Just Something

Annyoung guys, do hope you guys are doing great ^^

Well, I'm here to promote this site justsomething 





The founder and president of justsomething is just like everyone else on justsomething who just wanted to do something. But unlike others, she gathered people all over the world and decided to actually do something. She describes herself as a hard working and passionate person who has many dreams and hobbies. One of her favorite being Kpop.




justsomething is a online non profit organization with the dream of helping and inspiring others by taking smaller steps and was founded by its president, Zinnia. Currently it’s still a nugu and can only provide people with access to Internet with personal support, inspiring images, positive videos, interesting stories, and warm blogs by its members through events. Through these, justsomething family would like to brighten its visitors’ day through the shine and cold. So if you are either someone who is currently depress and hopeless or someone with a similar dream, please join justsomething family and friends.

Thank you.

Q: Why, when, and how was justsomething created?  

A: justsomething was first thought of during the summer of 2016, when the president/founder wanting to do something to help others, but didn’t quite know how and had a limit. She decided to create a online non profit organization so others like her can easily help and inspire others.


Q: What does justsomething provide to others? And how does it help and inspire others?                          

A: justsomething currently cannot physically provide or help others unlike many other organizations due to its limit and it consists of mostly students. Though justsomething do and believe that we can make a big difference in the world and in others’ lives even in a smaller way. We provide inspiring and positive stories, blogs, and images. And personal support and advices from its members. We also participate in many positive and active events.


Q: What is justsomething family and friends?        

A: justsomething family is its officially joined members and justsomething friends is the regular viewers.


Q: How do I become a offical justsomething family/ member?                                                                          

A: You can easily apply to become a member and join the family by completing the application below the link “To Join” and to be officially accepted, you would have to recieve a confirmation email. More information will be sent you perior the email. 


Q: How do I participate in the event on justsomething? And how do I  add my own stories, blogs, and images?                                                          

A: To be able to personally do any of the activity above, you would have to become a offical member and how to become one is answered above.


Q: Is justsomething safe? Who are the members Will I be welcome?                                                          

A: justsomething is a safe and efficient non profit online organization with a clear and focused goal in mind. We do not leak any personal information of any kind and keep everything safe and appropriate.  justsomething’s president/ founder is a hardworking and inspiring A honor roll, active student. All the members of justsomething is only accepted with a positive and inspiring personality. justsomething has a international, wide range of member, coming from all over the world and consists of mostly students. The members promise to be understanding and welcoming. And to be appropriate. justsomething will never discriminate anyone base on anything, and will never judge or be negative toward anyone. We open our arms to you.


Q: What if I would like to personally talk to someone for advice or support? And how can I request? Is it safe and helpful? Am I require to be a member and would I have to pay anything?                    

A: If you were like to have a personal buddy, simply complete the form below “Need Personal Support” and a confirmation email will be sent to you. You will be assign to a offical member of justsomething and will be able to chat with them regularly. All requests will be accepted and at a fast pace, form are simply use to get to know you and your goal. We will not leak any personal information and will be understanding, yet truthful. We are not trained nor professional, but we do our best to support, help, and inspire others, which we believe you do not need learn to do. You are not require to be a member at all and it is absolutely free. We will be more than happy to be able to share our advice and support others. The password is “0731.” This is why we created this organization anyway. 


Q: What if I have more questions? What if I have a complaint or a comment?                                            

A: Email: [email protected]           We will be happy and cheerful to insist anyone, but please make sure to be appropriate and polite 


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