Black Paradise: Haven Returns;Son Jisoo;Haven

song jisoo
 [ * replace icons with your faceclaim! * ]
if its SHINY, its mine
NAME:Son Jisoo
NICKNAMES : Robin Hood
BITHDATE : (07|14 + 18 )
BIRTH PLACE : Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN : Seoul, South Korea
FACECLAIM : Kim Yerim (Red Velvet)
BACK UP FACECLAIM : Park Siyeon (Pristin)
APPEARANCE : Jisoo has light blonde hair and has some scratches on her arm.
FASHION STYLE :  Normal ClothesThieving suit

RACE: human

WEAPONSShotgun GauntletsVideo on how they work. Some knives.
Personality traits 
positive : Alert, Daring, Kind-Hearted.
negative : Stubborn, quick-tempered, annoying.
personality (Min 2 Paragraphs)
Jisoo always stays alert when she starts her streak of stealing. She always keeps out an ear to listen if anyone has heard her and keeps an eye out for anyone who might have seen her breaking and entering the Nobles houses inside the empire. She is described as a Robin Hood by most of the people in Haven as she steals from the rich and gives to the poor which makes her a very daring person. This is a very dangerous task as she knows the consequences of her actions but chooses to continue what she does. Her Kindheartedness is visibly seen as she helps everyone she can even stealing from the rich just to help a poor family.
Jisoo can be very stubborn which leads her into trouble. When she wants something she does everything it takes to get it even if the risk is high. She once stole from a highly guarded nobles home and got caught but thankfully a friend of hers saved her. She continues to do this even after that incident. Her friend decided to just tag along in case she gets caught again.Her quick tempered ness is no joke. Once someone pisses her of she yells at that person to stop. Jisoo herself can be pretty annoying when you get close to her. Her and her endless tales of whatever she wants to talk about. She never runs out of things to say which annoys most of the people around her.


Jisoos parents were known for being the greatest thieves in Haven. They stole important items which belonged to the empire and delivered them to Haven. One of their greatest steals was a weapon which they gave to their daughter Jisoo when she was 12. These were what they described as shotgun gauntlets. It was a highly developed weapon that the empire treasured. Her parents were lucky enough to steal the weapon which could give them an advantage against the empire. Eventually their luck ran out, Jisoos parents were caught and were publicly executed as punishment. Jisoo knew about this which sparked anger within. This made her want to take revenge against the empire. She knew about Haven and wanted to be recruited by them. She showed them all her skills in every aspect and told them everything about her and why she wanted to join.She knows that Haven right now isn't strong enough to take on the entire empire. So she did the only thing she could to get the tiniest amount of revenge against the empire. She followed her parents footsteps. She became a thief and stole from every noble in the empire. She was lucky that she had a friend to keep her out of trouble when it came. She was recruited at Haven when she was 14 when everyone knew her as Robin Hood. They trained her to become a fighter but saw more potential in becoming an assassin due to her being able to sneak into the empire unnoticed. She hasn't done any assassination missions yet due to the risk of the empire knowing that Haven has once again started an invasion. Jisoo is currently still a thief for Haven and the poor. She hasn't gone far enough to actually enter the place where rulers reside. There may be greater treasures there but she wouldn't be dumb enough to mess with them yet.



Byun Ardyn|Vampire| He would always be there to get her out of trouble due to his powers. He always nags her not to enter high nobles homes since its very dangerous if she gets caught.





  • Thieving
  • Shiny Objects
  • Helping the poor
  • Sweets
  • Cats



  • Getting caught
  • Being told she can't do something
  • Alarms
  • Kill Joys



  • Stealing
  • Parkouring
  • Breaking and entering



  • Tends to set off alarms by accident
  • Plays with her hair with her index finger
  • Always combs her hair



  • Super Sneaky when she isn't setting off any alarms
  • Good in hand to hand combat
  • Loves using her shotgun gauntlets whenever it is necessary
will we last forever?
NAME :Byun Ardyn
AGE : 93
OCCUPATION : Son of a High Noble
RACE : Vampire
SIDE: Haven(isn't part of it but believes that they are fighting for something right)
FACE CLAIM: Kim Mingyu(Seventeen)
BACKUP: Taeyong(NCT)
STATUS: Has feelings for Ardyn
about my love
 Ardyn is a polite young man. He is the typical gentleman in his family. Treats others with respect. He is a very family-oriented person as he has lived with his family for 93 years. He nags Jisoo when she does something reckless but only because he cares. Very sweet and kind hearted. He doesn't believe that any of the 2 sides are more superior than the other. He believes they are all equal.

Ardyn was born into a rich family. He has lived for over 93 years and still looks and thinks like a young person. He is very family oriented person since he has been with his family for a very long time. As the son of a rich noble, Ardyn usually has to go to some meetings with his father and mother to discuss about how they would manage the money they have. Ardyn usually doesn't like going to these meetings since he has no real interest in them but has to due to his parents wanting the best for him. He lived most of his life meeting other high noble families. He was a polite 'young' man which attracted many women. He didn't bother with them and just ignored them while they attempted to flirt with him. It's not that he isn't interested in women, its just that he hasn't found one that caught his interest.

Ardyn discovered his second ability (teleportation being the first, discovered when he was 8, full control) which was precognition. He discovered it through dreaming. He has not control over this power and it only happens when he least expects it. He thought it was cool to see what happens in his dreams come to reality the following day or week. One night, he went to bed and hoped that he might see the future again. In his dream, he was kneeling on the floor with a girl in his arms, there was blood on her chest and some started to drip of her fingertips, Ardyn looked at the girls face, it wasn't someone he knew at all. The girl seemed to still be alive and breathing, but what confused him the most was that she was smiling at him. He immediately woke up from his dream. Ardyn wanted to get out for a while to take in what he just saw in his dream. He was debating to himself if what he saw was a dream or the future. That is when he saw the exact same girl sneaking in the hallway carry a rather large pouch filled with a lot of gold he presumed. 

They both stared at each other for a while, Ardyn felt something he hadn't felt before, something was going on with his heart. They were both alerted to the sound of footsteps. Ardyn saw the fear in the girls eyes and remembered the dream he had, the girl looked exactly like the one in his dream. He teleported her out of the house and into a dark alley due to instict. He himself was surprised by his actions, he had never saved a human before nor even met one. Jisoo told him her name because she owes him one for saving her . She also asked him why he saved her. For the first time in his life Ardyn couldn't answer the question properly. All he could say was "I felt like it."

Ardyn thinks that Haven is fighting for the right thing. Jisoo told him that he can't join Haven due to some past issues.
how we met
 Jisoo first met Ardyn when she was attempting to steal from his house. They both didn't know each other then. Jisoo found a vault which she managed to open somehow and filled her pouch with as much as she can. When she was about to leave, she saw Ardyn walk out of his room and they both had eye contact. Jisoo heart raced as she knew she was caught. They both heard footsteps coming from the other hallway which was getting closer. Jisoo did not expect Ardyn to teleport her out of his home and into a dark alley. She was confused as to why he helped her. She asked him why and the only answer her gave was because he felt like it. Jisoo thought he was weird but thanked him anyways. 
They would often see each other at night due to Jisoo always breaking into houses and Ardyn finding her in trouble then getting her out of it. Ardyn eventually tagged along just to keep her safe. They both have grown feelings for each other but won't tell each other due to them being from different races. It would be difficult for them to have a relationship since it won't be acceptable to the public. They both continue to hide their feelings for each other until the time is right.
  • Can Teleport and see a bit of the future through dreams.
  • Has a sun ring which protects him from the sun 
  • Usually stays in his room reading books.
  • Walks outside at night and tries to find Jisoo before she gets caught
  • Has fangs
  • Can turn others into vampires but only if both parties agree on the transformation
  • Hates everything a vampire hates, except sunlight when he wears the sun ring
comments? First time actually applying 2 characters
Scene requests: Ardyn tries to turn a dying Jisoo into a vampire to save her.


PASSWORD :Like a Cat by AOA





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