The sad truth about fan girls

You promise yourself that you’ll always support your bias, you read everything about him on gossiping sites and can’t get enough of him etc. But deep in your heart you know that he’ll never recognize you, yes you’re important for hiscareer, but he as a private person won’t ever look at your face twice. No matter what all the fanfictions say, it’s impossible to be with him. You only scream your heart out because there’s always this one little tiny sparkle of hope that he’llmaybelook at you and smile hisrealsmile at you. You know that life’s not a fairytale which will turn you into his princess. It’s like knowing your prince charming, but also knowing that he’ll never come like a shining knight to save you in difficult situations…

We fan girls are made to stand in the crowd only without anyone knowing your name…

Love, Kim ♥


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aww.. =( this made me feel sad. =( now that i think about it... so true..
The song 'Superstar' by Taylor Swift really fits this. I'm a sad fangirl /: