HELL'SHEROES  ‹ DEMETRI KIM IVASHKOV › [ editing cuz my app succs ]





ethnicity korean, romanian
face claim red velvet joy
backup face claim jeon somi
age 20
 demi  - it's a common nickname her close friends call her
dhampir  - it was an offensive term mostly by her fellow colleagues to motivate her or whenever she messes up ( which is rarely) she expects to hear dhampir
fedgling  - demetri is catergorized as a fedgeling by her friends since she isn't "fully developed" at the age of 25 is when vampires usually stop growing. 

languages spoken
english + fluent 
korean + fluent 
romanian + semi fluent
residence los angeles, california
period of time 1920
demetri comes from the roaring twenties, where america was changing politically and socially. where , alchohol and drugs became mainstream, the nations wealth doubled and economic growth swept across America. 
appearance demetri stands at 5'5 not the tallest of them all, and weighs 140, certainly a twig in her eyes. she walks with pride in her step and a bit of a sway with her since she does have a body of a godess. she wears clothes with strong looks and has feeling that makes a scene. she wants the attention from the clothes she wears, and she likes to be out the box. even though demetri is a vampire, her face beams with brightness. her skin is silky and radiant with no bruises or birhtmarks to show flaws. everyone at could give you a direct discription of demetri because she doesn't really change her look, she always had her wavy pitch black hair down or in a bun and one layer of her favorite red lipstick or lip balm. she has a very natural look to her, dim freckles spwarled across her cheeks which could be seen everytime she smiled with her chubby cheeks enhancing her smile. if you catch demetri in a good time you will see her with a white rose in her hair. pure beauty some will say, but death to some when you push her to the edge. 

 positive curious, honest, capable, empathetic, independent
negative blunt, compulsive, short-tempered, competitive, indecisive 

demetri is a woman of words, she has pride in her step and in her words. she believes in herself and she knows that she is something in life. she grew up with a bit of negative energy but she often pushes herself out of those enviroments. though, sometimes the people do get to her, it takes her awhile to actually do something about it based on her capabilities. she's not the type to do things off of long thoughts but short processing and simply living in the moment. it's those sides of her she often shows but overall, she's a sweet girl. her good traits tend to power through when she wants things for herself or just to be over with the petty and be the girl who she wants to be. demetri tends to have a cold, rude attitude as a stand off because she doesn't want anyone to take advantage of her but when she opens up she's like the "i hate you out of love" type of person, she's very sincere, protective and loving because she trusts and cares about you.

demetri grew up living a half normal and a half weird life. demetri wasn't the best child when she was younger, being a born vampire and a child plus teen years was hell. even though her parents have had a child before demetri she came out to be worse than her older brother when he was younger. financially, demetri was stable. she grew up not living in the best area but a stable one where she always got what she wanted but stayed a bit humble at the same time. she didn't really have much friends from her on and off moods but went really well with older kids.

demetri comes from a background of moroi royals, ivashkov is one of the highest reign of morois and with her name on the line she holds it with pride. since, ivashkov isn't the regular normal surname you hear, she goes by kim for protection. she was told at the age of 17, she was supposed to inherit a power. she didn't know when it was coming nor, what it was going to be, but she found out soon enough when one fatal day in the middle of a summer night. demetri heard a crash of a window and her parents screaming which was rare since they had nothing to fear. 

demetri reached downstairs to see her parents being attacked by  drekavac's demons. she wasn't sure at first what to do, but it seemed by the fear of her dying and her parents possibly dying, her pain illusion was triggered killing 1 fourth of the 16 demons that flocked her parents. it wasn't until she saw her parents dead bodies on the ground was when she knew it was the end for her. before they could reach her, a group she was very unfimilar of, took the rest down. one insisted on just leaving believing she was a mortal, but as another examined her they knew she was a vampire since her eyes were brooding red, they decided on taking her in for the hell of it. she didn't know why  drekavac sent his demon's for her parents but she swore if she spotted him, it'll be off with his head. (okay that last part was cringy)

supernatural power 

pain illusion and telepathy resistance ( backup: astral manipulation and elemental magic )

pain illusion is the gift to trick an individual's mind into thinking they are experiencing burning pain. though it causes no physical damage to the body, it is very useful in rendering whoever, the victim becomes defenseless and this power can only work if they are easily targeted in one's eyes range.

telepathy resistance is the ability to block telepathy. some describe it to be a shield. 

 demetri's natural eye color is a light brown but it changes from time to time, a yellowish brown for her calm vampire stage, bright red for hungry/ravish stage, and a dark red for full pshyco stage, she rarely goes full pshyco but when she does it's not a pretty sight. 

– ( before ) demetri outside of her vampire life is a librarian at the local library. she works there simply because she loves literature and learning new things. she often is there reading about supernatural beings and more and if not she brings it to her father where she trains more and more to become stronger.

– unlike most vampires, moroi's are a "immune" to sunlight, it irritates them but it doesn't kill them.

– she also wears a special white rose in her hair. this rose was special given to her mother, the kick that the rose has is whenever demetri kills people it turns red. it will only turn black if she killed a innocent, it instantly triggers her and she feels weak, as if she loses her powers and she chokes up. 

type demetri isn't the best at love nor does she even try at it. she doesn't want to because of her curent state, a immortal being. whoever she ever loved just simply died off at a certain point in time. but, if someone does catch her eye, she goes for them and she doesn't stop until she has them. 

                                         HELLS HEREOS 










would you sacrifice your life for hell's heroes?
"of course, they basically saved mine.."
if given a chance to get back something that you once lost, would you take it?
"yes, well, to a certain extent, i would go back for my parents, they mean the world to me and i still love them"
when you defeat drekavac and everything goes back to normal, would you be happy or sad it's over?
"a bit of both, i would miss the moments of hell's heroes but also glad that i'm not living with any bit of pain anymore...like pain was lifted off my chest"
if a member of hell's heroes betray you, would you kill him/her?
"maybe, if it's a real betrayal then death is what is supposed to be catered to you, but if it isn't anything serious then no, a warning is fine in my eyes"
what is a happy ending to you?
"my parents and I reunited...or living a normal life back in LA enjoying this supernatural life"

suggestions of events
my mind is blank-
any comments?
thank you for reviewing my application! hopefully you like demetri, also, i hope an applicant as a love interest is fine and if all end fails i'll make a love interest! feel free to go hard on me :))))))
“I'm a fighter. I believe in the eye-for-an-eye business. I'm no cheek turner. I got no respect for a man who won't hit back. You kill my dog, you better hide your cat.” ― Muhammad Ali























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god damn! freaking out by your character in a good way istg!!! i love the idea of your character and seriously, plots are popping up in my head!!! i need to chill and read your application thoroughly cause i'm not chill rn!!