (Living in New Jersey/NewYork) accent. Like they'll both come out in one sentence my friends find it hilarious.


19. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?

UGG Boots. I like cheap and simple


20. Left or right-handed?



21. Are you scared of spiders?

Helllllll yeah


22. Are you a clean or messy person?

I'm a clean person. just on my off weeks i tend to be a little untidy


23. Most used phrase?

"Oh my God" and "What-- The ?" 


24. Most used word?

I don't even know this one lmao


25. Do you talk to yourself?



26. Do you sing to yourself?

I'm always singing outloud, ask all my family members and some of my friends


27. Are you a good singer?

All my family says I am, and I sang in choir when i was in church (My pastor was persistent with getting me to sing) so I guess yeah??


28. Biggest Fear?

I have a few fears (Needles, Heights, Bugs) but my biggest fear is being alone in the dark but there's reasons for that but I'm not gonna explain that, it's a long story


29. Do you like long or short hair?

I love both!!


30. Can you name all 50 states of America?

Yeah but that's a lot to ing type right now lmao


31. Extrovert or Introvert?

I'm more extroverted but I have introverted moments, like I don't mind being by myself and keeping to myself


32. Are you ticklish?

Hell yeah lmao


33. Have you ever drank underage?

I'm Puerto Rican.... so yeah at family parties 


34. How fast can you run?

If I remember correctly I think my fastest time to run a mile was 6-7 minutes


35. What are you allergic to?

Okay here's too the long list:

Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Coconut, Sesame, Shellfish, Grass Grass and more Grass


36. What do your parents do?

They are both retired veterans. I'm a literal Army Brat :D


37. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?

I have actually! Avery and Dean


38. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child?

I want at least one boy and one girl, so two kids. If my first two end up being the same Gender, I gotta try for the third one lmao.


39. What's an interesting fact about your family?

Uhhhh idkkkkk lol


40. Name three things that you love.

Kpop, Art, and anyone who is close to me :)


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