Memory lane songs

Oh man, I don't know why but I've been having memory lane songs running through my head. What are memory lane songs? Well, songs that you remember when you were a kid, or you had heard growing up whether it was on the radio, on the bus, at work, or in the car.

Because I was born in 1977, I've been listening to songs from that era. Talk about bringing you back. Well, not only that. I've been going down the years as well. I've been posting the songs that I have grown up with and have heard in my lifetime on my Facebook page. At the moment I'm on 1981. Man, I can't believe the songs that I remember. Every day, I'm making a list of the songs that I have listened too from a website that has 100 songs from each year. Some of them I can remember by heart before I even listen to them. 

Because I've been listening to songs in the 2000s and even Korean music, I had completely forgotten about them. So, I decided to check out the older songs, and have fallen in love with the songs even more than I did before when I first had heard them. 

Of course, I can't remember songs from when I was REALLY young. I figured out that in 1981, I was 4 years old. But, I remember those same songs being played later in the years when I started elementary school. And I noticed there was no rap or heavy metal on the 100 songs. That's not to say there wasn't. My brother was listening to Metallica when he was in middle and high school. But, that was when I was just a baby.

Anyway, it's always fun to look back on the songs that you had grown up with and feel how much you love the songs now. And when I was working, I heard a lot of older songs from when I was a kid. It takes me back.

I think at some point, when I fix my iPod, I'm going to go through my list, and look on iTunes for that music and add them to my collection. I don't mind listening to newer songs, but the older songs are even more enjoyable to listen to. Disco, big hair, and hairspray were the norm during my life. Hell, even bell bottoms were being worn in the late 70s. 

Just wanted to tell you how happy I am with the older music.




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