52 Journal Questions [once again i have no life]

I am once again doing the journal thing. Because I'm over the ridiculous grading of my Comp. App. class and am pissed beyond belief. So, what's the remedy? Answer pointless questions! ewe Steal if you want. I found them interesting. And I have no room in my current journal /sobs



What are you thankful for?
My family and cats and the experiences I've had in life.

Write about the place you call home.
I have gone back to the house I grew up in; it's old, creaky, and has paper-thin walls that irritate me to no end. The house has no central air system, so it gets pretty dusty and dry and it's the worst for those with allergies AKA my whole family. Instead of my grandparents, parents, and uncle living with me like they did when I was a wee tot, I live with my parents, two younger brothers, three cats, and a small chihuahua named Jimmy. It's become the home I've always wanted, but there is a very crucial part of my life that isn't here... and it hurts almost every second of every day.

Five things you would like to do more?
Exercise (mainly dance), write, study, explore the woods, and sing.

What is the view from your window right now?
I have a latter right outside my window, and if you look out, there's the pasture, the front lawn that has recently been mown, and the porch is down to the left, it's old and never used so it looks like .

A quote to live by?
If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.

What was the best thing that happened this week?
I ordered the childhood game I played in 2002-2005 and I have played it and all my childhood dreams are coming true, guys!

Write down something you are stressed about.
The fact that the Computer App. class is marking my answers wrong for improper capitalization of a word that shouldn't be capitalized, but they said it should be so wtf i mean---

A book that has influenced your life?
Queen Noor: Leap of Faith, Book Theif - Mark Zusack, Fried Green Tomatoes - Franny -somethingidk-, Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events.

Share a childhood memory.
I remember climbing out my bedroom window (which is now my brothers' room) and taking the stereo I had, setting it on a chair, and dancing outside because I thought no one would see. I played the music loud and would giggle when I'd go inside from the front door because no one would see me leave, so they'd be all "wTF zoe" but I know now that I was stupid and they knew.

How do you see the world?
There's beauty, tragedy, love, hate-- it's a hotpot of many different cultures that create such a diverse world. Being privaledged enough to be born and raised in a state of the US where my healthcare was basically free and I was a spoiled brat (with some humility okay, thanks Papa), I learned early on that I was so privaledged and there were needy people out there. I learned I took a lot for granted. I've been on the side of disability and luckily regained my strength and my life, twice now, and I feel for those in a similar situation. I want to help so much, but my own lack of funds prevents me from traveling to do so. And my lack of immune system also prevents me from helping where I'd like to. But I think in this world, we need to respect and love on another - even though that's the biggest impossibility to mankind.

Your playlist right now?
K-rap, Oh My Girl music, T-Swift's LWYMMD.

Write about some of your favorite places.
A place in the woods behind my house has a pond, a stream, and beautiful flora. It was peaceful and the woods connected by the streams. The trees created a canopy and lots of shade, so it made the air cool even on hot days. I took items from my home and an old recycling spot back out in our woods and made the area a home-like environment (I even had a sink). But that all came crashing to an end when my grandmother destroyed the place over the summer of this year, out of spite, and left my place in ruins.

What holds you back?
Myself. And my horrible luck.

Share a vivid dream.
Nothing really comes to mind...
But I've been lucid dreaming since I was a kid.
I know I've been in intense situations in dreams where I was helping someone or saving a life or saving my cat or lost in a weird maze.

What are you wearing right now?
This is not Tindr, kik, or a chatroom. But clothes.

Five things to do less often?
Curse, shout, pick at my cuticles, sleep, eat spicy food.

What do you love about yourself?
나는 여신입니다.

Something you are excited for?
My cat tree to come in today. I screeched and my cat bit me.

Write about someone you love.
My oldest younger brother, Logan, is so much like me. He's a smartass, a nerd, loves video games, is lazy, and has a weird sense of humor. I am closer to him than my youngest brother, and I hate playing favorites, but me and Logan went through a lot together. Plus, if I ever need someone to turn to (other than my parents), I go to him. And some of the best things he's said recently after my near-death experience early in the summer was, "Maybe you don't need to recover the memories you lost. Maybe that's saving you from something you don't really want to know." My brother is wise for an 11 y/o.

What fictional character would you most like to be?
Hermione or Luna.

How have you changed the past year?
I've grown even more than I thought I could. I've become less trusting and have fought demons and experienced things I shouldn't have. But I've grown and that's all that matters.

What are your favorite movies right now?
Lion, No Reservations, Moana.

Something you are proud of?
My brain and what I know.

Write down one regret.
Letting my anxiety break me down.

What do you feel strongly about?
A lot. I really like coffee. And important issues in society. And cats.

How do you relax?
Reading, sleeping, listening to music.

A few small things that make you happy?
Kitten meows, music, coffee and its aroma, charcoal, unknown books, making people smile.

Best book you read this year?
Probably some of the stuff from my Humanities class, which is old text.

Write a letter to your teenage self.
Maybe later.

10 places you would like to visit.
South Africa, mainly where they found homo naledi.
Kiev, Ukraine.

What is your dream job?

Who would you invite to your imaginary dinner party?
Like anyone? Uh...
Hwasa, Tia, Amber, Chanyeol, Seunghee, Queen Noor, Princess Diana, Taylor Swift, Ellen Degeneres, Kim Seulgie, Kang Seulgi--- Idk who else rn.

Where were you ten years ago?
At 10... probably in this house I'm in now. And being a brat. And dancing and singing and reading Goosebumps.

What were your highs and lows this week?
Highs: Aced assignments, cleaning and organizing my room and jewelry collection, reviewing, reading some of my book, getting my Amazon orders.
Lows: When I can't sleep I reflect on life and internally scream.

A fact about you, you don't often share?
Guess my uality.

Something you want to remember?
My entire life and my cats.

How would you like people to describe you?
That I'm smart and diverse and eloquent.

Write about someone you admire.
Too many people, maybe do this later, Future Zoe.

What do you need to be content?
Quiet time, music, my cats, and a book.

Share one of your earliest memories?
Going to this piece of road on a mountain in my town that collapsed. People would often climb it and explore. I went with my birth mom, dad, and two sisters. I remember being pissed because I couldn't climb down, too. I understand now because I was like 4 or 5.

What is your favorite song to sing?
Closer - Oh My Girl, Rainy Day - Ailee, Baby Steps - TTS. Old songs, bro.

Name three things you do well.
Review, take care of my cats, and cook.

What are your priorities in life?
Well, if you can't tell by now: my cats, my family, my dreams, my college work.

One way you would like to grow in the next year?
As a writer and singer. And dancer.

Write down five weird things you like.
titles in lowercase, weird vintage things that are not only weird but quirky, meowing at my cats, dragonfruit, and those damn pore cleaning videos.

Write about something that scared you.
Heights. I was so afraid one time when I went to a local cave place that when my Papa and I climbed on top of a rock, I stayed at the back (like over 100 feet away from the edge) and my Papa was walking along the edge. I had major anxiety and even my memories give me anxiety.

One thing you dream of doing?
Living out of Oklahoma bc I hate it here.

What was the last thing you celebrated?
My stepmom's birthday, I think.

Sum up what you believe in one page.
You have a right to your own body, people are equal, love should be spread, every religion is worthy of its own place, uality is a beautiful thing, cats are better (sorry not sorry), our education system in america is effed up, our health care system , we should explore our world before another.

What would you be doing if money was no object?
Exploring the world, pampering my cats and family, getting massages and spa days, doing my singing thing w Chloe, visiting my bestie, Kristin, and who knows what else. Funding explorations around the world.

Thing you love about this time of your life?
I'm adulting properly.

One thing you dream of doing?
This was already asked...? dfuq.


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