✨ isle of the lost. ✨ alderic beaufort ✨ museum

Birth name  aldÉric beaufort / first name meaning old power, ruler it is a males name (but ally's mother gave zero s about that ) with her last name meaning beautiful, fortress it is her father's last name. 

other names & nicknames: 
ally /   this nickname is used by anyone who knows her. even the regulars at her shop. it's origin comes from her masculine name. she usually tells other to call her this instead (unless she's at a formal event or it's anything related to her business) .

date of birth January 12th, 1993.
birthplace paris, france.
hometown marseille, france
Ethnicity  korean
Nationality french

French / her mother tongue. she was born and raised in France. 
ENGLISH /  was taught to her along with her French SINCE YOUNG.FLUENT
replace with face claim (200x283)    
face claim im jinah, nana /  after school.
back-up choi sooyoung / girl's generation.

height & weight 171cm / 55kg.
appearance no scars, beauty marks, or tattoos. her eye color is brown just like her hair, naturally. ally's body is slender but still quite fit, mainly due to heavy lifting she does at her cafe, AND her skins is boarderline fair with a tint to it. she's quite beautiful, overall. 
style  alderic's style is a soft, casual type of classy. she wears simple yet stylish (expensive) clothing  paired with heels or low top sneakers, that still manages to make her graceful. since ally prefers lighter colored clothes, she is often found choosing pieces of clothing that are from the neutral palette. she loves flowy tops and skirts,  blouses, tight jeans (with small rips ) and occasionally parachute pants. mostly all her outfits are accompanied with a (brand name) purse and minimal to no jewelry. 
intelligent, insightful, selectively talkative,  well-read, quiet
concise ( often seen as curt ), OVER -thinker,  CRITICAL, Perfectionist
personality  a quiet sort of women with a mind beyond her years. ally has loved learning things since she was child, hence, why she spent most of her time reading and studying. her knowledge on a wide variety of things is vast and if you want to hear her talk more than she normally does, just pick a topic on something you want to know and she'll expand on it with a smile. it can rage from the stars to the how the human brain works. 

otherwise, ally is a concise person who doesn't do well with small chit-chat. she can come off as cold or standoffish with (what other's categorize as) her curt way of speaking because of this. 

she's very insightful, which is nearly the same as being intelligent but not quite. her intelligence is what leads her to have a perceptive and deep understanding of things. 

with her mind being so aware, ally tends to over think a lot of situations. listing the pro and cons all while making a full power point as well. this causes her to take a little longer doing things that should be a simple task. like picking out what socks she should wear "wool or nitted?" or "why she's using a glass mug, should she use a coffee cup instead ?". 

She tends to be critical as well. of course her being insightful is the  main source behind it all. her over analyzing ( or thinking ) causes issues ( which is also comes from her being perceptive. it goes like this Insightful → overthinking → critical. which means that ally  tends to find faults after analyzing things over again. 

which is what leads her to being a huge perfectionist. nothing should be lower than her standard or out of order. if it isn't,  then it has to be discarded or done over until correct. 

so overall, ally is a quiet woman who has quite a complicated mind that causes most of her behavior. 

BACKGROUND ally was born from a well off family ( whose background is a bit complicated to explain)  her father has lived in france all of his life, along with her grandparents (the parents of her father ) and he was the heir to a long standing tea company. her mother lived in korea shortly before being adopted by a couple from france due to the loss of her parents. she met allys father at some uppity event held by some richies. not long after, they had ally's older brother first, then her. her relationship with her brother was never the best. it was all due to her mother who showed her so much love ( as she always wanted a girl). after their father past she seemed even more clingy ( not that ally was complaining ) . it caused her relationship with her brother to tip towards sour. 

she always had a deep appreciation towards learning and  having knowledge. blame her father as he was the same way. she  would read all day. there actually wasn't a time she wasn't doing so.  ally never got  lower than an a in school, obviously. 

sadly, ally didn't show much interest in anything. sure she loved art, antique things, and reading but the jobs in that field didn't catch her eye. still she could have become  a professor , biochemistry, or even a writer. something that used her intelligence well. 

yet when it came time to choose her major forr college she chose business. sure that needed brain power but it didn't fit ally. those close to her chose not to say anything though.  not even when she decided to open a cafe ( became quite popular to, since she had a big tea company backing her ).  ally had a reason to everything she does.

Ally knew her father always wanted to open up a tea shop and even was in the process of pitching it to his team at his company but death came for him so that dream was lost.  

001. ally enjoys hot tea, beautiful art, beach walking, classical music, and vintage things.
002. likes to go to antique stores to look around for little nicnacs
003. HaS a lot of classic movies. some even date back to the 50's. 
004. owns a collection of old music. she even has a record player to play them on ( she got it from an antique shop ) it's cream colored and she usually uses it when she's relaxing, getting ready in the morning, or cleaning up. 
005. whenever she sees something her mother might like she doesn't hesitate to buy it. 
006. the name of alderic's cafe is called casimirfort it is a mixture of her father's name and their last name.
007. her cafe is mostly quiet with hushed chatter.
008. has a whole room just for her books in her home.
009. loves fruit of any kind
010. has a habit of sticking her pinky out when she's drinking tea
011. doesn't like coffee at all.
012. besides reading and antique shopping, ally loves to arrange flowers. she usually puts them around her house ( and her shop sometimes ) when she finishes.
13. loves spring and fall.
14. hums when she's doing a task.
What was she doing at the museum? ally was at the museum for a visit. her friend was supposed to accompeny her but cancelled due to something with her family  so she just went alone. 

my mother, yerim BEAUFORT /     46 YEARS OLD  and works as real estate agent /  it doesn't take much observation on these two to know their close. immediately when they meet they hug and give each other kisses to the cheek. ally has always been her mother's favorite, which angered her brother a lot. her mother didn't even try to hide her liking to ally.  they talk on the phone often and have meet ups every time their both free. ally is definitely mama's little girl and it shows. / amara would be incredibly worried! to the point she'd fall into a slump. her daughter is her everything, and will remain so, no matter how old she gets and no matter what she does.

my father, casimir beaufort /     sadly deceased since age 34. he was the heir/ceo to a large tea company PASSED DOWN THROUGH GENERATIONS ( THAT IS NOW RAN BY ALLY'S UNCLE, her father's older half brother, BUT HER FAMILY STILL HAS 50 PERCENT OF THE COMPANY ) /  when her father was alive she remember being close to him despite him being a silent man, and her a quiet kid. they sort of just had this understanding. they weren't as close to she and her mother was however. / if he was alive he'd be worried but wouldn't let it show so he could keep his wife afloat. two depressed parents wouldn't be help anyone.

my older brother, clovis beaufort /  28 years old and works as a surgeon / ally and her brother have never been close. clovis has always been jealous of his sister.  not because she was more successful  because they're obviously they both are or because she's better looking ( they both have that ) but because she simply got more love from their mother. ally was clearly the favorite amongst the two of them . now his mother never treated him badly. they just weren't as close ( she of course still loved him as well ).  he would do little petty things because of it and be extra snarky when she was around. ally would never retort just simple ignore him or roll her eyes. they never hung out unless it was necessary. having their father deceased made him starve for a better relationship with his mother even more. / he would honestly pretend he doesn't care. or just be rather nonchalant about it. as time pass he'd get worried though and want to see her. they never hung out much but not seeing her for 6 years is just too much. even if  he and his mother's relationship would be getting better as she she's gone.  
my BESTFRIEND, NOELANI abe /   25 years old and a boutique owner  / noelani has been riding with ally since middle school so there's no one who knows ally better than her (except maybe her mom). their relationship is similar to sisters and some even believe so because of their interactions.  / she would be very confused yet worried. she has known ally for a long time. she isn't the type to disappear without telling anyone nor would she leave for a long time. her vacations usually last 4 days. but even after ally calls her  ( cause she chose her as her only contact ) she's still very worried. 

EXTRA  noelani is currently taking care of ally's cafe and home( with ally's mom) while she's away. she has access to everything including ally's home since ally trusts her a lot. checks up on ally's mom as a request by ally. 
regulars /    ally was a mysterious figure to them at first, they even thought of her as being rude too. she'd say hello and cut their conversations off with something curt. it was quite awkward for some of them. a few, quite observant ones, figured she was the type that could on converse with topics of her interest or something that wasn't a starter for small chit-chat. so they had a more pleasant experience with ally. as they kept coming back, even sitting with her a few times, they came to know her a little better and form a casual bond. most of her regulars address her as ally as well. / not quite worried but curious and a little saddened. her absence would definitely be notice by them all. after some time they would grow more curious asking where she is and when is she coming back.
you open your eyes on the isle of the lost. what sort of job would you preffer to be placed in when you're not using your time to guard the book? ( trick question, you're always going to be guarding the book...but i mean on the side, of course. ) 
something to do with flowers or a cafe. either one would be fine.
what does your room look like on the isle of the lost? (give me a short description because your character may spend a lot of time in there.)
my room is...simple. white covers. some grey, white and brown pillows . a rug, there are some plants around my room along with a mirror and a few pictures hanging up.  [  it looks like  this ]
why do you think you were chosen to receive the original mask used by the caretakers?
for once i can say i'm not sure why. 
what are your talents? (things that would be useful on the isle of the lost, such as the power(s) you gain, which can be more than one, But the one i listed in the plotline page has to be listed too...sorrynotsorry).
i have physic powers. not all of them it seems. just extrasensory perception and pyrokinesis. extrasensory perception comes in handy i suppose. i don't use pyrokinesis unless i'm practicing it.  since there is no situation that calls for it just yet and it's quite dangerous.
did you practice magic before coming to the isle of the lost? (if so, what kind and for how long?)
why would i? it didn't even exist to me until now. though i feel like it did exist before us... [ then proceeds to give an explanation on witch trials that took place long ago and how she feels they might have some sort of truth. not mention with new orelens long history with voodoo things  ] 
everybody at the isle of the lost has a sidekick, what's yours? (this could be a person, or and animal...anything goes seeing as the isle of the lost is...bonkers.)
a talking owl.
how well does your character do with their newfound abilities? (again, listed in the plotlines or what you answered for me three questions ago. tell me how well they work with each ability and how they'd make it through a battle.)
she has read a variety of things growing up but nothing prepared her for this. well, maybe harry potter did but still. she's does pretty well with her extrasensory perception as it involves the mind and that isn't hard at all for ally. because of her esp she'd know when the opponent will be attacking, throw her opponent off by communicating with them through mind and etc. but the pyrokinesis is quite difficult for her. she practices to get it under control. in battle there's a chance she'd win but be badly injured along her teamMates . she doesn't know how to keep the fire under control so it will be all over the place probably hitting who it shouldn't. 
what is one thing your character will always carry around in the isle of the lost? (sort of like their good luck charm through this whole situation, something to keep them sane whether it be a crystal, or nail clippers...?)
ally carries an antique pocket watch given to her by her grandfather when she was child. she loves the thing ( and it's pretty much the reason she started collecting antique things ). she always has it on her.
love interest  stephen james 
back-up  reece king
how you met? working in a cafe you meet all sorts of people. that's how stephen met ally. i'm not sayng it was love at first sight but  that's exactly what i'm saying. well, at least for stephen's wolf it was.
interactions  after finishing his duties stephen immediately goes to ally. his usual charming self increases ten fold and there isn't a moment he's not firlting with her. ally finds him to be bothersome honestly. brushing off his flirting attempts and date invites with a cold, curt no (which he doesn't even take to heart). only time she really enjoys his company is when they actually talk about something worth while. because stephen's  pretty intelligent and very well-spoken . 
conclusion he would most definitely follow her to her world. but it's up to you honestly. 
username -cheminks
nickname raven
activity nine
final words i'm highkey not surprised i got this done so fast. i start school which is going to be hectic so i'm finishing this fast because i'm probably won't be able to finish any apps or even start them after today. so yeah. it's early asf right now and i'm hoping things make sense in this app. i'm sleep deprived so i'm not too sure. I'll come back and fix it of course.

i wrote ally all throughout this app. i was too lazy to write out her full name tbh.  
scene suggestions 
001. boop.
sacred word  fresh /   one of my favorite songs by my favorite band. it fits ally so well. 


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