Comment Streak?!?

Did yall see that!? On your profile! It talks you a comment streak? I wonder if it resets each day or if it counts from here on out to see who comments? Mine is currently 0 since I haven't read anything for a week or so, and this is new, but now I'm of the mind I need to read and comment so as to see what this is about! Lol.  *curbs desire* No.  I must finish my story first. Ugh


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I want too
I've got 145 of streak comments and stopped commenting for two days and all my streaks gone. Afshjs
i didn't see it, i clicked on it and it took me to the FAQ heres what it said

Q: What is the daily story comment streak?

A: Commenting on another author's story will add to your comment streak on a daily basis (+1 to your comment streak for each new day).

The karma you receive for commenting also increases by a multiplier based on the number of digits of your streak. For example, if your streak is 11, then your karma multiplier is at 2x, and if you have a 107 day story comment streak, then your multiplier is at 3x, and so on. So if you're earning 1 karma point per story comment and your comment streak is at 145 days at a 3x multiplier, you will be earning 3 karma points per story comment as long as your story comment streak continues. If you miss your streak, your multiplier goes back down to 1x.

The story comment streak is meant to encourage more story comments and to help support the authors. It's not mandatory to participate of course but if you're going to, the authors would certainly appreciate the comments! If you really want to play along, comment on the stories you haven't commented on before!
Haha, I saw it too! I was actually wondering if anyone else noticed it too.
Fighting! I hope you can finish.
holy wow! thats so cool i havent noticed that yet! im hyped to try this out ^-^
That's so cool! I'll have to try it out=).