D.O.B 12.08.98

full name  andronicus amara cleo. andy's mom gave zero s about gender and went with a name based on meaning. which is how andy ended up with a male name. it means 'conqueror of all people' and it's pronounced ( ahn-draw-nee-kess ).   
other names n/a.

 ANDY.  obviously andy's name is long and way to hard to pronounce so the shorten version of her name is a go to for people. usually, andy doesn't even bother saying her name. she says "just call me andy"
 MOM.  mostly all of andy's friends call her this and she wish they wouldn't honestly. she doesn't want to claim any of those messes she calls her friends, as her children. " my kids would no doubt behave, unlike you guys". it is no doubt because of her motherly side that this nickname has came about. 

ETHNICITY  greek, hispanic 

birthplace salamanca, madrid, spain
hometown  los angeles, california, usa


 SPANISH  though only for a short span of 5 years, andy still speaks her birthplace's langauge with a fluent tongue. you think her grandparents would allow her otherwise? even if they rarely talk like that to each other? nope. at home, she only speaks spanish.  
 GREEK.  along side her spanish, andy learned  greek. so she speaks it  pretty fluently. only speaking in it when she was with her mother, or speaking with her on the phone, helped her a lot. 
 ENGLISH.  she moved to america when she was 5. she learned from teachers, and the tutors hired by her mother. she still speaks with a heavy spanish  accent despite how long she has lived in america.    

FACeclaim taylor hill
backup faceclaim barbara palvin  

her looks is nothing short of beautiful, she is a goddess' daughter after all. she might as well be a mini version of her mom minus her golden brown hair, where as her mother has golden honey, and the dimples in the lower parts of her cheeks. ( she looks the same as her faceclaim. )

style expensive yet so simple you wouldn't suspect she's wearing brand clothing. andy isn't much of a 'high fashion' type like her friends. she's more so a mimialist type of girl. she likes to keep it effortless as possible while still looking good. her style is a little beyond her time but it still  works for her because of her mature personality. andy prefers simple patterns, neutral colors, neat, not too many rips, flowey things, and less jewelery as possible. click here for closet

serious, uptight, diligent, pedant, intelligent, witty, cocky, motherly, competitive
personality as the daughter of a war goddess with intellelect and beauty, andy doesn't lack any of her mother's traits. good and bad.

she's just as sporty and ready to dominate as her mother is. 

sure enough she is also is a stern girl who take goals, school, work, or just about anything too serious. andy seldom participates in fun or as she'd like call it 'childish' activities and is a stickler for rules. you will rarely find her joking around. this makes some people view her as boring or uptight. or both. even her friends. which she is and she knows it. but doesn't bother to change because you won't get anywhere in this world by 'having fun'(she thinks).

her seriousness seems to go hand and hand with her diligence and hard work. she works hard to make sure her work or duty is done thoroughly because it determines her success. if she has to make trackers, take multiple notes,  work overtime, and fill out organizers to do so then she will. and with her serious nature it won't be hard for her to stay on the right path. though, she can be a bit of a pedant person. because she likes to ensure her success, she triple checks every detail of her work to make sure it meets her standards. if it's not then she fixes it until it does. it causes a toil on her but as long as her work or goals is met then she doesn't really care. she can be sort of careless when it comes to her own self but luckily she catches herself before she goes completely overboard. well, sometimes.

andy may not be funny or the joking type but she is undeniably witty. her remarks are like humorous in an intellectual way. and it's not hard at all for her to be because she's an intelligent girl. with all her studying and various reading, andy has a very vast knowledge. which something most envy about her; especially since she doesn't even have to try at times. andy's flaunting of her smartness only make that envy turn for the worse. her cockiness is definitely the one of the worst thing about her ( first going to how scary competitive she is. so yeah don't challenge her) but if you can look past that you'd get a very good friend who's extremely motherly. like seriously, andy will literally become your mom. she will cook for you if you hadn't eaten, but not before scolding you to eat more and check your weight, text you multiple times to ask if you gotten home,  ask if you finished any homework and scold you if you hadn't, and much more. it's over-bearing to her friends most times but they don't complain about it often, seeing as it's needed in most cases. 

background  with a drunk of a dad living with his his parents and her rich, kickass mom, it's obvious who andy get's her attitude and drive from. who she looks up to. and why she works so hard. while she doesn't hate her father, because she clearly wouldn't take care of him if she did, she doesn't like him either. their relationship is awkward and strained.

it was always that way, her relationship with him. he was really attentive to her once upon a time. but that change when he mother divorced her father when she was 5. it seems athena simply lost the love she had for her husband. there was no spark. it caused her father to turn to drinking to cope with the pain of losing his love. they moved from spain to america because it as well. he simply couldn't take living in there anymore because of memories. it started out as just a drink every few nights then later turned to a few drinks every night.

and the one who took care of him was andy, her grandparents couldn't really do it. she could have chosen to live with her mother but her mother didn't want to take andy knowing her father would be alone. she needed someone to check up on him. even though her mother was no longer in love with him that didn't mean she didn't still care for him.

her mother usually came around for a longer period of time when andy needed help figuring out her powers and controlling them. other than that andy only spoke to her mother on the phone or through a camera. the teen definitely wasn't angry at all by that either. a little sad, yes, but never angry. her mother was working hard in the human world while traveling back and forth to the world made for gods. it wasn't a wonder why she didn't have time to really spend with her. 

andy dreaded being at home so she found ways to not be.  she turned to sports as a way out(towards middle school). which she has always been something she was into, but never had the chance to really try(like joining a team) because taking care of her father was her top priority. but now she figured, she would just let him do what he wants then take care of him at night. she doesn't need to spend all her time after school with him does she?? she loved soccer  ( it's spain's pride alright) the most, and pretty much excelled in it. not to mention, it kept her mind off her father for majority of the day. while she wasn't doing anything soccer related she spent her days practicing out her powers.

on the soccer field she has to tone herself down a bit in strength as to not send her opponents flying when she's trying to get pass them.
in school, andy stayed with top grades. and with her enhanced condition it was no wonder. she was never the most popular,  but she was  always well-known and well-liked(by some). she was( and still is) her school's ace soccer player. she mainly hung out with males until the girls came along. her reason being, she was just more comfortable with them, as was they (despite her personality sometimes).



APHRODITE / HECATE  ​​​​aphrodite and hecate are literally her Children. do not with them. she has known aphro since her freshman year when the young girl had to shadow andy. normally andy doesn't take well to females but she did with dite. despite her ty actions. there relationship is pretty much filled with andy encouraging her a lot, nagging her about being a rude(narcisistic) , and giving her pep talks if she ever feels like she needs them. she's not really bothered by aphrodites narcissim because she sees what's truly there but that doesn't mean she let's it slides when she goes overboard.  with hecate, she's ACtually andy's child ( she's more well-behaved, lol) and checks on her the most. now she met hecate the same way she did aphro but andy brought hecate under her wing much quicker. she's practically both of their moms.

ARES this little is her good friend (after much convincing from said head). being a guy into sports and a demi god just like herself, it's not too much of a suprise to people who know andy. but to those who don't  they may think it's odd considering andy does seems like the type to avoid his type. his tendencies to play around ( and not just with girls ) annoys her (ever since the beginning) but he has his good points so she sees no point of discarding of their friendship. he's always bagging on her staleness ( cause she's too uptight ) but still hangs around her simply because she's different from most girls and easy to hang out with  despite her staleness. / 001. andy's boyfriend don't like him too much 002. only guy to visit her home really (let's make sure reece doesn't find out) 003. hangs out with her and the rest of the mean girls sometimes

MALE FRIENDS​ most of andy's friends are male and they all get along well. sure andy can be a total mom and doesn't want to participate in any party they throw ( except that one time when she was a junior ) but she's still bomb as to hang out with. she helps with their homework, feed them (cause that's super important), and is easy to converse with ( minus her lame not reacting to their jokes). her being good at sports, and getting sports talk, is the cherry on top. / 001. most of andy's friends are from the male soccer team, and basketball team 002. they bother her a lot with their relationship problems 003. protective bros even though she could kick their asses 004. they don't care about wearing a shirt around her cause she's cool like that 005. sleep overs at their house she always gets the bed while they sleep down stairs ( cause they know she got a man ) 006. main male friends names are : calum, landon, dylan, and nate. first two from soccer team other three from basketball team 007 never been over her house, they know about her dad ( not the details tho ) 008. reece knows they're all pretty close so he doesn't question them with her. not to mention he was friend with them when he attended ammo high. 
make them want more.

001. a mama's girl even though she rarely get's to see her mother face to face. she still sees her on video ( they skype) though. 
002. does not like being looked down on or talked down to.
003. do not underestimate her, she will destroy you okay.
004. soccer's team captain
005. girls don't like her because she brings all the boys to the yard
006. not fond of sweet things
007. does not go to parties because she does not like them. has to be forced to go, honestly.
008. doesn't really bother with her father at this point. they have someone else to take care of him now. 
009. her relationship with  her grandparents is meh. she speaks with them during dinner but after that nope not to much. 
010. doesn't go out to those richie events. unless her mother is the one inviting her ( which is rarely) or she's forced to go by her grandparents. it's crucial that she makes an appearance apparently
011. she rarely usues her shapshifting abilities. mainly because she doesn't have a reason to. 
012. her grandparents are indeed wealthy
013. no one has been over her house except ares ( who she has known since her first year )
you have THE magic in you, own it!

power shapeshifting and enhanced condition / meaning andy's physical and mental abilities are above humans, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. this entails that she is faster, stronger,  and more intelligent just like her mother. with shapeshifting andy is able shapeshift her form, transforming and reshaping herself potentially down to her genetic and cellular structure. she can impersonate others or enhance her body for combat, either by turning into animals, monsters, or by make her body stronger. however, since this is more complicated, andy is limited to what she can do at the moment
theme song who runs the world ( girls ) by beyonce

full name  reece king ( fc ; reece king )
personality a likeable guy with a personality brighter than the sun. he's competitive, way too stubborn,  straight forward, and  has zero patience for anything ( non related to sports) but still a good guy overall. a rich kid so he acts a bit entitled sometimes. definitely cocky but only with things he's good at and crazy affectionate. 
how they met the guys ( her friends) finally got her strict to come out with them. andy was completely done with everything going on around her and she hadn't even been at the party for no more than an hour. standing against the wall with a bitter as look ( that warded off many) caught the attention of one person in particular ( who had just arrived). reece king. even with being a junior, it would be stupid not to know who reece was. popular guy with talent for swimming. he was an outgoing guy that andy never had the pleasure of actually speaking to even with the same group of friends. reece had been interested in andy since his junior year ( while she didn't see him, he definitely saw her). it was rare for andy to go out, he saw this as his chance. he finished off his drink ( he literally just had in his hand) and approached her. the conversation was awkward and formal and you could tell andy didn't want to be there or talking to him. but after speaking to him for an hour, andy felt he was worth her company after all. he had been subjected through multiple insults ( they were thrown to end the convo) without getting annoyed or anything. he kept a genuine smile on his face the whole time. andy could respect that. they ended of leaving together that night and just spent it at the beach talking. sure enough months later the two were spotted holding each other's hands and kissing before class.
interactions reece is very much the clingy type and calls and text andy when ever he's able to. when they're together, he's no doubt touching her in some sort of way. he freaking loves hugs and cuddles so they do that a lot. basically, andy never has to question reece's love towards her.  he shows her every chance he gets. it's adorable sometimes, but other times, andy gets annoyed. esp when she's trying to work on something. he can be very distracting. trying to draw her attention with anything. and now that he's off at college he feels the need to be all up in andy's space even more. even though his college is literally on an hour away. / 001. he's not happy with her being friends with males and has expressed this many times but andy won't unfriend her friends bc of this but she makes it known that she's taken and doesn't goes past the limits of contact with her friends so he does not have to worry so much. 002 brags to much about andy. 003. she doesn't speak much about her boyfriend however even if she is a proud girlfriend. 004. doesn't like stephan bc the slept with one of his girlfriend back in freshman year.  the fact that he thinks he has the hots for andy only feuls the hate ( but since ares/stephen is one of andy's long term friends he can't really tell her to stop speaking him. she has known ares much longer than him. )
status dating

COMMENTs um, i ing love this idea. picking a beautiful girl that matched the description of athena was hard bc there are so many, i cries- in the end i ended up with taylor hill. she's so fckn beautiful. her and barbara. i'm high key probably missing something but it's 1 in the morning so i will check back on things later.
001. um a party seen andy is forced to go to by her friends. maybe a guy approaches andy ( kind of nerdy maybe) who was dared to by his (ty) friends. andy could hear them ( with her senses and all) but found it adorable instead of annoying really. he was trying alright. his awkwardness and nervousness was so strong it made andy feel bad. someone ( a friend of reece's who was senior just like andy) noticed their closeness and watched their interaction before snapping a pic of andy giving the boy a kiss to the cheek ( he was dared to get a kiss from a girl. they all chose andy knowing who she was but not their friend. they wanted to see him fail so he could get the punishment of skinning dipping. but it failed because he got a kiss.) reece looses his by the way. 
002.  one the girl's love interest ( not andy's) get all jelly after trying to make her jelly ( or something) at a party ( that andy is only going to to chaparone) and decides to throw hands with the guy she was flirting with ( or dancing with). it gets out of hand and the cops is called. now everyone has to dip. andy scolds everyone once they get into her car. 
003. maybe hera attracts the attention of someone's boyfriend and they get all mad and throw hands  in the girl's bathroom. 
004. idk.

PASSWORD we're mean girls, what do you expect?
Layout coded by Peculiars.


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