♡ Im Byul is the mother of Im Won.

Annyeongkitty. Kitkat. 8.5積読本.
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Im byul

"Even flowers must grow ftom dirt."
FULL NAME — Im, byul
• Byubyu + This was just a simple ickname that her friends used to call her by when she was in high school
• Red +  One of her many former suitors have called  her this name annd she sorta liked it when he called her that. Courtesy of her signature dark red lipstick she used to wear
• Gumiho + Because she worked at the bar and had some nice good looking suitors she took advantage of it. Which means she had affairs before which also means if the girls found out who their boyfriend's secret affair is they usually called her a gumiho
• Assistant Im + Despite working for her current company for over a year now, she is still treated as an assistant that is mostly there to get everyoe coffee. Her coworkers often look down on her and that's where the name came from
DOB + AGE — 26 October, 1991 (26)
BIRTHPLACE — Ilsan, Gyeonggi, SK
HOMETOWN — Ilsan, Gyenggi, SK
• Korean + She was born and raised in Korea so...
• English + She's trying to learn so that she might get more job opporunitites. She can read and write, but she has trouble her pronounciation
FACE CLAIM — After School's Nana
BACKUP — Wa$$up's Nari
Before Byul became a mother, she used to be carefree and a promiscuous look. She was rarely seen without make-up and it became a bit more dramatic when at night when she would go to work. She'd go all out with her eyeliner, mascara and was wearing her signature dark red lipstick on. Not to mention she rocked a nice shade of blonde hair back in her days.
Now that she is a mother she made some changes to herself. She dyed her hair back to black and she rarely puts on makeup unless it's just foundation. She also goes outside in public bareface now. Most of all, her crimson red lipstick is nowhere to be found. 
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 171cm & 49kg
(Former) Bartender: x, x, x, x, x 
Office: x, x, x, x, x
Casual: x, x, x, x, x
Home/Pajamas: x, x, x, x, x
Positives : Cheerful, perceptive, loving, hardworker
Neutrals :  honest, spontaneous
Negative : hot-tempered, sensitive, snarky, vulnerable
Well let's get ont thing straight. Before you can even physically meet Byul you would probably already hear her coming around the corner with her contagious laughter and cheerful attitude. She always displayed a smile on her face everyday and night. Also, because of her former job of being a bartender and a bit of a player she learned that her smile can get her some things in life. Also, Byul is a perceptive/quick-witted. Being a type AB in blood, Byul knows how to keep her cool under pressure. Some people give her a little credit due to her promiscuous past and overlook that Byul is a smart and hardworker. Byul started her current job like a deer in head lights. Sge didn't know what she was doing and it showed. Her co-workers obviously look down on her and treat her like a public assistant that people boss around. From getting coffee, being the office messenger and most of all doing their part of their work load. However, Byul remembers that she is no longer working her night job nor she is working for herself, but to also feed another mouth. Despite being pushed around, her cheerful and hardoworking attitude makes her keep going. She wants to prove to them that she is a worker and not some dumb girl that her pretty face got her a job. She'll work hard everyday to make sure that she will be climbing on top of the office anarchy. She also wants to be a mother her son will be proud of. Byul was never someone to keep a serious relationship. However, that all changed when she had her first son, Dawon. Dawon was the little bright light that shined in her dark world. She does dote o her son a lot and she's ot even ashamed tht she spoils him. Sometimes Byul runs late when it comes to picking up her son from daycare, but makes up for it with hugs and kisses. She wants the best for him and will work hard to afford the life that Dawon deserves.

Also, Byul has an honest mouth that ca't be tamed. It comes from her head to without any filter. Sometimes, she can be right for what she's saying. There was this one instance where she was in a meeting taking notes per-usual and pointed out that if they go through with their partnership that they will be getting the least amount of equity due to multiple partnership the dealer has already signed. They pushed her idea to the side and didn't listen to her, but after a year she as right when the company ended with an underwhelming amount of royalties they recieved. Byul is also a spontaneous woman. Always trying to spice up her life, but sometimes end up playing with fire. There has been a moment when she tried to call out a co-worker who tried to leave Byul with all her work and it would cost Byul an all-nighter to finish. However she was knocked down a notch when the co-worker mentioned that it was coming from a Gumiho who is used to staying all night with men. She couldn't deny the fact and was left to do a night of work. Byul being spontaneous can be compared to as a bet. It's either going to be her saving grace or her ticket to hell. Because she's honest she can hurt people with her words by saying something offense  or if Byul's in a good mood she will try her best to share the mood with others. An example is paying for a meal and/or opting to a stay-at-home grils night. It all depends on how she's feeling.
Now the dark side of Im Byul. Byul can be like a grenade. When not provoke, Byul can be one of the sweetest person you'll ever meet and wo't cause you no harm, if she is provoked she'll go all out. She also has experience fighting because of her frivolous lifestyle before becoming a mother she did have many run-ins with drunk people and also dealing with angry girlfriends so... yeah. However, Byul has been building her self-restraint so she wouldn't become the Byul that she used to be. Byul had some tough hardships in the past which makes her a lot more sensitive, despite her previous "prty girl" era in which she is trying to shake off. She can be sensitive when somebody would make a comment about her past. Her first instinct would be ignroe it, if it keeps going on she would lash and then lastly she would just find a spot to cry and pull herself together again. Byul also has a habit of holding grudges and she goes into her b**** mode in where she would just become snarky. She would talk back and would act all nonchalant about the issue and overall become childish. However, sometimes Byul can't help but to feel vulnerable with the that she had dealt with. (A/N I would explain it more, but I feel that you'd really understand it in her background).
• Byul was born as the middle child of her family out of an older sister and little brother, with her two parents. She was like the black sheep of the family where she would always rebeled against others. Her older sister was already in school, studying to become a laywer and her younger brother is acheiving high grades already and Byul has always been just there. She wasn't good at studying nor was she that great of a student. Byul has built a carefee attitude from a young age due to the lack of attention and not followig the rules. Which also means she was a frequent face seen at the principal's office. She would talk back to teachers, have fights with other students and, "just being a teen" as Byul would describe it. It gotten to a point where Byul parents had enough phone calls about their mischrvious daughter and decided to give her a lesson in life and when she graduated high school she was kicked out the house with nothing but a suitcase filled with her clothing.
She made it through 2 nights on the street, however she stumbled upon a club where she used to sneak out with her friends back in the day and luckily her parents didn't take away her wllet which had her fake ID. She enterted the bar with her suitcase and asked for her favourite - whiskey on the rocks, but on the top shelf. Byul has been around the bar for quite awhile and he knows that after 4th cup she already up dancing with people and getting her groove on with other guys. Soon, Byul was pulled away by the presumed club manager and was informed that they lost one of their bartenders and that Byul seems to know how to attract a crowd around her and offered her a position. However, Byul needed a place to stay if she was supposed to work there. The manager hesitantly made her a deal that she could stay in a spare room he owned upstairs as well that came along with the club that he bought. From there on, at age 19, Byul had began her new as a full-time bartender. Byul was a great bartender if you asked any regular cusstomer, great attitude and great drinks as well. Plus, Byul is the promiscuous girl and would flirt with numerous guys and yes, she had guys come up to her room and you know... do the do. Byul worked at a really flashy bar where at certain hours they would dance around the bar like this and that's where she would get the guy hooked and reeled into her charms. She was a young, wild ad free and was working hard and playing big time. Her parents tried to get a hold of her after she was gone for a month, but Byul was too busy with her party girl lifestyle she didn't answer them back and didn't care much.

However after working and living her ideal life for 3 years, Byul's lifestyle came to an abrupt stop when she missed her periods. Af the age of 24, Byul was pregnant. She couldn't go back to her parents because she felt like they would care because she never respnded back to their calls and never made an effort to do so. She doesn't even know who the father was because let's be honest, Byul can have many men stay over in a week. Once, Byul told her manager he sighed and told her the disappointing mode that she was fired due to a pregnant woman can never work in a bar. Byul tried to plead to her manager to let her stay to atleast be a home and to try to find people who could be the potential child of er unborn child. So, Byul found herself in back at square one on the street without a home. Soon she met a famililar face, Joo Dokgo, whom she met at one night in the club where she was dragged to by her friends and she looked estranged from the place. Byul saw the uncomfortable girl beig hit on by a drunk and told him off. She opened up a wine bottle and poured glass for her free of charge. Byul asked why someoe looking so posh come to a club like this one. Dokjoo replied that it was because she broke up with her first love and her friends thought she needed to let loose. Byul laughed and told her that she shouldn't come to a club if she wants to find love. They joked around with each other and got to chat over a bottle of wine. Lucky for Byul, Dokjoo remembered her face. Byul commented on the small apparent bump and asked Dokjoo knows anyways to rewind without drinking alcohol to which she agreed and suggested coming alongside her to eat at a nearby cafe. Byul revealed after almost immeditatley devouriing her sandwhich that she was pregnant and didn't know where to go and couldn't go back to her parents due to being scared telling them that she was pregnant with a child who she didn't even know the child father is. Dokjoo felt sorry for the girl because she was pregnant herself and in a similar situation, but she had a roof over herself. Dokjoo then offered to share space with her until she found a permanent home for herself.
Dokjoo and Byul went through the pregancy phases together. Dokjoo had Jooseok and Jooheon first and after two months, Byul had her baby, Won. Her one and only.

Currently after she was accepted into the Together program alongside with Dokjoo, Byul found a job and has been working for over two years now. Of course, Dokjoo helped Byul writing her resume with her supberb writig skills and Byul is always thankful for her. Each day Byul is trying to become a resposible parent and is doing everything she can to throw away her primiscuous past andmaking sure Won will never find out the person she was before. Also at the office, Byul works in the advertisng department for a magazine for her company and one person makes her life a living Hell because she was one of the girlfriend's of one of Byul's affairs when working at the club. You can say that, that person does enjoy seeinf Byul in a weaker position than her and wants to break her, but Byul is trying to hold herself back because she's thinking about that she doesn't want Won to have a bad person as her mother. Byul is trying to be the best person for Won to be proud of. She doesn't want to go back to the party girl lifestyle. Also, on her free time she's trying to find potential father's with her her former co-worker and trying to connect some dots because she does want Won to know who his father is.
• Close Friend - Joo Dokjoo (24) - Writer - dependable, selfess, haughty- Dokjoo and Byul are the closest friends among the together girls due to knowing each other beforehand. They also experienced the pregnacy phases together and their personalities are similar so they get along knowing what ticks them off and knowing if they're in a bad mood.
• Former Co-worker/best friend - Song Hyungwoo (31) - Boucer at Club High - flirty, playful, protective - Hyungwoo was one of the first people to work with Byul when she started working at the club. It's his in first nature to flirt with girls, but he didn't do it with Byul because she was younger than him. Instead he treated her as a little sister and when she was fired he told her that if she wanted he playfully suggested to be the father in which earned him a punch on his shoulder by Byul. Also, Hyungwoo is helping Byul finding out who Won's father is by trying to find tapes from security camera's near the bar and the stairs that lead to Byul's room.
•  Boss at Work - Son Eunha (25) - Cheif Editor of fashion magazine Whaack - snarky, cold, merciless - As soon as Byul walked into the room introducing herself as a new employee you best believe that Eunha recognized as the girl who had an affair with her now ex-boyfriend. She is determined to make Byul's life a living Hell at work as payback. Whenever Byul doesn't do something properly or she talks back to her, Eunha will threaten to expose Byul's party girl lifestyle to all of the office (Effin, female dog...)
• Mother and Father - Im Seok and Im Hyangsook (57) - Professors - stern, kind, cautious -• Byul and her parents weren't really close to begin with. However after a month after kicking her out they started to worry if their daughter is still okay. They tried calling but she never replies. They hope that one day Byul will comeback so they could apologize and see if she changed
• Hanging out with her girls of together
• Prefers desserts over actual savoury foods
• Drinking Yakult
• Dancing in her spare time
• American food more than Korean food
• Playing with Won and the other kids

• Being weak in front of people
• Son Eunha
• Eating her vegtables
• Changing Won's dirty diapers
• Hearing Won asking where his father is
• Whenever someone calls Byul a Gumiho

• Bites her lips when she's nervous
• Puffing her lips when she's board
• Was the third name to be randomly chosen in the together program
• Byul is practicing her cooking skills so that she can cook for Won one day
• Byul hasn't been drinking as often, but when she does she reaches for the whiskey
• Byul probably takes the longest showers out of all the girls
• Likes napping on the couch than her bed
• Allergic to shellfish
• Does silly dances to cheer up Won whenever she's upset
• Wants to learn English and Dokjoo helps with her
• Whenever she's in a good mood she would opt to order takeout food and oaying for everyone
• If she's in a bad mood she would just act non chalant
• In the together house she volunteers to do the cleaning in the house
• She found 3 potential father's but stull not sure who is the actual baby daddy
PLEASE, SIMPLY INTRODUCE YOURSELF. — Byul nervously sat down and let out a nice smile followed by a 90 degrees bow. Hello. Nice to meet you, I'm Im Byul. 
INTRODUCE YOUR BABY. — Won being the momma's boy that he is, he clung onto his mother's leg. Byul picked him up and Won just blankly stared at the lady asking his mom's questions. This is my Won and only. Byul introduced her child in English with a big smile on her face. He's only two years-old, but he already looks as handsome as the idols you see on music shows. His charming points are his sweet personality and his scret weapon is his panda pajamas. 
WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS? — Byul put her son down, who was now just walking around the area. I don't know about the mothers, but my goal is to find Won's father. Byul whispered so Won wouldn't hear her. I'm not proud of how I got myself into a situation that I don't know who is, but Won deserves to know and to have someone who wasn't as crazy as me back then. I hope he never finds out either. 
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A MOTHER, TO YOU? — Byul sighed. Puzzeled about how to answer a simple, yet difficult question. To be a better person than I was before I had him? I'm not the perfect person to be called a parent, but I still a mother. I wasn't in my best position when I had him and I clearly messed up because I don't even know who I shared this gift of life with. Byul couldn't help, but to get teary-eyed. A mother means to pick yourself everyday because a child is depending on you to be the best parent you could ever be than the wreckless person you were before.
THOUGHTS ON TOGETHER. — After Byul recollected herself, she calmly puts a smile on. I think this program is a great idea. Sometimes mother's have nowhere to go with no one to help them. This program is a blessing to mother's like us.
HOW DO YOU THINK YOU'LL BE WITH THE OTHER MOTHERS? I don't think there will be much drama in the house due to having the kids around. However, I can be a bit of a B-I-T-C-H at times when I'm P-I-S-S-E-D off. But I think I restraint myself enough these days that it won't happen. I hope the mother's take care of us well and can give me tips, because evern after 2 years, I'm still growing as a mom.
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BABY — Im, Won
BIRTHDATE — 4th of December, 2015 (2 years old)
BIRTHPLACE — Ilsan, Gyeonggi, South Korea
FACECLAIM — Lee Sian aka Daebakie
BACKUP — Ko Seungjae
• Won is literally obsessed with bears, but is more so attached to pandas
• Byul calls him, "her Won and only," and "Wonnie the Pooh"
• Has panda pajamas 
• Has a panda onsie that he always wants to wear
• He cannot sleep without his panda bear, Baekkie
• Won asks when his dad is coming home due to seeig families with their dad whenever Byul and him go out
• Likes to drink yakult like his mom
• Won's favourite word is, "Joh~~~~ta"
• Whenever he's bored he always just bust out into songs that he makes up. The words don't even rhyme. But it's okay because he's so adorable
• Doesn't like eating his vegatbles
• His favourite thing to drink is banana milk
• He already knows how to sing his alphabets
• Is currently trying to learn to be potty trained
• Won always asks his mom to read him a bed time story
• Has no idea of what his mom used to be and Byul is determined to keep it that way
• Prefers to go play outside than to stay at home
• Whenever Won is scared he always cries for his mom (ex. When Byul took him to daycare when none of the moms were availible to take care of him)
• His favourite food is rice
• He said that he wants to be known for being cool
• Has a crush on Petty from Pororo and friends
• He always wants to be Byul's won and only boy in her life
• Gets protective if Byul is taking care of another baby such as Jooseok and/or Jooheon
• Barely throws temper tantrum
• Really hopes that he gets to pet a panda bear one day
Won is usually a calm child who likes to keep to his own. However, it's pretty easy for him to get happy because he's easily pleased by anything and everything. He's a quiet kind soul and being one of the eldest he likes to play with them. Also, ever since he was an actual infant he was more observant and a quick learner which makes snse that he learned how to talk whn he was only 9 months old. He also notices that whenever he goes out, he would see other families with a dad and became curious to where his is. He asks his mother when his dad is coming home. Won also knows when his mom is in a bad mood and always tries to cheer her up by doing a funny dance infront of her which does work and she would tend to pick him and thank him for making her smile again and because Won is already asweetheart he would wipe her tears for her and tells her not to cry again. However, Won does have Byul's sensitive trait where he does get hurt recently and doesn't stand up for himself and just cries. If Won starts crying he calls for his mom, but he can be easily be calmed down if you give him a banana milk to drink. All in all, Won is like a quiet but sweet kid.
BACKUP —  Kim, Jonghyun (SHINee)
AGE — 24
OCCUPATION —  Editor in Cheif of Whaack
Positive - Cheerful, relaxed, pragmatist, curious
Negative - Irresponsible, unpredictable, uncooperative, childish

Lee Taemin is without a doubt a cheefull young man. He rarely cries because he is just so used to smiling and seeing the bight side of things. He always likes to cheer everybody *wink wink* up with his smile. He acts as if he's a little brother from another mother. Also, you just want to protect this little marshmellow. Taemin is also easily approachable with his relaxed demeanor. He never seems like he's in a rush for things. I mean, his favourite quote is, "slow and steady wins the race" and his motto in life. He is also a pragmatist. Pragmatist is basically someone who understands what he has and uses them in life than reaching for something that can't be ideal or realistic. Such as, he believes that his the abilityy to steal yo gurl I mean, to use his words to get what he wants, but on a practical not like charming the bank to giving him a million dollars, but for stuff he really needs. Furthermore, Curious George got some competition because Curious Taemin got some game. Once he's curious of something he can't do anything but to find out the reasoning and/or motives (geez, why does this sound like he's a profiler?). He's intrigued by many things like stealing yo gurl I mean, mystery. Which makes sense because who doesn't like a good Sherlock *wink wink* story?
Despite all that, Taemin has his downside like everyone else. He's a quite irresposible lad. He forgets everything that he's assigned to, which explains why he can't seem to keep down a job. Do you even know how many birthday parties that he didn't even show up to? Not to mention not eve giving a damn birthday card? Too much. Also the boy can be a bit unpredictable and uncooperative. He belive that variety is the spice of life, yet most of the time it can get a bit too spicy. You know what I mean? Like, one time at work, he was in an argument with one of his co-workers who was complaining about the next month issue cover in which the dispute ended up with Taemin just firing on the spot. Which was out of the blue and so out of the blue. Also, Taemin is relatively young for his age and because he's unpredictable it can sometimes be associated with being childish. He won't listen to anyone and would let his emotions get to him making him lash out at people. Which can leave some pretty damaged relationships.

DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love Again - Byul was still working at Club High, in which she was already the head bartender. Taemin was just another attendee was was trying to celebrate his day promotion at work with a couple of his friends. He was at the bar with his friend's and called Byul's attention for a round of Vodka shots. They both locked eyes with each other, yet Taemin was already in a relationship while Byul just saw him as another partner in bed. She got them their shots and asked what the occassion was in which they replied for a promotion. She nodded her head and told them the round was on her. She also made sure to tell Taemin that she wouldn't being her boss. Taemin is a lightweight when it comes to drinking alcohol after his third shot he was feeling woozy. Soon it was 11PM and time for Byul's and the other female dancers to do their signature dance routine. In which, Byul never looked away from the cute young guy and was right infront of him and she winked. She asked the big question, "wanna come upstairs with me?" in which drunk Taemin agreed to. They went upstairs and with the music still booming, they were dancing somewhere else. In the morning, Taemin woke up saw the scene of clothes tossed in different directions of the room, the dissevled white sheets and of course the unconcious Byul that was still sound asleep. He remembered being drunk and the doing something he regrets and quickly dressed himself up and left the club. Byul woke up to no suprise of seeing no one next to her and later that night was onto the next one.

Your Face Looks Familiar? - After 2 years of being a mother, Byul managed to keep a job under her belt as well. She thought it was going to be another day at the office. The usual of her siting in her small cubicle office, writing reports, Son Eunha getting her daily does of torture out of Byul, nothing out of the ordinary. Byul was reserching the potential #1 who was Kim Jongmin and checking various accounts. Right on cue, Hyungwoo called up Byul and inform her of another candidate for Won's original dad that goes by the name Lee Taemin. So coincidentally, Taemin walked through those doors and introduced himself as the new editor in cheif of Whaack. Byul was so distracted by her phone call in which was abruptly interrupted by Eunha calling her to greet their new boss. Byul still holding her phone, she bowed and remembered his face almost immediatley. He greeted her and before anything else she asked, "So was this your job promotion?" which raised a couple of eyebrows due to everyone's curiousity. Taemin also didn't recognized her without all her makeup down or her promiscuous outifts. Yet he remembered the all too familiar voice that invited him into her room

Let's Keep Things Professional - Or Nah - Byul and Taemin remembered the events of that night. Taemin called her up to his office to agree to act professional and to not act on awkward terms. Obviously, Byul agreed to his statement and began to work as meer co-workers. 

One day, when Byul was about to complete her day at work and was walkiing off to the elevator, Eunha stopped her in her tracks to itell Byul she had to finish reading and writing her reports. Byul looked at the clock and she knew that if she didn't leave now she would be late from picking Won up from daycare. She begged Eunha to let her go, but she wasn't budging. Until Taemin stepped and saw the once bold Byul shrival up to scared girl. He asked what was going on and which Eunha quickly tells him that Byul didn't finish all of her work and was trying to get off work early. To which Byul replied with, "Whatever! I'll do them tomorrow, I just need to pick up my son!" she informed her and with a now distracted Eunha, Byul bolted to the elevator door that just opened and workers were coming off she was coming in. 

Byul tried to run as quick as she could in heels, only by 5 seconds she missed the bus. She looked at the clock and she knew she was going to be atleast 10 minutes late which was like a million years to Won if she didn't come any sooner. Taemin met her at the bus stop, when he heard that she was going to be late to pick up her son he thought he would help her out, in favour to pay her back the free shots at the bar. Byul who was desperate quickly agreed and got in his car. After 20 minutes and five minutes tardy arriving at the daycare, Byul saw Won in the arms of another worker crying asking where his mother is. She apologized to the worker and promised to not be late picking him up tomorrow. She sat Won down at a nearby bench and fetched the banana milk from her bag that got a little warm however Won likes any kind of banana milk. He saw the familiar bottle and Won almost immediatley stopped crying and started drink out of the little straw.

Taemin couldn't help, but think that the little action of Won given banana milk when he got upset reminded him of when he was a child himself. "That's something that my mom used to do with me." he stated outloud and Byul luaghed not thinking much about his comment. She was mor focused on her son and wiping away his tears and apologizing being late - again. She picked her Won and only into her arms again and thanked Taemin for the ride and that she'll take the bus next time. When she was about to leave he asked her where she lived. Byul was hesitant, but like Hyungwoo told her, he could be a possible dad. She sighed and told him where she lived and drove her and Won home. Before she exited the car, Taemin offered her that he could drop her at the daycare after her shift so she doesn't have to be late taking the bus. That's when a plan started to conjour in her head. She thought to herself that if they grow a strong relationship with each other and if he hangs around with Won and seeing some type of similarities between them she could tell him that the child was his if not never tell him at all. She agreed and offered to shake hands on it with Taemin knowing nothing at all of Byul's plans.

One Step Closer - From then on, Byul and Taemin started to increase their friendship. Taemin thought she was up to something due to her dropping Won's name in almost every conversation they had. As well as, Taemin being slightly intrigued about how Byul managed to do a 360 degree change from the first time he met as the flirty bartender at Club High to being a more grown-up mother figure working so hard to take of her son. He couldn't help being more interested in her, he soon caught some feelings for Byul.

Whenever Byul was being picked on Byul, Taemin would step in and tell her to mind her own business and get back to work. When Eunha walked away from Byul, Taemin would playfully wink at her. Taemin would also bring Byul coffeewhen she sees her slowly dying in front of writing reports. Byul was also enjoying Taemin's presence near her, however she reminded herself at times that she get too attached or else she'll regret later if he wasn't Won's father.

Soon their car drives turned into play dates with Byul, Won and Taemin. Won enjoyed playing with Taemin and he would accidentally called him by 'dad' in which Byul had to apologize for because it seemed rude and didn't want Taemin to have any other misunderstandings. Taemin felt something warm inside of him when Won said the simple word.

Wait. There's More? - Despite Byul starting her plan out with Taemin. She soon started to initiate the plan with her two other potential baby daddy's. So, the once frequent play dates and car rides were put on a bit of a hiatus. Whenever Taemin asked if Byul needed a ride from him, she told him that she had another one of friends driving her to the daycare that day. Taemin watched him his offce windows and noticed the different cars pulling into the driveway and raised some suspicions. He couldn't help but to tailgate behind them.

He saw the two different guys getting out of the car, firt was Jeon Sewoo and the second one Woo Jiyong. He saw how Byul acted the same towards them. He thought it was some sort of affair, but Won unknowingly gave Taemin one of the last puzzle pieces of figuring everything out. one day, Taemin was the one driving Byul to pick up Won and Won was happy to seem and asked to be lifted up to his arms. However he said the wrong name and called him Sewoo. Byul told the confused boy that Taemin's name isn't Sewoo. Then Won messed it up again and asked Byul if his name was Jiyong. Taemin was the one to correct him. Byul apologized and informed him that those are the names of her friends that drives her there sometimes.

It was when, Byul was on her lunch break at work and was peacefully eating her lunch on the rooftop. She got a call from Hyungwoo asking how the plan was going and she said that it's going well she just needed to gain more of insight of the potential fathers before she could try to pinpoint Won's biological father. In which Taemin overhead everything and asked what she meant by that. Byul nervously hung up her phone, scared for the confrontation. 
Taemin had the right to be mad at Byul for the sense that she wasn't trying to befriend him because she wanted to, but using him like a test subject finding out Won's biological father. Also because that he had sincere feelings for Byul and Won who didn't have anyone to call a father. He asked her if he wasn't the best match for Won's father she would've just ignored him and not let him see Won just for that reason. He also asked if none of them were the actual father, where would that lead Won with no father, but what hit Byul the most is when Taemin said this,

"It's not any of your boy toys faults if you can never find Won's father. It's your fault in the first place for being such a s***, sleeping with any guy you saw at the bar!"
As much as Byul wanted to keep herself from becoming a complete b**** again, she couldn't help but to walk up to the man and slapping him. 

"I can't disagree with what you said! Yes! I admit that was such a disgusting woman before! Yet, is it so wrong not wanting to ask you directly if you were Won's father along with two other men because you were so scared to tell them you couldn't keep track of how many men I did? At least, I'm trying to clean up the mess I made for him. He already has a moron of a mother who made mistakes, the least I could do for him is find him the father that isn't as dirty as I am. Call me when you're ready to fire me." 

With that Byul walked away and ended her shirt early at work, holding all her tears until she picked up Won from daycare by herself straight to her room.

Two People, One Ending - It was evident that Byul wasn't feeling as good as she used to. Won saw his mom wipe her ters as quickly as she could so that he wouldn't see. Byul thought Taemin analogy was right. She was just using Sewoo and Jiyong as if they were a experiment and she told them the truth. Sewoo understood Byul's situation and he agreed on doing a dna test to see if Won is his child, however he added that he is now seriously seeing someone and wouldn't be availible taking care of her and Won and Byul understood. Turns out Sewoo wasn't the father as well as Jiyong. Jiyoung was suprised ang shocked to hear what Byul had to say to him, again he agreed to doing a dna test, however informed her that he had a job abroad and that he wasn't ready to become a father figure. Again, Jiyong didn't match the results. 

That led Byul to believe that Taemin is sole father, however she didn't think he would want to take care of a baby whose mother was a complete mess back in the day.

Futhermore, Byul returned to work after a week of absence after the confrontation happened between her and Taemin. She went throughout her first day at work quietly and even Eunha saw the drastic difference between the usual Byul. Byul brushed past her when Eunha wanted to gain her attention and threatened her that if she wasn't going to listen to her she was going to tell everyone about her past in which Byul just stated she didn't care about that anymore. Leaving a suprised and confsued Eunha who never got around telling her co-workers because maybe she discovered she might have a heart.

Byul's shift was over and was waiting at the bus stop, however the familiar car drove infront of her and rolled down the tinted windows to see Taemin. As soon as she saw his face she tried to walk as fast she can to the next nearest bus stop, however he got out the car and informed her that if she were to walk to the next nearest bus stop she would be 20 minutes late to pick up Won and that his car was the best option she had to prevent Won from crying. She sighed and got into the car.

The ride was silent and had a lot of tension in the air. When they got there, Byul saw Won playing in the park with his friends. Taemin took the moment of Byul and him being alone and said this:

"I know I said things I shouldn't have said. You're not the woman I first met at the bar, you changed - in a good way. I almost didn't recognize you without your getup. You've become a more beautiful and mature woman. You wanted what's best for Won, I want whatever's best for him too. I'll do  DNA test to find out if I am and I might not be his biological father, but I am willing to call him my son and take of him. Only if you let me."

Nothing was said, except Taemin felt two arms wrapped around torso with Byul's head leaning on his chest.

"I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I'm not the most purest woman in the world to have in your life. I'm happy if you can be a better parent than I am. Won would be blessed to have you called as his own dad."

Right on cue, Won saw his mom and Taemin hugging. He told one of the workers that his mom arrived and was escorted to two people still in each other's embrace. He shushed the worker to signal that he wanted to suprise his mom and he hugged the both od them. Byul turned her attention to Won and released taemin from her grip and picked up Won. Won noticed that Byul had tears streaming down her face and asked if his mom was upset, but Byul smiled and told him that they were happy tears.

Won then asked, "If you and Taemin ahjusshi was hugging. Is he my dad?"

Byul was about to say something, but Taemin interrupted and said, 

"Your mom is going to do a magic spell to make me your dad. You just have to be a good boy to make the wish come true, okay?"

Won eagerly agreed that he was going to be a good boy. Taemin followed through with what he said and did the DNA test. The results were positive and he is Won's father. When Taemin told Won that the magic spell worked and that he became his dad, Won was the happiest boy alive. Knowing that his dad finally came home, Byul was happy because Won was happy and that this was one mistake that turned out to be the most beautiful choice she ever made. Taemin was happy that he made Byul happy to end her search of Won's dad knowing that it was him.

Soon, Taemin asked Byul if he could take her on a date to make up for lost time for not being there for her. To which Byul agreed and told him that out of all the guys she had in her life, he was the only young one that caught her eye. 

One day when Byul and Taemin drove Won for a play date with his friends one mother asked them how long they were married. Byul was flustered with the question, but Taemin was calm and said,

"We're just dating. But I wouldn't mind seeing her walking down the aisle to me."

'Till This Day - The Won's family is happy and together. Byul still lives in the together house and is planning to stay there until Taemin's transfer to another company went through. Won is enjoying spending time with his found father. Also, every Saturday Byul and Won would sleepover at Taemin's complex, fun fact: they all sleep inthe same bed together. With Won being in the middle and Byul and Taemin on each side of him hugging keeping Won warm.
RELATIONSHIP — Currently dating and Taemin is thinking about popping the question question
I may have written too much. Sorry.
• Won finally gets to see an actual panda while going to the zoo with either the together kids or with Byul and Taemin
• Taemin and Byul drinking banana milk in the same position
• Byul finally coming back home to her mom and dad introducing them Won and Taemin for the first time. *can I get a tissue?*
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc


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haha, you didn't leave me a link XD