Crazy me-- HELLO

So Hello Guys~ Recently I've found out about blogs and what it can do ._. I'm such a hermit

But anyway so here I am, Introducing myself to the world of AsianFanfics 

/Clap clap clap/



That was so awkward

 tumblr_om42h102Ea1tandono4_400.gif (268×300)

/ehem/ Anyway! 

Since I don't have much friends here to talk to me and ask for things about me, I'll just introduce myself!~ 


Name: Are you asking for my real name or username? I'm Penguinism, anyway 

Birthday: Jan. 12

Job: Couch potato

Only child or Has siblings(how many): I have 4 siblings, that make us 5

Hobbies: Writing, Listening to music, Reading fanfics and novels


Sport: Volleyball 

Food: Everything

Drink: Coffee

Day: Friday

Month: Ber Months

Singer/ Band:  E-X-O


Places: In front of my computer 

Fanfic: I love all as long as it's an EXO fanfic

Novel: I haven't finish HP series but so far this is my favorite

Author (FF or Novel writer): For Fanfictions, I love all!~ Imagine the efforts, yeah? For novels J.K Rowling, man, I wish I could go to Hogwarts

Also, in my wattpad account, my other friends send me this questions to answer

If you could buy any type of food, what would you buy? I'll buy anything. Period.

What color is your toothbrush? Pink

If you could be any animal what would it be and why? A cat. So I can whish my tail at people who deserves my iness

Who is your favorite superhero? Catwoman. Man, look at those heels. I love the whip too. NOT FOR UAL PURPOSES, PLEASE, OH GOD.

What is your favorite summer activity? Sleeping and eating icecream

If your life is a movie, what genre it is and who would play 'you' ? Comedy and someone who's a savage piece of

If you could be any icecream flavor, what would you be? I'm gonna be a lemon

If you could go anywhere in world, where would you wanted to be? In Exo's dorm, to see if they're still hiding the three idiots who left and if they are doing the choreo of 'playboy' in their bed with a bandmate.

Straight, or Yuri?  MADAFACKAS

One thing that annoys you the most? Uncleaned place

Dream job? Fashion designer or writer

Morning or Night person? A night person who survived in the morning with a cup of caffeine

Strangest thing that you've ever eaten? Spicy icecream

Favorite thing about someone in your family? My sisters' collection of books and stationery supplies

Weird quirks? Talking to animals and tend to daydream about two boys doing the thing. I fall asleep easily too

Describe yourself in three words. I'm a Fangirl

If you could trade lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why? Park Chanyeol coz I have the ability to Baekhyun and do Kyungsoo

If you could talk in your sleep what would you say? Something scary that I'll scare someone

What was the first thing you do in the morning? Open my eyes, duh

Favorite movie quote? "I'm surrounded by idiots"

Favorite joke? My jokes

What would you do on Mars for fun? I'll sleep..?

If you can get yourself anything, what whould it be? Chanbaek's tape

What's the worst place you could get stuck? A children's playground

Where would you go if you're invisible? Exo's dorm to watch a live show

What's one thing you own that you wish you didn't? Clumsiness

Describe the perfect kiss in 3 words. All is well

What's your biggest addiction? Caffeine and extremely boys who are gay for each other but say they are a 'manly' group


Welp, that's all, folks! Nice to meet you all and have a good day!~

dance dance dance


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My lord.. this is soooo hilarious! Lol
I'm afraid that you and I were have same opinion about the thing that you want to have, I'm also want those much >.<