


Earlier today, around 12 noon in my city, Bacolod (in the Philippines) we experienced an earthquake of 6.8 magnitude [along with nearby cities and provinces]. Luckily it was somehow mild and not strong enough to knock down buildings and get the power off [which explains why I can still post a message like this haha] but we've been warned that an even stronger quake (the aftershock) would be coming in approximately 24 hours. And this may result to a like mom's been calling me every few seconds for the past five hours to pack my bags and get everything ready. 

But as you can see I'm still here in my house with my younger siblings and typing away like nothing...waiting for her and my father to arrive. We're all actually really scared but we're trying not show it [so we're doing lots of random stuff to keep us busy] but I'm guessing we'll all be bawling like little kids after our parents arrive to get us.

My best friend is sick and can't text so I don't know how he's doing but people are still active on FB so I'm hoping that everybody's alright. But we're all pretty much shaken up I guess.


Worst case scenario (within 24 hours): stronger earthquake comes along later and destroys the city.

Even worse than the worst case scenario: tsunami covers our entire city and drowns us all.


P.S. I'm seriously not kidding and you can find reports on the earthquake on Yahoo. Peace out y'all! XD [Yes I'm well aware that this could be last post I'll ever make and I tried to make it memorable but I couldn't. Haha. Like my life. But I'm hoping I'll be back asap to update my stories so I'll say 'later' instead of 'bye'. ^__^]



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Omg be careful! ;AA;
Stay safe, and update on us so we can be sure if you're safe! ^__^
Hwaiting!! Stay safe author sshi!
Neesanessa #3
Stay safe! I hope you'll be alright!
Hwaiting! Although I may not be there with you physically, I'm here with you mentally. <3
i hope everything will be okay!!! please keep yourself and your family safe! XS
Are you guys okay now? I'm from manila and we didn't experience it. Be safe and take care. Please be careful :)
Cookie7 #7
Omg I really hope you guys are okay and that nothing happens. I remember experiencing lots of stuff like that back in the Dominican republic! I got so paranoid with tsunamis and earthquakes that I woul have night terrors and I would have extra luggage at the door so I know how you feel. It's a scary thought. Just pray and hope that nothing bad happens. I send all my prayers to you, your family, friends and all of their citizens!!
O.o be careful and be safe! o.O I'd be screaming my lungs out and crying.... Fighting!
so4fty #9
I hope you will be alright be safe we will wait for you
Take care~
Be safe!
Be careful! I hope the earthquake will not happen again.
Take care <3
Please be careful! Fighting!
Asian_Wannabe #13
Be Careful!
millionfandoms #14
Ingat kayo dyan. Grabe, sana wala ng sumunod pa na lindol.