Extra Comment Bonus? What is it???

So I noticed a story of mine says "Comment Bonus" next to the Completed mark, and it apparently gives the commenter double the karma points? Does anyone know what this is about?


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funnyjokes #1
This is great That's a great website it really is what I was looking for thank you for sharing!
After reading your blog, i went to my stories and i found the same things xD
Q: Why do some stories have comment bonuses for extra karma points?

A: Undiscovered stories are possibly under-appreciated stories that may need more love from the community. These are stories with 5000 words or greater that have been updated within the last year but have a low comment to word count ratio. Commenting on these stories will help them gain more exposure and encourages their authors while making way for new stories to be discovered. To help encourage thoughtful comments, these stories are eligible for an extra karma point on comments made on them by the community.