I Felt The Earth Move


I was spazzing online over TOP's new photos then I felt dizzy because of a slight tremor. I was on the second floor of our house so I paused from spazzing then I called out to my sister.

"Did the world just move?" (exact words)

"Huh?" answered my dear sister.

"My world just shook...(trying to be 'funny/punny' because I was still high with TOP's photos)

"You're crazy..." said my sister who didn't feel anything.

SO I went back to spazzing; completely amazed at how TOP can literally 'ROCK MY WORLD'

Afternoon, my friends came over to our house. They started talking about the earthquake that just happened a few hours before.  O_O When reality and fantasy collide...

I learned that the epicenter was at Cebu. That's where my bestest best friend lives. She's living alone, away from her family, because she has work there. I texted her and she said she was scared to go to work tonight.

I'm so worried for her. She's the same person who inspired me to start writing and then publish my first ever fanfic here after she gave me the Philippine version of GD&TOP's album as a gift. I owe her a lot and now I feel so helpless because we're miles away from each other. 

I have a lot of relatives there too and even more friends (because I stayed there for a year due to work). AAAAH...and mstofai, my dear, ever-supportive dongsaeng, she's there too. She posted on tumblr that she's okay but I'm still worried because apparently they're still experienceing aftershocks....huhuhuhuhuh...week after week I get all this worry-inducing news...T_T

This day has been a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Someone please hold my hand and tell me everything's going to be okay...


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weerainbow #1
*holds your hand*
It will sweetie, it will be ok. The news from your dongsaeng is good and I'm sure it's a sign that things are ok. The fact that you got in touch with your "bestest best friend" (I love that you call her that) is good too and I bet she felt a lot better after hearing from you!!
*hugs you*
oh I hope everything is ok earthquakes are never fun
I've lived in iceland so I know. I'll pray for you

wait new pics of our beloved and gorgeous TOP WHERE ???
It started with Sendong... they keep coming xD
An intercessor told us why