
Okay, so I know a lot of people don't like talking about religion, but lately a lot of my generation willingly does--
Plus, I wanted to see how my friends on AFF were.

So, I grew up in a religious community, as a Christian, so I've always had that in my life.
I love psychology, cultures, religions, etc.
And I'm close to Muslims, Buddhists, and atheists.
But I have some family who told me the other day (as part of a cheering me on for college message) saying that she read my post regarding a close family to me (who are devoted Christians, but respectful of other religions like me) and told me not to fall into the temptation of the Muslims. I was like TF. I already know how that part of my family is, and my cousin already disrespected them by saying they're stupid for being Christians, and I hate saying "oh I know, they'll go to our Hell because our religion is superior".

tl;dr: I'm effing frustrated!
Like, I'm so open and supportive of other peoples' opinions and even though I may believe in my God, that doesn't mean I'll shove my religion down your throat.
Does anyone else have family like this? Or have been in situations like this?

I responded to her stating how I've studied religion from 8th grade to now (so roughtly seven years) and learned from friends and pen pals and that Islam in particular is shown as a radicalist religion because of our media coverage. And that I'm not judging anyone because as our religion teaches us (Christianity) we do not have the final say of judgement. Plus, in Christianity, our religion is supposed to be loving and supportive and kind. But we've murdered in the name of our religion, too. Like--- I'm respectful to everyone and elders, but it irks me when someone tells me how wrong my sweet and just precious friends are because they are Muslim or Buddhist or atheist. Ugh. Plus I have a role model who I looked up to for years and she was very religious until our disease (JDM) was wiping out kids like a plague. She said she didn't want to believe in a God that hurt precious kids to "teach a lesson" which is what we've both heard from our Christian communities. And this girl is hard-working, loyal, driven, and very caring and supportive. But, Heaven forbid, she's damned to our Hell. I'mma stab someone I'm so tired of religious debate---

Okay. End of rant.
If you read this, thanks. lmao.


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I am Christian too and I agree. A lot of Christians almost force others to become Christian and that's not the way to go. We are taught to approach people with wisdom, kindness, and above all love. Too bad there are terrible people out there who give us a bad rap. Kind of like Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame. He was a lustful priest who was so high on himself he believed to be doing the right thing. It's sad really. I respect other people's beliefs but also try to talk to them about my own and if they get either annoyed, irritated, or angry I change the subject. I'll never be the kind of Christian to poke others with a stick that they have be Christian or else they'll come to hate it or cringe if they even hear about it.
I'm a Buddhist but I respect all religion too because every religion teach us to be good. I go to Church on Good Friday to pray , I go to Indian kuil (temple ) as well . I have Muslim friends too. I dont eat infront of them during fasting month , I dont offer them pork since its forbidden in their religion... I also dont offer my Hindhu friends beef for the same reason. Its not that hard to live together peacefully if we learn to understand and respect each other's culture. If everyone thinks their religion is above everyone else than how can we achieve peace ...
My family isnt very religious, but I am. Have been of my own accord since I was young, but I dont judge other people (the Bible even tells us that it's not our job to judge, and to love everyone equally) and Ive been close friends with aetheists, buddhists and muslims, and theyve still been great friendships, where we didnt judge each other for our religions, and we all believed in what we personally felt was right for us.

But, I have had a few friends who have been judgemental and its very frustrating when they do that, especially when the people theyre persecuting havent done the same to them (saying this as in on a personal level)
I totally understand that. I don't even know what to think when it comes to religion anymore, lol.