
So I've thought of a good way to use my blogs, and that is with using them to type down my ideas. 

These ideas are just thoughts of stories that I'm thinking of doing next, but something is wrong:

  • can't come up with a good storyline
  • don't have time to write it
  • I have another story I'm working on and I don't want to start a new story just yet
  • I don't know where to go with it

But the main one is that I have another story that I'm working on (as it is bolded :P ) 

Anyways, so I thought that I'd use my blogs to type out my ideas and then hopefully, you guys (my aff friends) can tell me if it's good or bad.

Another thought I had is, if you guys like the story idea and I can't think of a good story line but you can; then I wouldn't mind you guys ask me if you can take the idea and create it into a story. As long as you give me credit, I won't mind. 

So, yeah, that's what I'm going to do with my blogs. Add ideas and small story lines of the ones I don't think I can do. 

I'm mainly doing this because I have a lot of ideas, but I have no where to go with them. I don't want to open a new story because I don't want to deal with having people subscribe to me and then take my ideas for granted. I don't know, I just rather use my blog for this than make a story for it. -shrugs-

Plus, I'm thinking, if I type them down, then maybe I can come back and choose which one I like best instead of racking my brain out with ideas and stuff. :)

You don't have to participate, no, but it would help if you liked an idea or not ^-^ That way, if I come back to the idea and see if I want to use it, if no one commented on it but did to another one, then my choices go down and I can become more focused on one instead of thinking over and over again of which story to choose. 

Thanks for your time ^-^


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