Coming out on my birthday | late

hey so I just celebrated my birthday after Tiffany's which was last on the 2nd of August, and I decided to finally tell my parents that I like someone on the same .

I was actually planning to tell them on my birthday since June, so I was so ing nervous for ONE WHOLE MONTH before my birthday, and damn it was so hard fam. I even cry sometimes because I was scared and nervous and it's like I am feeling everything at once and it feels so heavy on my heart. I was scared that they might not accept it, especially my dad. We are not that close compared to when I was just a little kid. He went abroad for work, which leaves me alone with my mom for a very long time so I felt that me and my mom grew closer, and me and my dad grew distant. I thought that it would be fine to my mom because, Idk?? She can feel it? Idk.

The evening of Tiffany's birthday, the first of August, I was making the letter that I was gonna give to my parents on the next day. Damn it was hard. 


My day, 2nd of August. I placed the letter on our table before leaving the house for school. I must say, it was pretty hard to act as if nothing is making me nervous -_-"

Some time between the day of my birthday, my dad sent me a message through facebook, he said that everything is fine with him. He said that he accepts me for who I am fully. It made me so damn happy, I cried at school. 

Then he told me that it's not okay with my mom. That night, my mom got home from somewhere, we talked at the kitchen. I cried and cried again. It's sad that she doesnt accept it fully, but she did since I'm their daughter. I made a promise to do my best on everything, and I will never let them down. So my mom gave me a chance.


I just want to tell everybody that is planning to tell their parents about their true identity or ual references; you should not be afraid. Take the risk. Don't let your fears consume you. You can do it. :) even if it's hard, what happens, happens. Life goes on no matter what happens. Love who you want to love, as long as it makes you happy. And to me, I believe that my mother will soon accept everything fully just like how my dad accepts me for who I am :)


Don't lose hope guys!





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*brave :)
Good for you! It's better to be happy with yourself than have others be happy with you. You did such a rave thing and I hope your mom can learn to accept you!