100%███████▒▒▒ King // buffer's Leader




buffer's Leader

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FULL NAME: Wang Jin // 왕 진
OTHER NAME: Jung Jin // 정 진 // Jung used to be Jin's new family name after his mother remarried, but he later changed his name back to Wang Jin
King // 킹/왕 // When you translate Wang into English you get King. Many younger trainees called him the king of BigHit trainees due to him traiing the longest
Big Man // 빅맨 // Another nickname that was earned for training the longest by the trainees. Also, BangPD likes to call him this because he's the eldest trainee now. So... he's the Big Man of BigHit
Sculpture // 조각 // What's Jin is mostly known for, after his long training period is that he has great facial symmetry
Father (of you play that "Fear" by Mino that would be great // 아버지 //  Jin is considered the BigMan of BigHit and he's also considered a father as well. Because he looks after his younglings and constantly checking up on them.
BIRTHDATE: 11.08.1992 (25)
ETHNICITY & NATIONALITY: Full Grown and Full Pledged Korean
Korean // 한국어 // He's a native to the language
Japanese // 일본어 // Jin had to mandatory learn Japanese from being under BigHit and is advanced in the language
English // 영어  // Jin is currently studying ENglish on his own time, but he gets help with English speaking members and friends (ex. BTS's Rap Monster). He is currently conversational in the language


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HEIGHT & WEIGHT: 178cm, 58kg

APPEARENCE & LOOKS: Where to start? Is a total heartthrob. He is a full Korean that has a tanner complexion than the "standard idol" whice can also become darker depending what colour he dyed his hair. Also, s praised his facial features for being so symmetrical that it looked like as if a artist scultped his face. Jin would usually deny the compliments given to him, but he does have to admit that he is proud of his sharp cheekbones and jawline.

Despite being on the lighter side, Jin is actually quite built. He doesn't weightlift, but he does a lot of cardio, including dancig. So there's visible lines that highlights his muscles whether it be on his legs and/or his arms

FASHION & STYLE: Jin is not a fashionista, but he's also not someone who doesn't put effort into his appearence. Overall, Jin likes to dress presentable, but is not trying to be the next fashion icon. 

Related image Casual : Jin has always been someone who perfers being comfortable in their clothes than trying to turn a public sidewalk into his own fashion show runway.
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Image result for taemin airport fashion Image result for taemin airport fashion Image result for taemin airport fashion Image result for taemin airport fashion
Related image Training : Again, Jin just puts on clothes that he can easily move in. He doesn't think fashion mixes in well when it comes to his training attire, so style is an important factor
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Related image Formal : This is when Jin starts giving a f*** about his appearence. But of course, the stylist would normally take care of his attire the most, but Jin would speak out if he doesn't like it. However, it's pretty hard for Jin to look bad in anything so...

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+ : Altruistic, Nurturing, Sedulous, Charismatic, Passionate
- : Vulnerable, Hesitant, Depressed, Humble, Oblivious


To start off on the good side of his personality. Is that, Jin has always been altruistic towards the people he was close with. Also when he became a big brother, it could only that his altruism would only get a bit bigger. He always what was best for others, ecspecially his siblings. From the perspective of a big brother, he thought that thinking about what's best for them is a duty of the title. Also as a big brother, he learned about being a lot more nuturing to others before himself. Because his mom worked long hours, he was considered a part-time mother to his siblings. He always takes care of their needs, and kept reminding them to work hard, and don't overwork themselves. It was only out of habit when he goes to school and hangout with his friends, that he would nag at them like a mother. An example is when they're eating their lunch, and not be stereotypical, but when the boys eat like a beast (Bars), Jin has always somehow got extra napkins with him, and give to them, and when they complain about it, he would be the one to wipe their faces. That as much as nuturing could get for Jin. But also at times, when his friends and loved ones, seem to be in the rough of lifes, he was there to spare a shoulder, and good t-shirt for them to lean and cry on and to listen to their problems. When they want to just give up or just quit at something simple as not wanting to do a math test because they think they're gonna fail, or something big like giving up on their dreams to become something of themselves, he was there to wipe their tears, give them a pat on their back, and maybe an occasional hug and the words, "Just get up and try." to always raise their spirits back up.

What makes Jin, Ji is that he's someone who's shows a lot of dedication to his sedulous attitude with what he's doing to a consistency of 100%. He takes time to build and perfect his skills. Whether it's just studying in school or perfecting rapping or dancing. Also, the amount of time that he takes to show who he is onstage, shows how passionate he was about the hours, he spent perfecting his part, or his solo. Plus, whether he's on or off the stage, he has a strength of character with his presence with his charismatic side of him. Whether he's just standing in front of you, in the heat of the challenge, in his eyes you can see that whatever you're going to throw at him, he's ready. Plus, his stage presence is not a joke. When he's onstage, there's that something that he kept inside of him for so long, that just breaks free when the music starts to play, and it's just him. That's what makes Jin, Jin.


Now onto the bad side. Despite showing the passion and dedication with the opportunity that he has been given, it lives him to be a bit hesitant with what he's doing. Because, he never really set up his life to be in front of a camera and he hasn't been dancing for a long time, and he doesn't have any training with singing or rapping, it kind of leads him to a point where he questions what he's doing here. That also leads to his vulnerable side. It's kind of an uncommon scene for others to notice him when he's down because he has more intent to take care of others more than himself. Because, he has been practising day by day ever since he was 18 and watching the people he trained with for so long, debut without him, he gets tired. Jin has been in this system for awhile, it's only natural for him to become a perfectionist. He just wants everything to be perfect for his team and for himself. Which can slow the team down because he has a tendency to start over when he or someone else makes a mistake. Also, many of his loved ones try to take care of him, despite his constant pleas for them to not worried, because there was a time where Jin was in a dark place called depression. But when he finally accepted the help from the people who want him to get better, he started to look up again. But depression is like a shadow that just follows you around and could never fully disappear. When he's in that state, he tends to shut himself out which creates a few communication problems with the people around him, but he tries his hardest to not lead himself back to his dark state.

You know the saying, "It's hard to be humble"? Well for Jin, it's kind of a reflex. Despite showing his loved ones how important they are, he (and not to sound a bit dark) never really gave himself enough credit, but he had never had a problem giving the credit to someone else. He has always ben humble. Y'know, some people may take advantage of him because of Jin himself never taking any credit for himself, in which sometimes he might deserve some of it. Even a smidge of it. Also, some of the boys on the show gets annoyed by Jin annoyed by, is that Jin has always been oblivious to his skills. Because he has always been blind when it comes to realizing the skills that he possesses. The boys get annoyed because, if he doesn't believe/sees the reason why he's there, then where was even here in the first place?



Who Am I? : Wang Jin was born on November 8th, 1992 in Busan as the eldest child of a younger sister. However Jin's parents had gotten a divorce when he was 12 years old (2004). His mother won custody of the both of them and moved to Seoul, South Korea. Jin never held any resentment towards his parents departing from each other because they seemed to be better a part. During that time, Jin didn't have anyone to turn to. His parents were working on the papers and he was too busy comforting his little sister about the situation. So who is he supposed to turn to? That's when Jin took up the ol' pen and paper and took up poetry and was inspired when he saw a rap battle. He was entranced by how the lyrics seemed to co-relte with their feelings and you can say that he was inspired by them and he started to write and rap himself.

After a month living in Busan and being settled Mama Wang (fc: Park Misun) got her dating game on and in 2009, she got remarried to a man named Jung Hyungsook.(fc: Lee Bongwon) Then 9 months after Jin and Lyn (his sister) was introduced to the newest and youngest position of the Jung family. You can say that Jin enjoyed the change of being dragged to the mall for shopping with his sister and teaching hishis little brother how to write poetry.

Music in Me : Jin can be described as a little abnormal when he looks back into his high school days because he used to love going to school. The reason why he was "a little bit abnormal" is because his favourite subject was music. Even when he wasn't in the music room he spent time in the computer and even though he knows that he should be writing some important essay, but he would always have a open tab availible of a beat making software. Soon he found himself performing at various talent shows and he admits that it felt weird to be the center of attention for once and soon he found himself standing in front of a spiffy looking guy who calimed that he was a represenative of a company called BigHit Entertainment.

Jin was very hesitant about going forward with an audition, however Lyn was all for it. Not because she thought it would be cool to have an idol as a brother, but she genuinely supported his brothers love for music. Because Jin is basically a ring wrapped around his finger. He auditioned and at the ripe age of 18 he became a trainee.

Legend of The BigMan : Jin started his training career right after his high school graduation at the age of 18. Of course, like anyone on their first day, he was completely lost. However, he didn't want the nerves to get to him and immediatley immersed himself into training to his fullest.

Even if becoming an idol wasn't his dream at first, he soon found himself becoming more passionate and ambitious about it.

If anything Jin waited long for his opportunity to debut. He's ready to share his own group's music with others wuth songs that they can all realte to.


Related imageRapping : Well Jin's first love for music started from litening to rap. He enjoys trying new styles and playing around with the flow, rhythm and speed
Related image Hotteok : Ever since Jin was a young boy he preffered the sweet maple syrup filled pancake over any sweets. He just loves it and will admit that he may have a problem
Related image Strawberry Milk : So what if it's artificially flavoured? Jin describes strawberry milk as his childhood friend because he has been drinking it since he was a little boy
Related image Poems : You can just imagine Jin at a library or at a park reading William Shakespeare sonnets and enjoys analyzing it and understanding them to the deepest depths
Related imageSHINee // Jin looks up to SHINee sunbaes the most. He wants Buffer wants to have a long longevity like them, with no member changes and/or members leaving
Related image Show Me The Money : Yes, Jin enjoys watching Sho Me The Money. He finds it exciting to pinpoint who's going to the next winner
Related imageTaking care of the members : He's the leader. He doesn't do because he's assigned the position, but because he finds them like younger brothers. He just wants to take care of them from the freedom of his heart
Related image Tattoos : Jin is one of those guys who thinks that tattoos looks cool. He has a couple however he thinks he's going to find himself to get some more to the point he might look like Jay Park
Related imagePractising : Jin has been training for so long. Some people get tired and takes breaks. Jin is the person who finds the sweat dripping down his body fufilling because he knows that he's working his hardest

Related image Not being a good leader : Being a leader of any group/team comes with a lot of weight carried on his shoulder. He feels if Buffer fails and doesn't meet others expectations he'll feel a great amount of pressure
Related image Lazy people : Jin has been someone who wants people to get going. He's the seet and caring dad figure to the group outside the practice room, but he sheds that image once it's go time.Trust me, he gives a heck of a good scholding
Related image Being weak infront of others : He doesn't want to burden anyone else with his problems. He thinks that their concerns are more important than his own
Related imageSummer : Shocker! Jin is the guy who prefers the cool breeze among the autum leaves blowing across the street. (Don't you think he'll do well t a cafe aesthetic photoshoot?)
Related imageNaemyeon : Jin is a firm beliver that noodles are supposed to eaten hot and not cold with ice? There's other ways to cool down in summer other than eating icey noodles
Related image People attacking his siblings : Sometimes Lyn encounters  Jin's fans who calim that she's not pretty as her brother. However, Jin belives in no war, but he wll start when you're trying to get some beef with his sisters
Related imageDrama : He doesn't like dramas on TV and he hates it even more when it's reality. He's the peacemaker of the group and the leader, who is supposed to defuse nay type of arguments that are going on amongst the group

Related imageCooking : Belive in Appa Jin because he got you for breakfast, lunch, dinner and when he's in a good mood he'll even make desserts. He learned from a young how to cook for his siblings when he wanted a snack
Related image Producing Music // Whether it be accoustic or just by pure beats from the computer, Jin wants to do it all. He wants to have self-produce his own tracks. Not even for himself, even for others he just likes to share his music with anyone who's willing to listen to it
Related imageStudying : Desptie finishing high school and graduated from college, you'd think he'd be done studying? In fact, Jin has informedhis fans that studying helps him calm down. He wants to keep learning how to improve himself
Related imageWriting : Jin loves writing whether it be poetry or storytelling. He's not as great as the lyrcist, but because he's a rapper he knows what flow and rhythm would go well for the bet being used
Related imageWorking Out : Again, Jin is a man who wants to live a good lifestyle and working out is a part of his process.

Related imageStarfish : Jin had this habit ever since he was a wee boy. As soon as his body hits his bed, he automatically assumes the starfish position with his body faced upwards and sleeps like that. Without moving. At all.
Related imageTucking in s to sleep : Jin is the last member to return to the dorm. After he's done with his morning routine and before he gone to bed he checks up on the others. If they're not properly in bed (like limbds are everywhere) he properly places them in bed and would pull up the sheets to keep them warm or pull the sheets down to keep them cool (depending on the season)
Related imageShopping for others : If there's any member who likes shopping, Jin would usually come along. However he wouldn't be shopping for himself. He has the habit of looking around the stores and wondering how one of s or his siblings will like a new pair of shos for example. In the end, he leaves the store a bag full of gifts for his family and/or members

Related imageOnly One ; Jin's ideal type will always be the one and only BoA. He thinks that she's only getting more beautiful as she ages. He was crushed when he heard that BoA is in a relationship. But as a good fanboy he can only wish her happiness and success
Related image Ideal Type : If Jin were to describe his ideal type he'd said that she would just have to be polite and looks doesn't matter to him
Related imageOne, two, three, drink : Jin is not someone who would drink alcohol on his own will, but if he's offered he won't turn it down. Also, he's a weak drinker so like after the 3rd can he is out if it
Related imagePop on the TV : Jin wants to appear on a lot of variety shows to get his group name out. Such as Weekly Idol, Running Man, Master Key, etc
Related image Yes, I still sleep with stuff animal : Jin still sleeps with stuffed animals. But there's a cute reason behind it, I promise. Jin sleeps with one of Lyn's old teddy bears and one of Won's stuffed elephant
Related image Brothers From Other MothersJin is very close to the BTS members and they practically think of each other as a brother
Related image I'm A Big Kid Now : Jin graduated from School of Performing Arts Seoul (SOPA) and he recently graduated from Taekyung University in applied music
Related imageCaramel Macchiato : Jin favourite drink is a cool, iced caramel macchiato. A perfect drink for a perfect day of autum. Also the ombre from the caramel syrup is literally #hairgoals
Related imageBreathe Man, Breathe! : Jin has a unique laugh. In which, instead of bursting out in laughter, he has one of those breathless smile. His face also has a habit of turning red when he laughs so people think that he's running out of breathe
Related imageWildstyle : Jin always loves to go into a rap battle whether it be friendly or a full on competition. He likes putting himself on the spot and seeing what comes from his mind out his mouth
Related imageCity of Stars : One of Jin's dreams as being part of Buffer is that he wants them to record a album in Los Angeles. Like what BTS did in American Hustle
Related imageAn Idol's Idols : Jin looks up to many producers. Korean rappers : Tablo, Jinusean, Verbal Jint and Dean // American producers : Warren G, Jay-Z, Drake and Chance the Rapper
Related image If I Wasn't Here Today : Jin said that if he hadn't become an idol, he would probably gone to Teacher's College and become an English Teacher
Related image Family Man : Jin has always been a family man. If he can, he would like to settle down when he's in his mid-30's and start his own family
Related image Married to The Music : This may contridict with the statement above, but Jin wants to focus on his career now. If he finds himself being interested in the more maternal lifestyle after their contract is up he may just change his dreams. For now, he's focused on the music and the group
Related imageOld School : Jin is more of a fan of the old school hihp-hop style. He appreciates what new music is coming from hip-hop music nowadays. But nothing brings the nostalgia like the basic (0's beat
Related image I Miss You : Jin misses his family dearly, so he tries to video chat with them as much as he can when he's availible
Related imageSpice is Life : Jin loves spicy food. The Buffer members are baffeled at Jin's capability of not sweating buckets after eating a pepper. They think that he's a taste disorder
Related image#JDHACK : Jin has a personal talent and that is that he can DJ/remix songs with his mouth and his phone. He said he learned how to do it by having his phone to his mouth when he was speaking to Lyn over the speaker phone
Related imageCall Me! : Jin wants to work with various artists. Such as Lee Hi, Kim Taeyeon, Zico, AOMG members, etc.
Related image My Playlist is Like The World Map : Jin has a variety of songs on his playlist and consists of different genres. From hip-hop to pop, Classic rock to Classical music, Accoustic to EDM. He doesn't stick to one genre and likes discovering new sounds that he can use in tracks
Related imageWho Are You? : Jin introduction for himself is, "Bow down to the King *in English* Annyeonghaseyo, Buffer's only leader, King-ibniba!"
Related imageChange My Name : Jin's name was originally Wang Jin, but he later had to change it to Jung Jin after his mother remarried. When he was before his debut in Buffer he legally reinstated his family name as a Wang. He changed it because the name carries memories and despite his father not being in the picture anymore he wants to show him publicly that he's still a Wang (cue the aw's)
Related imageBe Natural : Jin never liked formalities being used on him. So whenever he would train with others he would want them to speak naturally. Because it gets rid of the awkward and intesne atomsphere a little bit and makes the aura more comfortable for everyone


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His Princess Image result for crown png transparent  - Wang Lyn  - 19 - sassy, supportive, sensitive, bubbly - Jin and Lyn were born 6 years a part however, they never felt the between them. It's kind of a downer that their parents divorce from each other was the start of their unbreakable bond with each other. Jin was Lyn's rock throughout the whole process. Jin loves to spoil her with gifts and some tickets to music shows for her and her friends (she's not complaining). He absolutely loves making her smile. Unlike majority of siblings, they rarely fight, and they bicker on little things, but it never gets too serious. Despite her loves for her idols, she doesn't aspire to become one. However, Lyn wants to become a TV producer. Lyn gets upset sometimes when Jin can't call her daily, but she understands that he's busy now. Lyn is her brother's biggest and #1 fan. And if anyone gets in her way... it was knowing ya

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Literal Baby Brother Image result for crown png transparent - Wang Won - 4 - sensitive, bubbly, hyper, affectionate - Jin was still a trainee when Won was born, so they didn't have much interaction in the past. Jin tries to visit home as much as he can when he's free so he can build a strong relationship with his much older brother (a whooping 21 year ). Won is aware that Jin is his older brother and loves him, but he does wish that he was there with him. Jin always makes up for lost time whenever he comes back home to play with Won. Also when the sad time when Buffer may crash (did you get it?) he hopes that when Won grows up he'll know how cool of a brother he has

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BFF - Kim Namjoon - 23 - Brother from another type of feel(?) - Jin and Namjoon go way back in the early days before BTS. Jin and Namjoon were one of the OG line-up members of the group and were the OG of friends. They would laugh, sweat, cry together during their training period. They never once spoke formally with each other, the only time they did was when they first met each other. They both share the same love for music and producing. The best part about their trainee lives were that whenever they trained together it didn't felt like work, but it felt like they're were just two guys hanging out. You can say Namjoon was crushed when Jin didn't make it to the final cut of BTS, but RapMon has dropped his name in BTS's special thanks section in their albums.

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1st/Ex-Wifey - Kim Seokjin - 24 - The cute mom that always tries to act "hip", but ends up being kind of cringey, but still cute - Seokjin and Jin get close for being the same age. You can say that Seokjin was Jin's first wife and was for Seokjin, Jin was his first husband. They bonded over their lame dad jokes and argued about who's more handsome, but Jin would give up majority of the time because as we all know Jin's the "underrated" (who the Hell calls him underrated know? He be pulling lyrics along with your wigs) member of BTS and Jin just gave him a confidence boost to keep his head high. They considered themselves "divorced" but will always be close friends

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2nd Wifey - Shin Hayoon - 20 - The other half an old married couple - Like other trainees in BigHit they came after Jin entering the company. You can say that Hayoon would be a bit of a hanfdul due to his sarcastic nature and anger, however Jin would be the first one to calm him down. They didn't get along at first because Jin didn't like his irascibale tendencies and Hayoon didn't like Jin's serious aura, however Jin once heard him be scolded when he messed up the dance routine when they were training together once. Jin stepped up to the plate and took the blame saying that it was his fault as the leader that he didn't do his position as leader well. Hayoon soon started to see some sort of resemblence between them for their selfless nature and they got close. Close to the point you can say they're like an old couple. Despite all the bickering, they still comeback to one another.

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Father Figure - Bang Sihyuk aka BangPD - 45 - A father that Jin never had - Let's just say that BangPD saw the beautiful transformation of Jin from being the promising 18 year-old trainee to the humble man in his 20's. You can say that during Jin's 7 year journey of training that BangPD had a soft spot for him. He always had his eye on him and always say that he can improve more and more each day. He felt sad about pulling Jin out of the BTS line-up, but he felt that Jin should be put in somewhere in a group where he won't be overshadowed by other strong rappers. 

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STATUS: Lowkey Seeing Each Other
PERSONALITY: Good Points: She is known for her dorky personality, which entails strange laughing, and overall funny faces and gestures. People love that she is willing to through aside her image for a little fun and laughter, she can laugh like an old woman, show care for her fellow members, and even show off a side of her that deals with her . However as we all know, Taeyeon is a woman and she is pretty nuturing from looking after 8 girls (OTP9) for her whole career in Kpop. So you can say that she's pretty nuturing to her juniors. She has that maternal feel to her, don't you think?
Bad Points: While she has a fun personality there is also a dark side to that coin. Taeyeon sometimes will let her emotions get the best of her, which causes her to either say or do things that would appear weird. She (because she was upset) made a racial comment on air, she will lets her mood become apparent despite where or when people are looking. On an American interview she looked bored and didn’t pay attention to the speak. When she claimed she was sick and could perform onstage for an event, fans saw her back stage moving about. She is known to give members that cold shoulder at times. All of these things people say they don't like about her.

FIRST MEETING: Jin's wish for working with one of the most prominent K-pop figure the one, the only Kim Taeyeon. You can say that he was so excited and anxious to work with her. Jin listend to Taeyeon's previous work and found her style of music. He was trying to keep his cool, but as soon as he met THE Kim Taeyeon in person he was (jung)shook. The queen of OST's was right in front of her. Jin never had a girlfriend before, heck he never really had room for crushes or even romance, yet he felt his heart beating. Taeyeon actually kept on eye on him from his debut on Buffer and the previous works that he has done with BTS, you can say that she was more than interested working with him...

Let's Get To Know Each Other : After Jin worked with Taeyeon for the first time, the single became a hit on the charts. Jin thought that, that was a once in a moment in a lifetime, but he was proven wrong when he heard that Taeyeon wanted to work with him again, this time for her upcoming album.Of course he agreed to it. They met again at the studio and because they were going to see each other a lot Taeyeon thought it would be appropriate to get to know each other. During the time they were in the studio they bonded over some beer.

Cool Sunbae : A couple of months passed, let's 5 months and Jin was still a rookie in the idol industry and Taeyeon is a veteran in the industry so y'know she shared tips on how to be a good leader. Which helped Jin a lot because being a good leader. Jin was also comfortable enough to add that his main concern about being an idol is being the leader and setting a good example for s. Taeyeon just told him that the secret to being a good leader was to just talk to s and remember that he doesn't have to be as strong as he think he should be. 

Something More : Taeyeon and Jin built a strong connection with each other. Taeyeon saw Jin as a genuinely down-to-earth guy. She sound found herself more interested. And because Taeyeon is a straightforward woman she asks Jin out. Which Jin was pretty hesitant about because it wouldn't be good for Buffer who are still trying to appeal to the public and a dating scandal would not look good for them.

Taeyeon didn't really care if they got caught because she's been in SM long enough and she's a woman in her late 20's and it's normal for her to date. In Jin's case he's in his mid 20's however still a rookie. They came to an agreement that they would not officially date, but will just meet up with each other if forming a romantic relationship can come out of it.

ENDING: After finally confirming their feelings to be more romantic, they get caught by Dispatch. Taeyeon is fine with the pictures being out and confirming their relationship as a couple, however Jin is on the fence.

You can decide the rest! o_O

on stage

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STAGE NAME: King // 킹 : BangPD was debating to let Jin to debut between King or BigMan. He went with King because he thought it would stick out in a good way (he also forsaw the r-rated comments about BigMan)
PERSONA: Big King : Jin represents BigHit's most experienced and longest trained, trainee. So he's a big factor to the creation of Buffer. He's the Big King who reigns over s in Buffer
PLOTLINE (BACK-UP): Buffer's Leader (Buffer's Lyricist)

Related image vocal: Block B's Zico
Related image dance: Infinite's L
Related image rap: Block B's Zico
Related image variety: EXO's Suho

Related image vocal: iKon's Bobby
Related image dance: EXO's Baekhyun
Related image rap: NU'EST Jr

Related image vocal: EXO's Chanyeol
Related image dance: Astro's Eunwoo
Related image rap: Astro's Rocky
TRAINEE LIFE: The Legend of BigMan

As you read before, Jin was scouted by a BigHit represenative at one of his many talent shows that he had competed in. He was brought into the company at the golden age of 18. Of course, Jin was nervous about starting his trainee life, but he had soon opened himself up and was showing why he was there in the first place.

Jin was one of the trainees who trains so hard and would stay after studio hours to practice. Soon Jin started training for a weeks, months, a year and soon he was still in the practice room for 7 years. It was upsetting to see the friends that he grew close with and trained with go ahead before him. DId Jin find it unafir that he was trained at the same time as his friend (Namjoon), yes. But Jin didn't dwell on it. It just gave him more motivation to continue traning and work even harder.

Then Jin was welcomed with new trainees and they all heard the story of how Jin was one of the oldest and longest trained trainee there. Some trainees found it sad that he has been there for so long, but nothing ever happened to. Also because he's a man in his 20's and should be doing much more than being cooped in a studio. Other trainees found him a source of inspiration to keep going. Even their path seems unsure, just make sure  you use veryday carefully to make it count. Jin was also like father to them becaue he took care and gave them advice on how this whole trainee system works. (He also gives then know-hows on how to sneak in snacks in the dorms..) 

Related image Jin appeared as one of BTS's back-up dancer during their WINGS Tour
Related image Jin was credited as one of the producers for ten BTS tracks:
    Related image 2013 "Born Singer"
    Related image 2013 "N.O"
    Related image 2014 "Boy in Luv"
    Related image 2015 "I NEED U"
    Related image 2015 "Run"
    Related image 2016 "Save ME"
    Related image 2016 "Blood, Sweat & Tears"
    Related image 2016 "Spring Day"
    Related image 2017 "Go Go"

Rookie Idol King Dating SNSD's Kim Taeyeon? // Buffer's Leader King was spotted hanging out at Han River with Kim Taeyeon? The two have worked with each other in the past on Taeyeon's solo album. as this just a friendly meeting or a date between a senior and her junior


- If the Jin and Taeyeon scandal broke out to the public the members pull off an interogation against Jin to know everything about their relationship and maybe Jin saying, "Can't I be selfish for once?"
- Jin gets a suprise when Lyn and Won visit him a fansigning
- Jin reuniting with his father and apologizing for not contacting him since he left and oh, i'm gonna cry
- Jin and another member are on V Live and are reading comments from the fans. Jin reads "King is Daddy" since he doesn't understand Western slang he innocently answered, "I have a baby brother, but I don't have my own kids?"
- An intimate confession of Hayoon telling his leader he's gay?

COMMENTS: I hope I satisfied your criteria. Sorry for any mistakes that I made in here! I hope you liked Jin!

Debut Songs :
- SPEED "Don't Tease Me"
- Block B's "Jackpot", "Shall We Dance"

Fandom Names
- Reboot : With every comeback they have the fans reboot their energy to perform
- Refreshers : Constantly refreshing the page to help boost Buffer's popularity
- Stalkers? : This one is a stretch, but it goes well with it being 2017


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