I'm sorry if this blog post might offend anyone, sorry if  you think that I'm an immature fan...I just need to rant...There's this fan who posted on one of SVT's fanpage saying that she's selling her VIP ticket weeks before the concert because she wanted to attend Wannaone's fanmeet instead. Don't get me wrong, It's not that I hate Wannaone ( In fact, I looove Minhyun), and I stan a lot of boygroups ( I'm an INSPIRIT, ARMY, CARAT, MONBEBE, BABY, AND I'M OFFICIALLY A NCTIZEN) , but I wished that she didn't mention the exact reason why she wanted to sell the ticket, that she's selling the ticket because she wanted to meet Wannaone instead,  she could have said, "It's for personal reasons"


I know, you might think that I'm soooooo immature for thinking this way...And I'm sorry for that,  but, there are sooooo many Carats who wanted to watch the concert who were unable to purchase a ticket because number one: Financial Reasons, two: distance, three: schedule, and for some (like in my case): health reasons...On second thought, maybe i'm just jealous that she was able to purchase a ticket ( hahahaha,  60 % true, but my doctor would kill me if I tried to attend a concert),


Anyway, again, I'M REALLY SORRY!!!!!!!!



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yooandi #1
aw don't feel bad, it's ok, it's totally understandable,,,,, i'd probably be a little bothered by that as well. no need to be sorry :)
You shouldn't feel sorry I feel ya bro