Fall Writing Schedule

Okay so I am actually really happy with myself. I finished all the contest stories I needed to complete and as such, I rewarded myself by starting new stories. >.<  So here is my new writing schedule, starting from now.

First up to be completed is Promise. Good grief but I left that story for far too long and I am terribly sorry about that to anyone who was wanting to read it. However, I have now entered it into a contest and as such, I have a deadline for completion.
But I also have a personal deadline for it, and as such I want to be completely done with it by the end of September. That's the goal, we'll see how it goes.


Secondly, I will focus on The Drowned One. Now that's a story that I have just planned out and created, and it is meant to be a short story (12-16 chapters maximum). So I plan to have it completed by the end of October. If I can't complete it by then, then I'm not allowing myself to join NaNoWriMo, which would be quite disappointing to me so I will be doing my best to complete it!

The Drowned One

My NaNoWriMo project will probably be The Scourge of Kings. The reason why I choose this one over the other story I have planned is because this one is meant to be an epic fantasy piece, and therefore a bigegr and more complicated story than any of the others on here. Now, that being said, it's also my baby. I've been wanting to write this story for the last 6 years and just trying to get more skill to be able to tell it! So hopefully I will be able to pull this off. But if it takes longer than November... well... I don't really have a personal deadline since it's so big. But the contest deadline is September 21 next year.

The Scourge of Kings

Now if I need more time for TSoK, I will focus my NaNoWriMo on this one instead. This is set in the same world as Promise (and Cursed, Cerdin's Cairn, etc) but it's meant to be of a slightly different and bigger, outward conflict instead of inward. Okay, or both. But anyway, it's not as big and complicated as TSoK and so if by the time November comes, I'm not ready to write TSoK, then I'll do this one. But either way, this one will be completed by March 31.

The Depths of Reason


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This looks like a good schedule. Good luck! I hope it goes how you want it to♡.