i liked you.. well still do

So for 6 months I had a crush on a senior of mine in college. My friends told me not to get ahead of myself and that seniors care about one thing and that is . But this senior of mine made me feel accepted. I'm kind of an introvert. I mean who isn't. But then the first person to actually reach out to me and made me feel good about myself was him. After he graduated we still kept in touch. But the thing is he never had any feelings for me. I was friendzoned from the beginning. But I couldn't stop talking to him, talking about him, complaining to him about my problems. We became too close. He would tell me everything and I would do the same. When he came to my city he would call up all the time, meet me, talk to me and we would always share everything we had on our minds. But everytime he would meet me, he would call me, ask me about my day i felt my feelings growing. It came to a point where I would just drop down anywhere and suddenly start crying knowing that he would never feel the same. I started ignoring him but he figured it out and everytime I would ignore him he would call me up, get in touch with my friends to ask about me, he would not let it be until i was alright. But I needed him out of my life because even the nicest thing he did made me feel bad because i thought he did out of pity. So I told him that I regretted meeting him and that I wish I never met him. So after that he did not text me nor called me. I know what I did was really mean but i had to. I know he hates me now. I want to get over him. i know this story makes no sense but i just wanted to write it out cause i couldn't say it to anyone.

But the thing is i would never regret him.


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For you 6 months. But for i remember it start when i was 8 years old up until i was around 15 years old. Thsoe long years i have a huge crush on him. Well, i still do until now. And i mean and had the chance to talk to him on facebook amd even be with him whenever i am at my hometown for vacation. But i still don't know as to what will happen to the both of us. He is happy now with his gf. But his mom told me that he still dont want to get married yet.