Update on my mom 10/19

So, I just wanted to give you an update on my myself and my mom.


My mom finally got onto a treadmill at home and walked 11 minutes. I was so proud of her, but she is paying for it. 11 minutes was a LOT to walk. She should've only walked 3 or 5 minutes. Next time, she's only walking a little. My stupid dad was being a creeper and wanting her to be on it for a long period of time. He doesn't care about anyone except himself. Even though he gives out a compliment, it's always followed by a 'but you should do this', or 'on top of doing that, you should do this also'. His compliments never are 'awesome', 'I'm so happy for you'. He's never been able to give compliments to my mom or even to his kids. But, he wants everyone to compliment him. Well, that's not going to happen. 


I'm feeling MUCH better since I've taken my medicine. I don't cough like I did before, but I still haven't slept in my bed yet. I'm waiting for mom to sleep in her bed. But, at least I'm not coughing and I can lay back on our recliner and not cough. 


I know it probably annoys other people when I update on my mom but I don't care. Some people here care about what is going on and want to know how everything is going here. So, just wanted to give you an update on how great it is.

Also, tomorrow, mom and I are going to the mall. I want to buy some calendars for 2018, and she needs to come with so that she can buy some calendars for herself. But, we are not staying out too late, because we want to leave the mall before the kids get out of school.


Thanks for the prayers and hoping mom and I get better.



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I think I missed out the previous blog but never mind, all I want to say it, I'm glad to know your mom is improving but do tell her to take it slow, don't overstrain herself. And am happy that you're recovering. So enjoy the trip to the mll in getting the calendar for 2018. Enjoy and stay safe and healthy!
Oh please it’s all good to exercise but tell your mum to not over do it and maybe talk to your dad about how he gives compliments sometimes people don’t even realise what they are doing and I am glad you’re doing better yourself because you need to be healthy for your beautiful mum who needs you to stay be her side. Overall have a great time at the mall 😊💕