Restarting the Karma quiz....sometime next year

For those of you who have been playing my quiz game for Karma points, will be happy to hear that I'm thinking of bringing back the Karma point quiz again. But, it won't be until sometime next year. When next year, I'm not sure. I have to come up with some questions. I might not use the same kind of questions that I had from last year. 

For those of you that don't know anything about it, here is the link:

Now, just so you know I don't have any of the questions/answers visible because I may/may not use the same questions, it depends on if I want to reuse them. But, if you're still interested in getting free Karma just by answering questions about me, my stories or anything else I throw out there, subscribe and be patient for when I bring it back next year.

Thanks to everyone who participated before, I was enjoying it so much. But, now I'm trying to decide on what questions to come up with for the quiz. 




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