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birthname. Ahn Hwajin

– Heli :: Hwajin's friends back in France called her this due to the fact they couldn't pronounce her Korean name
– JinJin :: Hwajin's little sister, Chaebin's nickname for her due to the fact that Chaebin couldn't pronounce "Hwajin" when she was younger so just called her JinJin.
– Silent Angel :: Diam's fans had given this nickname to Hwajin, since she tends to be quiet and looks like an angel.
– Hwa-ie :: Hwajin's member's nickname for her
– Jang Guk :: Her fans calls her Jang Guk, because Hwajin portrayed Jang Guk really well

date of birth. May 13th, 1995
birthplace. Lyon, France
hometown. Lyon, France (1995-2001)
Busan, South Korean (2001-2013)
Seoul, South Korea (2013-present)
ethnicity. Korean
faceclaim. Sonamoo's Nahyun (CLC's Seungyeon)
language spoken. 

– Korean :: fluent :: 100% :: her mother tongue
– French :: advanced :: 75% :: born in France and lived there until she was 6
– English :: intermediate :: 40% :: with English being "international' language, Hwajin was bound to learn the language in school

appearence. Hwajin has hair that flows down just below her s, and is open to dye it. She doesn't have any birthmarks, though a couple of little scars here and there. For makeup, she is not too big on it and keeps it simple. She has three piercings: the two traditional piercings on her ears, and a cartilage piercing on her left ear.
fashion style. Hwajin doesn't like to do anything extravagant to her outfits, she likes to keep it simple. She likes to wear dark colors such as blue, purple, black, and grey. Her style is really basic. She doesn't try hard to look her best. But, she doesn't dress like a slob.


   about me

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personality traits.  (+) Quiet, Reliable, Studious, Rational, Diligent
(-) Restless, Obnoxious, Stubborn, Insecure, Sarcastic

positive: When you first take a look at Hwajin, she would appear reserved and quiet, and that because she is. She doesn't like talking unless she has to, otherwise she would just be reserved, in her own little world. She hates being the center of attention. With that being said, Hwajin is very reliable and friendly. You may think she is very cold, and doesn't care about anyone, but she actually has a big heart. Whenever someone is down, she would try to cheer them up and talk to them. Hwajin is very studious, she loves books and art, always having a book near her. When it comes down to making decisions, Hwajin is rational about her decisions, thinking about the pros and cons about the situation. And lastly, Hwajin is tremendously diligent. She has an huge urge of not giving up, no matter what it takes.
negative: Hwajin is restless, especially when she's stressed. She can't be still, she has to do something when she feels like she's under pressure. With that, she gets obnoxious with her habits and just annoys everyone around her without any knowledge of it. Hwajin can also get very stubborn at times, especially when she's sad, tired, or stressed. At these times, Hwajin prefers to be alone and thinks she can deal with it herself but in reality, she can't. Because of this, Hwajin can be extremely insecure and doubtful about herself. Besides from that, Hwajin can be sarcastic, or so she thinks. She is not very good with humor, and when she is being "sarcastic", a lot of people takes it the wrong way and thinks she is bringing them down, resulting in them sometimes loathing Hwajin.


Ahn Hwajin was born on May 13th, 1995 in Lyon, France. Her parents moved to France after they got married. They were a married couple for 5 months before Hwajin was born. Hwajin had a lot of trouble living in France, mostly cause of her ethnicity. Its not common finding Koreans in France. People called her Heli because they couldn't pronounce Hwajin properly, so that's where she got her stage name from. At the age of 6, her family moved back to South Korea because Hwajin's family in Korea was always nagging them to not live in France.
Her family is originally from Busan, so that's where they lived when they moved from France. Hwajin only visited Korea once or twice, but that was when she was an infant. Growing up, Hwajin always had a soft spot for acting. So that's why when she was 18, she auditioned for JYP Entertainment as an actress. At first she didn't make it the first time, but she got it the second time. Then in 2014, she got her first role as young Jang Guk/Dalrae in "12 Years Promise" when she was 19. Her parents made her pulled out of JYP shortly after the drama, because they didn't think she'd get any other roles and it would be a waste of time.
Along with her love of acting, Hwajin also had a sweet spot for music. She would blare SNSD and U-Kiss' music throughout her house, and would have little dance parties with her friends. Hwajin's friends were those typical K-POP fans, wanting to skip school because a group dropped a MV and dreaming to become an idol to get close with their favorites. Hwajin, on the other hand, while she liked K-POP, she was alot of a calmer fan of group, not even necessarily a fan, just enjoying the music. So how did she end up in Woolim Entertainment as an idol? Well, at first, she didn't have a desire to become an idol, becoming an actress was her number one priority. And while, she didn't want to give up acting, she knew that her dream of having her own movie and a big mansion was not going to happen. 
She decided she wanted to be an idol after the drama, and re-audtioned for JYP as an idol, and they rejected her. Although Hwajin was sad, she didn't give up. She audtioned for a few more companies and eventually ended up in Woolim Entertainment at the age of 20.
Hwajin's parents wasn't supportive of her idol dream at first, main for the same reasons as her being an actress. They would always point out how hard the whole idol process is, how she'd never make it, and becoming a dentist would be much more easier. But after many days of convincing her parents to become and idol, Hwajin's parents finally agreed too let her become an idol.

   wanna know?

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– likes :: Drawing, Music, Anime, Reading, Acting, Koalas
– dislikes :: Eggplant, Frogs, Small crowds, Granny smith apple (the color), Being Forgotten, Blueberries
– hobbies :: Drawing, Painting, Jogging in the morning, Acting, Reading, Sleeping
– habits :: Scrunching her nose when hungry, Twirling her hair when nervous, Drumming on her lap when bored :: Speaking French when angry/stressed
– etc. :: Allergic to eggplant and blueberries, Favorite animal is koalas, Favorite animes are Death Note and One Piece, Studying English, Wants to be a screenwriter when she's older, Favorite colors are purple and blue, Volunteers at animal shelters, Favorite food is French cuisine and dumplings


– father :: Ahn Jihyuk (43) :: dentist :: strict, cold / 6/10 :: Hwajin and her father do not interact as well as those father-daughter relationships. They are getting better at being there for each other.

– mother :: Lee Minyoung (45) :: manager :: friendly, sweet :: 8/10 :: Hwajin's mother is [sort of] the opposite from her spouse. She is very caring and sweet to her children and everyone around her.

– little sister :: Ahn Chaebin (9) :: student :: friendly, outgoing :: 9/10 :: The youngest of the two, who is sort of like the opposite younger version of Hwajin, she doesn't know what Hwajin does for a living.

– best friend :: Cecille Gosselin (22) :: student :: assertive,sweet :: 10/10 :: Cecille is Hwajin's best friend from the France. The two were childhood neighbors. Although they are not BBFs since diapers, they are really close.

– friends :: Twice & Got7 (varies) :: idols :: varies :: 7/10 :: Hwajin had met Twice and Got7 while at JYP. She is closest to the oldest line.

– members :: Diam (varies) :: idols :: varies :: 8/10 :: As much as Hwajin loves her Diam members, it takes a long time for Hwajin to open up to them.

– close friend :: Lee Wonkeun (26) :: actor :: charming, friendly :: 9/10 :: Hwajin and Wonkeun met when shooting "12 Years Promise". And even though Wonkeun's character was Hwajin's character's love interest, Hwajin thinks of Wonkeun of a supporting older brother.

   training got me good

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stage name. Heli (헤리)
persona. Silent Angel
plotline. Diam.Two

trainee life.  2½ years (1 year at JYP {2014}, 1½ years at Woolim {2016-2017})

Hwajin first traineed at JYP entertainment as an actress, so she didn't get the full trainee experience as a idol trainee. It was harder than she thought, and there were many days that she wanted to quit. Neverless, she trained hard to fulfill her dream. At one point in her trainee days, her parents made Woolim debut her soon or they would take her out and follow her dad's career as a dentist. Woolim ignored the request and continued. Her parents made her work so hard that she couldn't even see her parents.

talent twins.  Vocal :: Gugudan's Mimi 
Dance :: DIA's Chaeyeon

pre-debut. 2014 :: young Jang Guk/Dalrae :: 12 Years Promise
2014 :: herself :: Chicken CF


   time for q&a

nice to meet you lady, can you introduce yourself?

"Hello!" smiles and waves "I'm Heli aka Ahn Hwajin from Diam, please take care of me!"
Diam will gonna have a different color than Lovelyz had, can you give me your opinion?

thinks for a moment "It's... different. Normally when girl groups debuts, they would usually do a cutesy concept. With Diam, it's nice to be set apart from other girl groups once in a while."

any concept that you wanted to try?

perks up a bit "I've always wanted to try a girl crush concept. It looks so cool when other groups do it." smiles and nods
please say something to the producer!!

"Hello, producer-nim, thank you for slooking out for Diam and please support us!"

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back up. Choi Youngjae

– Jinyoung is your perfect mix between shy and outgoing. Depending on the day, he can be either or. Jinyoung is a really sweet guy; off screen and on screen. Jinyoung loves kids; even though he still acts like one. Jinyoung is a lovable person. He always cares for his friends and family. He also understands 's feelings. Jinyoung also knows his way into a girls' heart, which to Hwajin, think its really romantic. Most of the time, he is romantic and sweet.

love story. 

– Hwajin and Jinyoung met while training at JYP. As the year went on, they trained together to be really good friends. As for interactions, they are kind of random. They joke around with each other ALOT. They also take a lot of Polaroids, and keep them in a box for safe keeping. Despite all the playing around, they help out each other a lot. They will always know that they have each other.

status. Close friends
ending. Maybe dating?

   huilight : Jacky

last words.  Hello, I hope you liked Hwajin!

scenes requests.

– Hwajin having an allergic reaction to blueberriess, landing her in the hospital
– Hwajin being in another K-Drama, possibly with Jinyoung
– Hwajin speaking French
– Diam having a reality show

password.  Daeyeol (I don't know much about Golden Child and I just know Daeyeol because od Sungyeol, sorry)



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