activity rate
six out of ten
the wallflower
may be shut, but her eyes notices everything.
you & me.
quiet and shy, kang eunji is invisible. she tends to be forgotten since she doesn't talk a lot. but behind her timid personality hides a creative mind.
long time no see.

"i see things that people don't usually see."

full name. -- kang eunji (강은지)
nicknames. -- thumbelina&midget - her brother daeho + a nickname he uses to bc she's so tiny / cutie - her love interest + a nickname she uses when they were still not friends
birthdate. 1999.07.24
birthplace. -- seoul, south korea
hometown. -- paju, south korea
ethnicity. -- korean
nationality. -- korean
languages. korean + fluent + it's her mothertongue. / english + fluent + her father's an english teacher, so it was basically their second language at home. she does have an accent tho.

faceclaim. -- choi yoojung 
backup fc. -- kim sohye 
height & weight. -- 158cm, 44kg
fashion. -- eunji has given up when it comes to fashion. it's not like she dresses up badly, she just don't care anymore. her closet is full of oversized clothes - hoodies, shirts, sweaters, with an exception of jeans probably. she doesn't like clothes that fit her and prefers if it's bigger  (example: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 ) when it comes to her uniform, eunji wears it properly. on winter (and spring+fall) she uses stockings to keep her legs warm and a coat which is bigger than her. she'd also wear a hat and scarf when it gets super cold, while on summer, she usually goes to school with ankle socks and removes her blazer when it gets too hot.
who are you?
personality. -- 
quiet, shy, asocial / calm, imaginative, observant 
often forgotten by the people around her, eunji is a quiet young girl who literally doesn't talk. no, she's not mute. she just prefers to keep shut. she's the type of person who's more of a listener than a speaker. she's also very shy. she lacks confidence and is easily frightened. this is why she prefers to be alone, mostly isolating herself from people. she doesn't have a lot of friends, in real life that is. let's talk about how she is on the internet.

but who would have thought that behind eunji's timid and quiet personality hides a enormous brain full of ideas? an aspiring author, eunji actually talks a lot - on paper that is. she's very creative and artistic, if she'd only tell people her ideas. because she's often in the corner of a room, she tends to observe people and how they act. it's kind of a useless personality to have, but it helps with her writing. eunji's also a calm person. while people tend to freak out over the littlest things, she'd usually fix her problems without screaming or crying.

background. --
kang eunji was born on july 24, 1999 in seoul, south korea. she was the youngest, with her older brother being born three years before her. her mother was just a simple housewife, while her father was a teacher, so you could only imagine how hard she and her brother studies. as young child, eunji was actually very outgoing, often playing with other kids apart from her brother. she always had a smile on her face, no matter what situation she was in. but as she grows older, her parents noticed something.

while every other kid was growing, eunji did not. because of this, she was bullied for her small structure. she developed a lot of insecurities as a young teen and was depressed. add the fact that she had an unrequited love towards a male student back in her middle school days, that she shouldn't have told him. it resulted everyone to and it hurt her deeply. she was heavily defended by her brother, but it's not like they stopped because of that. she then realizes the only times that they stop is when they not around, which made her have an idea - to be invisible, so nobody would see her and bully her again.

though they've been staying in seoul for years, the kangs were actually from paju. they have more relatives there than in seoul, so mr kang took the opportunity to move when he was offered a slot in one of the schools there. it was just in time for the start of eunji's high school years. she was eventually enrolled to paju high school. in attempts to change her, her parents encourages her to participate on the book club.

lifestyle. -- before joining the book club, eunji had nothing before to do after school. on mornings she has her usual classes, but after it, she'd go straight home to avoid social interactions. when she at home, she usually locks herself in her room. while her family think that she's always studing (which she rarely does), eunji's actually writing or reading, usually with her earphones on. she rarely goes out, but when she does, she's usually with her parents, brother or her best friend. when she's alone, she goes to cafes, libraries or museums.

relationships. -- 

kang daeho + older brother + 21 +  college student + loud & friendly + daeho is the exact opposite of her younger sister. in fact, people (including himself) wonder if they really are siblings, though eunji talks to him the most apart from her best friend. they fight a lot, with daeho often screaming at her to go out of the house and teasing her, but still this big brother won't let anyone else do that to her baby sister. fc: hoshi of 17

lee yoojin + best friend + 18 + high school student + optimistic & reliable + her best friend, and probably her only friend, yoojin has been with eunji through thick and thin. unfortunately, yoojin is in a different class this year, which means eunji is alone everytime at class. she's also a part of the school's student council. she's much more sociable than her eunji so she has other friends apart from her. fc: arin of omg

trivia. -- 
▸coffee!!!!!! and basically any other beverages
▸the chill and relaxing atmosphere of cafes
▸lofi hiphop bc its makes her concentrate when she's studying
▸books and their smell when they're new
▸cats esp kittens
▸plants. lots and lots of plants.
▸when people tell her to speak up
▸speaking in general
▸loud music
▸events/situations when she has to talk to people
▸50 shades of gray bc eW
▸when people are screaming
▸listening to music before sleeping
▸doodling when she's bored
▸highlighting quotes on books
▸reading books
▸writing fanfics stories and uploading it online
▸listening to music
other facts
▸she's often mistaken as a kid. she's gotten so used to it that she doesn't even care anymore.
▸her favorite things to order in the cafe are blueberry muffins and an iced americano with milk.
▸she's a huge potterhead. so huge in fact that she doesn't want to take the sorting hat quiz on pottermore bc she wants to be a part of all four houses.
▸she has a diary in which she writes every night.
▸her grades are average, as she doesn't really study a lot unlike before when she was younger.
▸she secretly runs a harry potter fanpage that has over 6k followers. there, she has friends from all over the world that she hasn't met.
▸she has a blue mp3 that she uses all the time - before going to school, at school, when she goes home, when she's doing her homework, etc...
▸her favorite pair of black converse is what she uses when she's not using her school shoes.
▸she has a weird obsession with striped patterns.
▸she ship harry and hermione and even writes fanfics that she uploads online. but that's another secret of hers.
▸she has a lot of plants on her bedroom, some of them fake, some of them real.
▸she once had a cat name gigi, but it died when she was on her second year of high school.
▸she's great at drawing things, but prefers writing over it.
▸she always brings a notebook and pen with her, just in case she suddenly gets bored and think of an idea for a story.
▸apart from harry potter, she also likes lord of the rings, the mcu and game of thrones.
▸she wants to get out of the country and take literature in a foreign university.
▸she's actually good at writing, with her fanfics generally getting over ten comments on wattpad whenever she updates.
▸she reads any genre of books.
i want you.

love int. -- kim doyeon
backup love int. -- jeon somi
occupation. -- student
personality. -- when she's with people, doyeon tends to act differently. she pretends to be gentle and sophisticated, but no it's not what you think. she only does that because she's scared of what people might think of her, having bullied before when she was still living in america. in real life, doyeon's actually a loud, funny girl. she and eunji are basically the same, but at the same time they're the opposite. she hides a secret, which is also the reason why she was sent to south korea by her mother.

story. -- when eunji heard that there's a new student from america, she couldn't care less. she was pretty sure she'd be popular as soon as she arrives, in which she was right. she once saw her in the hallway. she had her hair tied up in a ponytail, wore minimal makeup and was annoyingly super taller than her. when she passed by her, she smelled like strawberries and peaches, if it's even possible to smell that good after the long and stressful hours of their early classes.

eunji didn't really bothered to know her name, but she got so popular that she couldn't help but to know it.

her name was doyeon. kim doyeon.
everytime eunji sees her, doyeon was always surrounded by people - both boys and girls. she was always giggling by their stupid, dumb jokes, often hiding her teeth with her hand. but she has never seen her talk, so eunji wondered if she was like her too. 
while yoojin had to go to her student council meetings, eunji would usually pass time at the back  of the school during lunch time. it was always peaceful back there as nobody would tend to pass time apart from eunji herself, until one day, she hears somebody shouting from the second floor's stairs, which was visable from the grounds of the first floor. turns out it was kim doyeon who was cursing in english, saying how stressed she was.

it was already late when doyeon found out that there was somebody else there. she sees eunji, slightly open by what just happened. doyeon then tries to laugh it off, awkwardly waving to her, in which eunji just ignored and just continued to sip her banana milk. she tries talking to her, but as soon as she opened , eunji run off.
before everybody left the school, doyeon tried to talk to eunji since she didn't want anyone to know her secret aka her real self/personality, not knowing that eunji literally does not talk to their classmates. when she did find her, eunji once again runs away, this time doyeon tried to follow her, even calling her 'cutie' since she doesn't know her name, but was unable to reach her.
the next day, eunji thought that doyeon would have forgotten about it but she was waiting for her the next day at the same spot as before. eunji was about to runaway when doyeon suddenly pleads not to tell anyone the real her. she was surprised, since it doesn't seem like a big deal to her, but doyeon seemed very affected for whatever reason. she didn't understand why but she was feeling a bit bad for her, until doyeon asks her, "is it okay, cutie?"

despite eunji not wanting to talk to her, she also didn't want her to call her like that so she tells her, "please don't call me that way."

surprised since she didn't expect her to speak up, doyeon was delighted to hear her voice. eunji had no choice to but to say her name. the outgoing and taller girl was so happy that she thought that her telling her name meant that they were friends. but eunji being eunji hated it and would ignore her whenever she greets her on the hallway or whenever doyeon would bug her at the same place - at the back of the school.
one time, while eunji was out with her family, they crossed paths with doyeon, who was being her real self, her outgoing and crazy self. she even told the kangs that she was friends with eunji, which of course surprised them but in a good way. they were so happy to know that eunji has another friend apart from yoojin that they ask her if she wanted to hangout with eunji that day, despite eunji motioning her family to shut up. in the end, the kangs left eunji with doyeon, even though she was supposed to help out with their groceries.

doyeon brings eunji at the arcade. apparently, it's where she goes to every weekend. it's not eunji's first time there actually. she knows how noisy it tends to be at the arcade so she knew that she wasn't going to have a good time. surprisingly, she found herself laughing secretly at doyeon's stupid jokes. she also notices how prettier and happy she was when she was like that, not pretending to be someone she was not. to make the day a lot better, doyeon brings to her a cafe. she was pretty sure, she did that unintenionally without her knowing that eunji likes going to cafes as eunji never really talks about herself when she's around.

without her even knowing, eunji finds herself looking forward to weekends when they hang out. sometimes yoojin would come, but her meetings with the student council would not let her. every night that she goes back home, she tends to draw girls unlike before. it's not like she never draws girls, it just she never thought of drawing girls doing skinship before.

during one of the times they are together, eunji wondered why she went to korea, when doyeon once mentioned that she was happy with things back in america and that it was her mother who sent her there so she asked her why. doyeon, who the first time looked nervous, chuckled while blushing before telling her, "didn't i tell you? i like girls. that's why."

current status. -- close secret friends
ending. -- it's up to you ^^
almost done.

comments -- what i wanted to put on the password was to all the boys i've loved before by jenny han (and its sequels). it keeps on ing up whenever i type it all so i'll just put it here. i hope you don't mind.
also, is it okay if i apply twice? im not super free, but there's another plot that i like.
and omg the love story part is so long asodhiasohasif iM SORRY.

scene suggestions -- doyeon & eunji hanging out + doyeon going to the cafe where the book club are + eunji writing on her diary


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