I feel bad. :(

Ok, so I'm using my ipad right now, and I really feel bad. Feb. 3 was Kyuhyun's birthday and as I was making an edited thing for him, my stomach began to hurt. I had fever and that was because I had UTI. I saved my not-yet-done edited thing for Kyuhyun, hoping I could finish it. But I was brought to the hospital. So, today's Feb. 7 and I haven't done it cause : 1, School's tomorrow. 2, I need to make the script for our play. And I really feel bad because I didn't do anything on his bday. :((( ;A; ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On a side note, Happy Birthday, Kyu!!! <3 :)


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you can't help if you're not well and have busy life schedule atm :"(
geeez bro D": plus, kyu wouldn't want you to feel bad if he knows your situation is like this. don't worry ~ "D: gtofgkjnfcvkmn;glpv