Heroes, Weddings, and Emperors

A new month, and a new challenge! The Fantastic Fantasy Writing Contest has opened a new short story monthly challenge. Old stories can be used too if they fit the theme.  Go see the contest for more details!  


There are three prompt choices for this month's mini contest! So! 

Pick A Theme

  1. Heroes Day in Zimbabwe
    Write a story where the main character has a hero. It can be any form of heroism, any genre, but must incorporate the idea of another being a hero within the story or in the character's life.
  2. Proposal or Wedding
    August is a special month for me because it is the month of my parents wedding anniversary. So if you chose this one, I want romantic stories of weddings or proposald. That simple. 
  3. Augustus Month
    August was named after the first Emperor of the Roman Empire, Octavius Julius Ceasar Augustus. Write a fantasy story about a young Emperor who ascends to the throne of an unstable country: enemies with political power surround him and he rules with a fragile hold, with his intellect being the way he built an empire from this point. You can write either gender, use the story of Ceasar Augustus as your beginning point but really, the point of the story can be anything, even mixing the second prompt in as a marriage to seal the kingdom. However, whatever you do, this one MUST be fantasy. 




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ohmyhoshh I'm excited for the ones who'll pick the Augustus Month theme! *u*
So the marriage one doesn't have to be fantasy?
oh my i have two short stories that would work and absolut no time. hahaha i will still try though, one is indeed old therefore finished well halfly and the other as you know not
Oooooh nice! I hope someone picks up the third theme. I'm a huge fan of political intrigue stories.