

FULL NAME ok hyebin, 옥혜빈 
fake maknae - due to her youthful looks, most people think she's the youngest. this is how she introduces herself on interviews and variety shows.
crybaby - hyebin's the emotional type, hence the nickname
pucca - apparently she looks like pucca??? she doesn't even know why she's called like that by her fans
DATE OF BIRTH august 11, 1999
PLACE OF BIRTH youngin-si, gyeonggi-do, south korea
HOMETOWN youngin-si, gyeonggi-do, south korea
LANGUAGES korean: fluent + english: conversational
FACE CLAIM 강미나 of gugudan
BACKUP 박수영 of red velvet
HEIGHT 163 cm
WEIGHT 52 kg before / 43 now
APPEARANCE  ok hyebin is known for having white milky skin and a bright smile. she is 163 cm tall and currently weights in 43 kg. she didn't do any plastic surgery, but she did have a huge dramatic change in her looks as she was forced to starve herself in order to lose weight.
STYLE though hyebin was a bit worried about what she wears before, after her extreme diet, she now wears any clothes she wants to comfortably.
CONSUL (ESFJ-T) - hufflepuff
passionate, caring, funny 
cowardly, easily discouraged, emotional
( passionate ) - ever since she was young, hyebin has always shown her desires to become a singer and it seems like she hasn't changed. despite being publicly humilated at a nationwide singing contest, she didn't show any signs of giving up. in fact, if there's anything she learned after that is not to give up easily, which she did not.
( caring ) - hyebin is known to be a caring person towards her friends, especially to the members of threed. it doesn't matter if you're younger or older than her, she's very concerned about everyone and everything. often asking if they've eaten (something that she doesn't do much to herself) and bringing the girls water when they're obviously tired, hyebin is always there to offer emotional and physical support.
( funny ) - said to be one of the funniest members, hyebin doesn't even realize that she's good at variety shows. though she's mostly clueless about things, she's surprised when people laugh at her jokes and her impressions. she mostly say puns and cheesy one liners. see svt's hoshi.
( cowardly ) - another thing that makes people laugh is how scared she is about everything (much like got7's youngjae). no, literally she's scared of everything. from heights to animal - okay, maybe she's not scared of cats and dogs, but she is of everything else. she's not really the best to bring on a haunted house or to watch a horror movie with. unfortunately, while everybody finds it funny on screen, nobody knows how scared she is of the company's staff, whom often scolds her for 'eating a lot' or for being 'fat'.
( easily discouraged ) - hyebin is probably one (or maybe she is the least) of the least confident members of the group. due to her healtier and chubbier physique than most korean girls, she was heavily discouraged by the company when they first started due to her weight, causing her to starve herself most of the time. it's not just the staff who told her to lose some weight, but netizens and 'fans' as well. because of this, she's scared to even take a bite of her meals.
( emotional ) - she was given the nickname 'crybaby' for nothing. she's very emotional, even though nothing bad has happened to her but her members. it's not only when she's sad when she cries though. she also cries when she's touched or happy. she's surely that one member who always cry heavily whenever they win something to the point that she can't even give her speech properly.

( 1999 ) - ok hyebin is born in gyeonggi-do, south korea 
( 2003 ) - hyebin starts kindergarten
( 2006 ) - she starts primary school

( 2007 ) - she expresses her desire to be a singer, mr. and mrs. ok allows her to sign up in singing classes, hyebin meets seokmin for the first time
( 2012 ) - hyebin starts middle school
( 2013 ) - seokmin leaves for seoul, hyebin wishes to follow
( 2014 ) - hyebin tries to audition for different companies such as sm, pledis and fnc but fails to enter any, she also tried to look for seokmin but fails, later that year she auditions for kpop star 4 and passes 
( 2015 ) - on january, hyebin was dropped off from the competition despite her vocal talents due to none of the judges picking her, causing her to go viral due to netizens outrage. most comments think that the only reason why she was dropped is because of weight, which is entirely true. on may, she was contacted by wanbyeok
( 2016 ) - no thanks to the negative comments she receives online, hyebin finally learns how to starve herself and starts to lose some weight after the groups debut/on their comeback
CONNECTIONS hover on the pics!
pastel colors
her inspiration, singer iu
those weird slime videos on ig blame iu
disney movies and their princesses - her favorite being mulan
children. she's very good with them as she thinks they're very cute
horror movies. though rather than dislike, she hates and is scared of it (and of anything scary in general)
hospitals. she's also scared of them???
▸the smell of cigarettes
halloween aka the time when people scare her the most
eating + gaining weight
listening to music
practising her singing. the members say that she's always singing
taking pictures of random pictures
gardening. she used to do tend the family's garden together with her grandmother when she was younger but ofc, she can't do that anymore
giving out random hugs
saying puns whenever she could
handing out water bottles to her members
complementing the girls for their hardwork after their practice/performance

other facts:
she can play the piano
she appeared in kpop star 4
is said to be the best at acrostic poems
after watching a disney movie, best believe that she's going to sing its songs everyday
she always has earphones with her
she's the type to cry when one of her earphones stop working
she's good at doing impressions
she gets really shy when the members/fans call her pretty or cute and insists that she is not
rarely uploads selfies on the group's instagram account. when she does upload something it's usually just random pictures (anything aesthetic that matches their feed)
wishes to collaborate with zico or crush someday
jeju is her ideal place to live in
sadly, she's the type to gain weight easily
she is currently attending school of performing arts and has no plans to continue college (not now, at least)
she can't pick any favorite color, as long as it's pastel she likes it
if she never got the chance to debut, she'd probably become a nursery teacher
if given the chance, she'd love to help out with threed's songs by composing and producing
TRAINEE YEARS seven to eight months
TRAINEE LIFE hyebin was actually very hurt by the fact that she got booted out of the singing competition that she was in. she worked really hard in hopes that she'd debut through that program, but the judges didn't realize her potential. for a while she was depressed because of it, until she receives a call from wanbyeok. 
of course hyebin immediately accepts their offer. it was her dream after all. to train, to sing, to be on a stage where people can see and hear her. she thought it'd go better that day onward, but she thought wrong. hell was just about to start.
due to the fact that she was bigger than most girls, hyebin was deemed unprepared to debut. after all, female idols these days are all slim, which was unlike her. but the company knew that it'd be a waste to throw her just like that, especially since she already has a small following. so they thought of giving her the best plastic surgery ever - except it wasn't really plastic surgery, nor was it the best.
it was diet. extreme diet.
basically, she was forced not to eat. hell, there were even days that she was only given bottles of water to 'eat'. either way, the diet didn't work when threed debuted, mainly because she'd often eat secretly with the help of the girls. it wasn't until they debuted when she finally starved herself due to the mean comments she receives on the internet.
PREDEBUT ACTIVITIES the only predebut activity hyebin did was appearing at kpop star 4. she was unfortunately cut off the show as none of the judges chose her despite her talent in singing. shocked and outraged, netizens who were rooting for her started talking about her unfair elimination online which cause her to be viral. hyebin thought it was weird, as she wasn't used to so much love and support but at the same time she was very thankful to those who helped her.

STAGE NAME hyebin - she has decided to just use her real name


BACKUP tulip
VOCAL TWIN 유하 of pristin
DANCE TWIN 유하 of pristin
호시 of svt - pun wise + 미나 of gugudan - aegyo and expressions. she's also in charge of aegyo and is quite good at impressions.

i. From the time of your debut as a member of Daughters of the Moon, has Wanbyeok Entertainment done anything remarkably negative towards you?
"e-eh?" the girl suddenly gets taken back when she heard the question. she came there with a smile, but it fades after hearing it. the interviewer had to repeat the question and reminds her that she has to answer. "uuhh... yes."
ii. Please elaborate. Do not leave any details out. Mention names if you must.
"uhm, i was... forced to lose weight. a lot of weight. apparently i'm too fat to be an idol." she was not very comfortable with the topic and talking about it, but she tries to lighten the mood by laughing. "basically, i had to starve myself because they told me so..."
iii. Do you have any evidence of this mistreatment?
"well, uhm, fans takes a lot of pictures of us and clearly saw how thin i've become. does that count?"
iv. Did you tell anyone of what Wanbyeok Entertainment had done to you, with the exception of your group members and fellow employees at the company?
hyebin shakes her head, "no, i was to scared to tell anyone about it. but since it was so obvious that i'm losing weight, people noticed it and asked me if i was sick."
v. Would you rather Daughters of the Moon be disbanded or move to another company? Which company would you like?
"i-i honestly don't know." being the crybaby that she is, hyebin starts to tear up by the mention of 'disbanded'. "all i know is, i really enjoy being with the girls, and there is nothing more i could ask than be with them. whatever the girls decide, i will support them."
STAGE NAME dokyeom
FULL NAME lee seokmin
NICKNAMES dk, dokyeomie, pabo
DATE OF BIRTH february 18, 1997
fun-loving, active, kind 
private, biosterous, childish
before dokyeom became svt's happy virus, he was hyebin's vitamin. well, not literally... but you know what i mean. 
back at their hometown, seokmin, then ten years old, has always been known as a loud child. he was always singing no matter where he went, and i mean that. in fact, hyebin first heard him instead of seeing him - literally hearing him as he sang on the room next to where she had voice lessons. but they didn't officially meet until later that month.
after getting scolded at by her professor for hitting the high notes wrong, hyebin runs off to a nearby park to cry. seokmin, who has just finished his lessons, notices the young girl crying and in attempts to make a random stranger happy, he decided to buy her ice cream. hyebin was so surprised when she felt something cold on her cheeks. it turns out that it was a popsicle that came from a random stranger, smiling sweetly down at her as if he was telling that everything was going to be alright. 
hyebin continued crying while eating the popsicle he gave. they don't introduce each other until she stopped.
seokmin has always been that type of person. the type to offer emotional support to people, but also the type to keep everything to himself. hyebin has thought about it once. the fact that he's always there when she's sad but she has never been there for him when he's sad. hyebin didn't think about it much. she was still a kid after all. she used to think that he's just happy always.
since she has never thought of it, hyebin was oblivious by the fact that she liked seokmin. it wasn't until he told her that he wanted to fulfull their dream of becoming idols together but he had to go first when she realized that she didn't want him to leave. it was quite selfish for her, but seokmin hasn't left her side ever since they met. apart from sena, seokmin was the one who made her confident of herself despite her 'chubbiness'. his complliments always made her feel like she was the best singer in the world, and she hoped that she'll continue to hear that. so before he left, she decided to confess.
except that he confessed to her first... about his little crush on her sister hyejin.
devastated not only because her crush liked someone else, but because he left the city, hyebin decided to focus more and more in her singing so she scould follow him to seoul. however, she just got lonelier whenever she realized that seokmin's not there with her, much more when they lost communication - not that seokmin purposely did that. sometimes, some friendship just doesn't last that long.
but hyebin was not that kind to give up easily. she wasn't going to let her friendship with him disappear like that. a year after seokmin sucessfully got accepted to pledis, hyebin left for seoul to audition  in different companies and in hopes that she'd casually bump into seokmin. but neither of her plans came to be, and she left seoul without accomplishing neither of it.
fast foward to late 2015, hyebin was now gearing up to debut with threed. while on their day off, the girls decided to roam around the city to relieve their stress. walking around myeongdong, they were expecting to see a lot of people, but was not thinking of seeing rookie group seventeen. so when hyebin accidentally bumped into seokmin, the girls were surprised, much more when seokmn reacted excitedly upon the sight of his old childhood friend. it was then when hyebin explained to the girls that they were indeed friends back in the day.
honestly, hyebin was surprised to see seokmin looking so happy to see her. she had thought that he purposely ignoring her, but she thought wrong. seokmin even asked for her number that day and because of they had a schedule later that day, told her that they'll meet and hangout soon. she was unable to contain her hapiness which was evident by the fact that she couldn't sleep, especially when he finally called and hearing his voice for the first time in so long was enough to make her heart flutter again.
just like the old days, seokmin and hyebin would hangout whenever they were free. hyebin was so relieved to have him again in her life. he was still as quirky, noisy and fun as ever and she was more than happy to hangout with him. 
STATUS first love/childhood friends
ENDING up to the author ^^
he's that noisy guy from seventeen
they always buy popsicle when they hangout (in summer that is)
they really want to go to an amusement park together
seokmin is very vocal about his desires to have a collab with her
seokmin was very sad when hyebin finally admits about what the company is forcing her to do
which is why, whenever they go out, seokmin always brings her to restaurants as she can't refuse to eat when he tells her to
when they were hanging out once, hyebin was surprised bc he suddenly started crying. it was when he finally opened up to her for the first time
seokmin calls hyebin 'binnie'. he's the only person to call her this way
hyebin refuses to call her dokyeom and thinks it ugly. she says that seokmin sounds a lot prettier that his stage name
they both dont talk about ok hyejin much, as seokmin doesn't want to be reminded by his little crush on her
seokmin wants to adopt a hamster for hyebin bc according to him she looks like one??? idk hyebin's very confused
SCENES seokmin&hyebin - hansol&baehan double date!!! + the girls playing paintball + threed travelling abroad for kcon or for a photoshoot or something...
SCANDALS threed's hyebin alarming body transformation - known for her healtier body, fans  of girl group three d were surprised to see member hyebin looking like a different person due to her weight loss. it is unclear if she had plastic surgery, or if she's just sick. either way, fans are sad to see the singer looking like this.
USERNAME diamond-breaker
ALIAS thea
ACTIVITY six out of ten
COMMENTS finally done!! yaaas! i hope you like her <33
PASSWORD sol : spanish for sun - when fans and idols get together an eclipse happens not literally tho lol
© to reon (ttaecup) & am.


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