A Bonus For Comments

So I know many authors on here rarely get comments. I was thinking of ways to entice people to comment more, brainstorming with my dear friend Yuan, and came up wiith something!

It's not threatening anyone to comment, by saying "Comment to reveal the next chapter", or anything like that.

Instead, I have decided to add to all of my Calceryn world stories the opportunity to unlock and Bonus story. I'll write a small Bonus for each of my Calceryn couples and make them Invitation only, and only those people who do comment on the main story will get the invitation to the bonus story.

This will let them be a silent reader all the way through the main story if they really want (though whyyyyyyyyyyyy *sobs*), and never read the bonus story, or they can be an active commenter and be invited to the bonus as well. It's their choice and whatever they choose, okay =)


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After a two-year break, I went back over all of my previous comments and found my prior post here. I'm just checking to see whether this is still working 🤣
So creative :) i hope it works
Ohhh love the idea!
Now that's a SMART move
That's a really neat idea! I hope it works, too;).
Woah, okay, this sounds really good. Mind if I try it some time? :3
Thats such a great idea! Do you mind if I incorporate it/something similar for my stories?
Haha that's actually really smart!