Kurrokochi. ELLE. 8/10. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

"shhh! Be quiet and just follow my lead"
FULL NAME — Jeon Sera
• Que Sera Sera + This nickname was mainly used by Sera's parents and now by her sister. She is called this, because she has the attitude of "whatever will be, will be" and it is also a word play on her name.
DOB + AGE — 06 • 17 • 1996 (21)
BIRTHPLACE — Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN — Seoul, South Korea
• Korean + Native
• English + She knows this language fluently, not only because she learned it in school, but because she lived in Scotland at some point.
• Polish + she first took an interest in this language when she came up on a phrase "not my problem" in polish, which literally translates to not my circus, not my monkey. She has been learning it ever since and even attended special lessons, so she's fluent in the language.
BACKUP — Ptistin Roa + Pristin Yuha
• Sera is of slender build. She is of average height and slightly lower than average weight. Her hands are slightly bony and her fingers are slim and long. Sera keeps her dark brown, blackish hair average in length, only reaching her shoulders. She usually does not wear make up and if she does she keeps it to a minimum. She has neither tattoos, nor any piercings.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 167 cm & 46kg
• Sera mostly wears loungers and an oversized tee at home, but when she goes out she likes to wear comfortable skinny jeans (yes she actually finds skinny jeans comfortable) and a sweater. She also likes matching jackets and shirts to casual graphic tees or summer one pieces. For her shoes, she usually wears keds or converse. In winter she likes to wear combat style ankle boots. Closet.
• { + } Free Spirited; Intelligent; Friendly; Independent; Thick-Skinned; Charismatic; Extroverted;
• { - }  Guarded; Blunt; Messy; Impatient; Secretive; Stubborn; Wild;
• Sera is the girl who lives life to the fullest. She has always been the life of every social gathering she went to. She's wild and extroverted. She does what she wants and relishes in the pleasures of life. She never really saw the point in working hard for grades to get a stable job and spend the rest of your life ina dull routine. So she always does whatever she feels like. She never really cared how much people liked or disliked her. She's friendly to everyone she meets, but she does not depend on how people percieve her. Despite this, most people seem to like her personality. She also likes to talk and express her opinions, which makes her kind of blunt. She won't hold back expressing her opinions in fear of offending someone or hurting their feelings. Shes also pretty impatient, if she asks for something and someone does nto either reject her request or accept it soon, she might get mad. If she decides on something, she definitely won't change her mind unless she is presented with unrefutable proo and no she won't take any half assed correlation as proof. Even though she speaks a lot and freely, she keeps her personal life away from it. She is very guarded and secretive when it comes to her feelings and emotions.
• Sera was born to Jeon Maeri and Jeon Hoseok as a second daughter. She grew up in a happy family, which included her older sister, Hyera. Despite the fact that they were a simple middle class family and sometimes struggled with family finances and bank loans, they were always happy. Sera never had problems getting along with her family or people outside it. She had many friends in both Elementary and Middle school, but things started to change when she started High School. Her attitude and the way other's befriended her made some of her classmates dislike her, especially girls, who wanted to acquire attention and be popular. Because of this they started to bully Sera. Overcoming this was in no way easy, but her likable personality and quick wit helped her along. Soon the girls who bullied Sera became ostracized by others, because of their behavior and Sera became once more the lovely member of the class. After this, she became liked even more, those that did not like her did not dare express their dislike for her. With popularity came its downsides. Some people liked her so much, it was overbearing. She felt as if someone was watching her all the time and soon she started getting anonymous messages that were quite creepy. She reported the scary messages to the polive, but of course even though they promised to investigate, they did nothing. Her case just became another dusty file on a policeman's desk. Because of the inaction she recieved as a response from the police, she decided to just ignore the messages and the feeling of being watched, thinking that whoever it was would just get tired of it, but the person behind it turned out to be sick with erotomania. Erotomania is a delusional disorder when a person believes that another person - mostly a person of a higher social status, whom they have no relationship with- is in love with them. This person believed that Sera was secretly in love with him and wanted to let him no by secretive glances and different hints. This escalated quickly and even resulted in an abduction. On a cold december night, when Sera was still sixteen, her stalker confronted her on her way home. Even though Sera tried to fight back, she was pushed into his car and abducted. She was kept in an abandoned building for a few days, while her family and police went crazy looking for her. When police came close to finding the building, the stalker just pushed her into the trunk of his car and drove off. At some point he abandoned the car and ran off on foot, leading the police away from the car. As a result, Sera had to spend two days in a trunk of a car in cold december. She was eventually found suffering from hypothermia and extreme shock. After this accident, Sera's grandparents got involved. They were an extrememly rich couple, who had disowned their son - Sera's father - because he had chosen a career in law instead of Medicine as they had before. They decided to help Sera along with everything she needed and it was relieved that thye wanted to reconcile with their son ever since Hyera's birth, but the man refused them. Because of Sera's state and the shame he felt as a father for failing her, he could not longer refuse any help he could get. Because of the traumatic experience, Sera spent the next three years in a psychiatric facility in scotland. After that she took her GED and passed with ease. Since she did not really know what she wanted to pursue in life at that point, she started traveling with her therapy dog, Sally. Sally was an older rescue dog that was trained in emotional support after her rescue. After a year and a half of traveling, Sera realized that Sally was too old to continue traveling with her and accompanying her to extreme activities, so they returned to Korea and Sera decided to get another therapy dog, so Sally could retire and live with her just a regular pet.

• Now Sera mainly lives a simple life. She attends Hanguk University and is a marine biology major. She usually wakes up at five am or earlier because of her nightmares and makes herself a cup of coffee. After that she does basic yoga poses and meditates. This helps her a lot in starting her day well. After that she takes care of Sally and Mordy's food. She feeds them and they just hang around afterwards as she gets ready for her morning jog. She takes both Mordy and Sally with her on her jog and then she gets ready to leave for university. Before leaving she straps the harness on Mordy and then she is on her way. She travels by bus and attends classes. After getting back home, she makes food for herself and eats. After her meal she takes Sally and Mordy for another walk. After their walk they settle into the apartment and she usually just works on her university assignments. On weekends hers sister visits and stays the night, so they have fun sleep overs and trips during the day.
RELATIONSHIPS — only describe those relevant to the story
• Sister - Jeon Hyera (26) - producer - cheerful, respnsible, friendly, protective - Hyera is currently Sera's best friend. They get along really well and Sera feels the most comfortable with her sister, because she still treats her the same as she did before, unlike her parents who are walking on eggshells around her. Hyera is also the one who awakens Sera's now dormant adventurer personality.
• Neighbor - Min Yoobi (20) - student- Intelligent, gentle, honest, shy - Yoobi is the shy next door neighbor, that Sera rarely sees, Their first meeting happens when Sera is locked out from her house and can't open the front door. Because the balconies of their apartments are right beside each other, she knocks on Yoobi's door until she opens it and climbs over the balconies to get into her house. After that, Sera starts leaving presents for Yoobi and asks her for neighborly favors often to attemt making friends with her.
• Friend - Hwang Minhyun (22) - landlord of Hwang complex - caring, generous, serious quiet - Sera decides to befriend Minhyun after he witnessses one of her panic attacks and helps her out. Sera greets minhyun every morning and is even comfortable leaving a spare key with him, in case she forgets it again, so she will have to avoid climbing balconies again.
Likes : Coffee, Journals, Food(she's a total foodie), meat, pizza, rock music.
Dislikes : Cleaning in general, lies, hypocrites, veggies, awkward situation.
Habits : scratching her neck, humming and dancing to the tunes she hums.
• She's the neighbor who blasts loud rock music and sings along to it.
•She loves riding bikes.
•Her color is purple.
•Has nightmares every night.
WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO HWANG COMPLEX? — I just needed a place to stay and I really wanted to live alone.
DO YOU LIVE ALONE? — Yes, but my sister visits a lot and likes to stay over, so I can't really claim that I live alone.
WHAT IS YOUR CURRENT OCCUPATION? OR ARE YOU IN SOME SORT OF SCHOOL? — Oh, I'm a first year cinematography major in Hanguk University. Isn't that great?
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER PETS? — Well, yes I have two dogs in Total. There's Sally. Look at her *flashes a picture of Sally* Isn't she the cutest? she's the one that helped me through worst of the stuff and recently I got Mordy. He's so cute and does his job so well.
PET NAME — Mordy
REASON FOR ADOPTING — PTSD and Claustrophobia. Even though she is doing way better than she did years before, she still gets severe panic attacks
LOVE INTEREST — Ong Seungwoo
BACKUP — Monsta X Jooheon; Hyungwon;
• Seungwoo is the playful type. He's the person who will cheer you up with silly jokes and poses when you're feeling down, but he can also listen and advise if you need it. He's a person who can read people and moods well. Sometimes he can seem insincere, because he never focuses on his emotions and prefers to keep them shut away. He kind of has trouble opening up to people, because his previous owner abandoned him.  He's also the kind of person that can seem a bit arrogant, but in fact is very compassionate and considerate. He's really smart. Not in the bookworm way, but with life things. He has a logical mind and is quick at figuring things out.
• They first met after Sera landed in Korea and secured an apartment for herself. She had to go get a new therapy dog, because Sally had to retire. That was about a little less than a year ago. Sera immediately took a liking to him because of his playful nature and ability to be serious during work hours. The contrast between the two was so big, that she decided that he was agreat addition to the family. Also he was ing beautiful.
• Sera and Mordy played a lot together, but when they went outside, Mordy was a dog she could count on. He has helped her through many severe panic attacks, that would have resulted in her passing out if he were not there with her. Sera trusts him completely. And she can't really sleep at night unless she has either Sally or Mordy to hug.
• Her reaction to Seungwoo's appearance was quite unique. She out right burst into hearty laughter. She remembers the day really well, because it was so hilarious. There she is, walking out of the shower, and there Seungwoo was, sitting on the couch. He was so caught up in whatever was on TV that he noticed her coming into the licing room a second too late and she got to see the young man turn into the dog she knew again. At first she thougth she had hallucinated, well after clming down her laughter. Then she commanded him to turn back several times, until it actually worked and Mordy turned back to Seungwoo. Sera threw a blanket at the boy and they had a talk about how the hell this was possible. After that they became pretty good friends. Finally she knew for sure, that when she talked to her pet, he listened and could understand. Many sleepless nights and open hearted talks led to a closer friendship and development of feelings, that desired for their friendship to become more.
• Please surprise me ^^
I hope I did everything well??? please???
• A late homewarming party for all the residents of the Hwang complex. Seeing all the characters mingle and react to each other would be fun^^
• One of the deep talks I mentioned between Seungwoo and Sera.
• Also, if you could write the scene for the first meeting of yoobi and sera, that would be really fun^^
replace with animal ver of l/ireplace with human ver of l/ireplace with animal ver of l/i


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