Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Not true

The expression ;

"Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"

Is clearly untrue.

Sticks and stones do break your bones, but over time, they heal, and if they heal properly, they leave no sign of previous injury.


Words shatter the soul, they create emotional scars that you carry around with you for life.

What people think about you is often your perception of yourself, more people care about what other people think about them, than what they think about themselves. Society today has a weird way of working, the individual is determined by what other people make of them, and also which the enviroment they have been raised in.

Remeber, that if someone calles you fat, ugly or anything else offense, remeber that it is not true, and that only your opinion counts.


** please note, that I have used information from a variety of sources, and my own knowlege and put them into my own words, more or less. I am sorry if I have copied anyone on here.


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