How fragile


I was told, “pain means you care”

Don’t you think that life is a little unfair?

Or are you just a little too heartless

Or do you pretend to be clueless


Does that mean I feel a little too much

I was told to never hold a grudge

Thus, most of the time, I’ll let it slide

Guess this is why I’m never satisfied


I was reminded of how fragile life is today

It got me shook in so many ways

You could be living your life as always

But you could also be gone the next day


I met a close friend yesterday

And we talked about life like any other days

I asked about that particular aunt

Today I was told that she’s gone


Scary how things could be gone in a blink of an eye

And yet we still think that we will always have the time

And we will always delay when we need to apologise

Imagine if you are a tad too late, pretty sure you will feel guilty for a while.


I wish I’m a little more sensitive to life. Because I certainly do not want to regret anything. Also this might not make sense but thank you for wasting your time to read. If you have someone to apologise to, don’t wait too long for you might be too late. 



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You are absolutely right :) well said