Crystalline - Do Jaein

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Do Jaein
Do jaein
remplace with face claim 140*350

birthnameDo Jaein


— Jae ; A childhood nickname that's just sort of stuck around. She prefers her full name but really doesn't mind this being used if someone really wants to refer to her this way

birthday 08/26 + 22 Years Old

birthplace Seoul

hometown Seoul

ethnicity Korean

languages spoken


face claimDreamcatcher's SuA

height & weight 164cm & 57kg


Jaein is super lazy with her appearance. She almost never wears makeup unless specifically trying to impress people, and her hairstyle of choice is a high ponytail, which she takes all of ten seconds to toss up in the morning. In terms of the physical, Jaein is in rather excellent shape however, as she works out almost daily.


personality traits Laid-back, Curious, Protective, Philosphical, Complacent, Lazy


If there's one thing people pick up on pretty quickly with Jaein it's that she really is quite a bright young lady. She's someone who's always happy to listen to people rant about their passions, because she genuinely loves learning new things and all the better if the teacher is someone who loves the subject. If there's an opportunity to learn about something new she's all for it, and she's a wealth of random information she's picked up in her years of existence. It should be noted that people should take things she says with a grain of salt however, as she tend to mix and match things she's learned in her head, and she often makes her own conclusions and presents them as fact. This is quite possibly one of Jaein's most infuriating tendencies since she's not quite as talented at accepting that her theories may be wrong as she is at coming up with them.

Jaein knows that she's smart, and she loves coming up with theories, but she's an absolute mess when it comes to actually trying to prove those theories. At her core Jaein is lazy, and she'll always take the path of least resistance if it seems like it won't hurt anyone but herself. Effort and hard work are just... so exhausting you guys. And the computer is right there wouldn't you rather read a new psychology article than study for another hour? On the one hand this is really handy since Jaein is pretty much never stressed out, but on the other she doesn't really get much done. She's content to do the minimal work and fails to recognize why that's not always a good idea.

There is, however, one thing Jaein is wiling to put effort into, namely because she doesn't consider it effort. Fighting. Jaein is always ready and willing to punch things in the face if it's called for. This boils down to the fact that Jaein primarily requires immediate feedback from her actions, and protecting others gives her just that. She likes the feeling of being a hero, and so the extra effort put into practice and staying in shape doesn't get bogged down by boredom the way more academic pursuits tend to. Plus she rather likes people and is the sort to feel intense guilt over not doing anything to help when it comes to other people's safety. Plus, punching things in the face is easily one of the most satisfying feelings in the world, just behind being able to accurately state that she could kick most people's asses in a fight. She's really proud of that one.


Jaein grew up with something of an idyllic childhood. Both her parents worked a lot but they made plenty of time for their girls despite that. She and her sister, while they argued plenty as siblings do, were best friends and could always confide in one another. And her grades in school were always impressively high for the amount of work she actually put in due to a natural inclination for academics and genius-level IQ. As a child Jaein never really needed to put much effort into anything, though she did put a bit more into her science classes due to a genuine interest in the subject. In this idyllic little world Jaein grew and matured, and eventually came to the conclusion that she wanted to be a scientist for Crystalline. She latched onto this idea very firmly, and by the time she was sixteen it was all she ever talked about.

Jaein naturally attended the open enrollment for Crystal Star Academy the first year she was eligible, and was quite surprised to learn that she had the needed resonance to actually train as a Crystalline member. However, she still had a dream of being a great scientist (and how hard would that be really? She was good at science but she'd never thrown a punch in her life. It seemed an obvious choice at the time) so she turned down the opportunity and continued on to the aptitude test, which she did respectably on. And so she began her training as Crystalline support.

It took two years of barely passing and absolute misery on her part befor she was willing to admit that maybe this hadn't been such a good idea, and then only because she'd discovered a new aptitude - The Arena. In her first year she'd made a nice little group of friends, among them her boyfriend Jaeyoon and his older siblings Seungyoon and Seungah. Seungah was a Crystalline candidate and when she learned about Jaein's resonance she needled the younger girl into helping her train in the Arena. Jaein started out with a shield simply because she didn't think she'd actually be doing any fighting. She soon learned that one could still fight, even with a defensive weapon, and she loved it. Sessions with Seungah became the highlights of her week, and at the end of her second year, in which she actually failed a final exam for the first time in her life, she requested a transfer into the Magical Girl program. She's never regretted it.



— Lee Iseul | 50 | Mother | Iseul is a working woman who isn't sure how Jaein ended up the way she is. The two women certainly love each other, but there's not really a chance at any sort of meaningful friendship between them due to their polar opposite views on the world and how to contribute to it.

— Do Hanbin | 51 | Father | Jaein is Team Daddy's Girl in a big way, even if he does drive her a little crazy with his constant asking after her grades. Hanbin worries about Jaein's future a lot more than she does, but unlike his wife he's a bit more open to hearing Jaein's arguments for why her methods work fine for her. He's not sure he agrees, but he's a pushover at heart so he's unable to really confront her on things.

— Do Jaekyung | 20 | Sister and Best Friend | Jaekyung has always been one of Jaein's favorite people, even if during their teenage years there was quite a bit of tension due to Jaekyung's higher grades. Jaein is highly protective of her little sister, and the two love sharing what they've learned with each other when they get to talk.

— Lee Seungyoon | 25 | Future Brother In Law | Jaein doesn't really know Seungyoon as well as the other two Lee kids, but she thinks he's cool and he seems fine with her joining the family. They don't talk that much but he's willing to listen to her philophizing for a bit when they do have to talk to one another.

— Lee Seungah | 25 | Future Sister In Law | Seungah is both a good friend and a role model for Jaein. As an older and more experienced Crystalline candidate, Seungah helped Jaein out a lot during her initial transition into the program and they still duel in the area at least once a week where Seungah always has a new move to try out and ultimately teach to Jaein.




Knows her chances of being chosen for Crystalline are getting pretty slim but has zero ideas for a backup plan and doesn't seem to be in any hurry to think them up.

Jaein's grades still aren't exactly fantastic but she makes up for it with high Arena scores, which are what she cares about anyway (so she says)

Her favorite thing to theorize on is the possibility of accessing other dimesion beyond the known ones.

Her go-to weapon in the Arena is a shield, though she does know how to use dual hand guns as well as secondary weapons

Although there's been no formal proposal her and Jaeyoon do sometimes talk about what they want to have at their wedding, and both already have their wedding parties picked out (Jaekyung is of course Jaein's maid of honor and she stealing Seungah to be a bridesmaid)

What Jaein doesn't know is that Jaeyoon has actually been carrying around a ring for nearly a year now waiting for an appropriate time to give it to her. What he doesn't know is that she's been doing the same thing for about three months.

Jaein sometimes holds informal Arena training sessions with younger recruits the way Seungah used to for her. She's not a fantastic teacher but people show up since any training is a good idea.


why do you want to be a magical girl?

"Seems like good fun. I love helping people and saving the world seems like it woud be a pretty good way to do that, don't you think?" She grins.


if you are selected, which crystal would you prefer?

Her eyes brighten slightly. "Probably Amethyst. I like her shield a lot. Although I guess your weapon is related to you and not your crystal, isn't it? Hm, well in that case I'd say Peridot. That's my birthstone after all!"

what kind of weapon do you think you'll have?

"A shield. Like Amethyst's! If I didn't get one I'd be pretty screwed, since I have the most experience with it." She laughs lightly.


love interest Lee Jaeyoon

nickname (and who calls them this)

Age 22

height & weight 168cm & 56kg

face claimKNK Youjin

ethnicity Korean

birthplace Seoul

brief personality

—  Jaeyoon is as curious about the world as Jaein is, and he has the passion for hard work to back it up. He loves getting to nerd out with people and explain his work to anyone willing to listen and learn. He's a sweetheart as well, often worrying about whether he's being a bother or fussing over people he cares about if they're feeling down. His sense of self-confidence is a bit shaky but he's working on it.

brief love story

Met first year as science students and started dating shortly after. Still get along "respectably well" and enjoy nerding out together or watching old cartoons. Probably going to get married eventually but neither is in a rush.

remplace with love interest 140*350

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