Pointless Questions [bc I can't sleep]

Under my writing folder in my phone, I have various things. I had a few things for character questions and journal questions, so I thought I'd post here so you dolls could steal and answer if you wanted to.


Who was the last person you held hands with?
My niece.

Are you loud, ougoing, or shy?
A combo. I'm outgoing and friendly, but can be awkward. I am loud because growing up in a family where there are so many people and we all had to talk over one another because no one  would shut up... yeah. I was always told I was shy, when in reality... I had social anxiety.

Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Myself in the mirror.

Are you easy to get along with?
I give respect unless you disrespect me. So, yeah.

Have you ever given up on someone, but then gone back to him or her?
Not in a romantic setting. I have friends whom I did that to because they were teens who needs a brick in the face. I also had that recently with someone I was infinitely close to and it's hard to cut ties so easily...

If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
My distant unrequited love in Korea would not bc they don't know I exist. /bricked;

Do you think you'll be in a relationship two months from now?
HAH no way. That ship has sailed.

Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Why did we have to clarify the "opposite gender" here--? But... Thomas Sangster.

Does talking about make you uncomfortable?
Hell nah. I'm a , but my town is so stupid in relation to that I was the ed teacher to my friends and even to an 18 y/o girl when I was 13.

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My dad and bro. We discussed the production of meth and the effects of weed on our society.

What does your most recent text say?
Idek. I don't have a phone number anymore, so I can't text. But I tweet! And message. So probably to my friend Amber when she said I had to come eat w her or visit and I said I'd try.

How do you feel about abortion?
It is a fetus. It is not your body, so you have no say. Just because your God or religious figure condemns something related to that doesn't mean you have to threaten abortion clinics and women who may have issues with having a kid or may have been and need an abortion. I could rant all day, bye.

Do you like big crowds of people?

Do you believe in luck and miracles?
We explain the things we can't explain by saying they are these things.

What good thing happened this summer?
I didn't die. Literally. Bye.

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
For money.

Do you think there is life on other planets?
Like intelligent aliens? Who knows. But species and organisms, yes.

Do you still talk to your first crush?
Hell no. He turned out to be a stalker.

Do you like bubble baths?
Not as much as my younger brother. He makes a mess and I usually have to clean it up.

Do you like your neighbors?
My neighbor is the person who almost got me killed, so not really, no.

What are your bad habits?
Picking at my cuticles, playing with my hair, not sleeping when I need to.

Where would you like to travel?
Everywhere. Africa, Russia, Germany, Malaysia, Korea, Australia, Madagascar.

Do you have trust issues?

Favorite part of your daily routine?

What body part are you most uncomfortable with?
Me bewbs. Honestly I hate them. So much. With a burning passion.

What do you do when you wake up?
Go pee.

Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Any lighter and I'll be an albino-lookalike, honestly. Maybe tanner? But I'd feel out of place.

Who are you most comfortable around?
My cats and my bro, Logan.

Have any of your ex's told you they regret breaking up?
Well the one and only guy I dated, I dumped, and he was totally upset and little me didn't care.

Do you ever want to get married?
I like other countries' marriage practices more than America's tbh. But no, I don't really want to. Unless I truly loved the person and wanted benefits and to have access to them if they were in a life or death situation. Word of mouth that you are their S/O isn't good enough in America.

Is your hair long enough for a ponytail?

Which celebrities would you like having a with?
Uhm, bye.

Spell your name with your chin.

Do you play sports?
I did because it was mandatory. I hit really well and ran fast and had good aim but I was terrified of people so I couldn't play. Stage fright. Plus we only had softball and basketball.

Would you rather live without TV or music?
Live without TV.

Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Isn't that what a majority of crushes are?

What do you say during awkward silences?
I laugh.

Do you think age matters in a relationship?
My dad and stepmom are twelve years apart (so is she and I), and I know someone sixteen years apart.
As long as it's not a child/teen with a 30/40+ person, it's fine.

What are your favorite stores to shop in?
I'm a er for Claire's bc cute stuff. Everything in America is y this, y that. Let me be a kid while I can! Also, I like resale shops because cheaper vintage clothes are my jam.

What do you want to do after high school?
I graduated in '15. I'm in college. I want to write and travel and discover something amazing and show the world and live more fully and fullfill my aspirations and childhood dreams. I wanted to be an archeologist, anthropologist, writer, actress, singer, dancer, ballerina, figure skater-- obviously I can't be, but still.

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
If the circumstances allow it, yes. If you murder someone for fun, no.

If you're being extremely quiet, what does it mean?
I'm tired af so leave me alone

Do you smile at strangers?
My goal everyday is to make someone smile, so yes.

Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Bottom of the ocean. We don't even know what's down there how is that not cool people?!

Do you want a roommate?
I live with three cats. Will humans be any better?

What are you paranoid about?
People reading my thoughts. Using the restroom in public areas. Germs.

What was the meanest thing someone ever said to you?
I could write a book on this. Uhm... "Being depressed is the dumbest thing. Having suicidal thougts makes you a coward and makes you seem like you want attention." Thanks, uncle. <3

The nicest thing?
"I love your voice. I could listen to it all day."

Have you done something recently you hope no one finds out about?
Uhhh... not that I can recall.

What language do you want to learn?
Russian. German. Tagalog. Hindi. Arabic. French.


guess who needs to sleep. it's 3.26 am. i have no life. <3



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Reading some of your answers is like reading something I might have answered like that too, it's creeping me out haha