Is This Normal?

So my mom have been asking me why am I studying so much ? Actually I was just trying to write what I feel? I have a book where I write my thoughts , phrase or anything that inspire me .. I would always bring it around. Sometimes when people are talking and I heard some words I'll just write it down... I think I might have spent alot of time doing it... I watch TV I will do the same if there's any word that catch my mind, when I hear to songs as well ... I will repeat the same song for alot of time . And now I also read scripts of plays and etc to find beautiful words and to learn and see how people actually potray their thoughts? I have 3 notebook that are filled with words and stuff...   I don't know what is it but it's just one way for me to release stress .. I just feel good doing it so I don't feel that it's too hard as it was compared to real studies if it makes any sense ...


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It's a very good habit sis...i mean you will get to learn a lot of things... Sometimes i do the same...
I do the same! Even during classes, I write random stuff down like my feelings, K-pop stuff, or about my day since I want to remember every and not forget any memories or the happy things that happened throughout my day. Or sometimes just let out some steam.
I do something like this too! I deal with a lot, so I keep a journal. I write it in like I'm having a one-sided conversation with someone, it eases me in a way that actually talking to someone doesn't; sometimes they're just random words, sometimes they're pages and pages of thoughts.
Greetings my friend!!!
I was happy to read this!!! I do this too!!! I love words and phrases, lyrics and thots or sights and dreams...anything like that I write down!!!

I have transferred everything to a spreadsheet (several)...its easier to sort...i use it all for reference

And its fun and very fulfilling for whatever reason too!!! =^___^= PJ