teach me how to be pretty

I feel so insecure with my appearance.

I'm at matching colors.

I'm not beautiful.

I look bad in pictures.

I want to be beautiful or at least,not a junk.


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Banghimlo #1
First try to find something you like to do and do it.
Keep doing it but remember you must enjoy it.
Try to improve it.
In the end you will good about it
and most importantly you will feel good about yourself :)
eXTane #2
Everyone is beautiful. But if you find your soul mate (cuz everyone has one in the world) he will see all the beauty in you, then you dont have to ask this question. :)
Let's workout together!! I'll really bad though....but I think that everyone is beautiful except mean, bad, bullies. Having inner beauty is also more important and from this blog there's more to this inner beauty to you, so let's NURTURE IT! HWAITING!
Glimmer01 #4
Hey hey I understand where you're coming from, and can relate. Personally I believe that confidence is the most important thing to have, looks are honestly subjective and I've seen people disagree greatly on what pretty is based on their preference. Owning your look and style is most important! Hmm for coloyr matching go for tones that match your skin, cool with cool and warm with warm! Hmm you can try following trends you like? My advice is also to pick up a hobby you like, when you have passion you'll really glow from inside :) ask me more if you have any questions
To be pretty you must first learn to accept and be kind to yourself. Love yourself first . I personally think and feel that those who are pretty are the ones with self confidence . I think it's important to work on your inner self first. With right thinking , correct diet (healthy meal ), some exercises you can achieved your goal. As for your dressing and style you can always watch some tutorials online and etc . But in my opinion , you need to understand yourself first. Like what do you like , what do you think suits you, what kind of style or image do you want to potray and etc... Last but not least , you can still be pretty and beautiful the way you are by being good at what you are doing . I think your personality is just as important . Look gives you the bonus but at the end of the day people will still look up to your personality because beauty dosent last . Don't be so stress about look , just be who you are . You don't have to force yourself to fit in to crazy beauty standard just to fit in ... As long as you are not obese alittle bit of weight is fine ..