Answer 102 Questions - Tag Yourself

I'm doing this just because I'm bored and why not? Its a little after 12 AM and I want to do something. If you would like to do it, feel free to! 


1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood?

Hmmm... I'll have to keep searching for songs. 

2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet?

nopppeeeeeeee. Pop the p.

3.) have you ever been drunk?


4.) have you ever tried drugs?

noppppeeeeeeee but I have been "overdose".

5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said?

Yepppppppp. I need to start thinking before I speak.

6.) have you ever made someone cry?

uhhh... yes?

7.) has someone ever made you cry?


8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. 

Love, love? No. Kpop idol love? Yes. When I saw Luhan's face in a color coded lyric video back in late 2013.

9.) which came first the chicken or the egg?


10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?

By community do you mean I'm lgbtq? I support them!!!! PRIDE!!

11.) how many siblings do you have?

five. 4 girls and 1 boy. Fun fact: I'm a twin. :D

12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?

nopppeeee. I've never experience such tragedy.

13.) are you a good cook?

nopppeeee. But I'm good at cutting veggies.

14.) what is your favorite tv show?

idk. I would need spend more time watching TV shows.

15.) what is the last movie you cried during?

I don't remember...

16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)

hmmm... I didn't cry but I felt overwhelmed. EXO - Promise, BTS - Young Forever, Day6 - Colors, Cloves - Don't Forget About Me, Birdy - Skinny Love, Ailee - Evening Sky and etc.

17.) do you have a middle name?


18.) have you been out of your country?

No but I do want travel and explore. Earth is huge and I'm small. There's so much out there to learn.

19.) are you a chocolate fan or not?

yes? I don't like white chocolate or very sweet milk chocolate.

20.) how many people have you kissed?

One. My baby sister. :3

21.) what is your favorite album?

Hmm... I'll have to think about this.

22.) what is your dream car?


23.) what is your lucky/favorite number?

oohhhh 22 23 24?

24.) what is your favorite flower?

Hmmm... There a huge variety. I don't know tbh. Daisy?

25.) books or movies, why?

books. More details/more depth.

26.) have you ever been on a blind date?


27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you?

uh idk?

28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends?

Uh idk?

29.) what thing do you symbolize love with?

My heart and whole soul - my whole living body and purpose. The universe.

30.) do you have neat handwriting? 

Yes and no. It really depends. A skinny writing utensil makes my writing ugly. A thick writing utensil makes it beautiful.

31.) do you have a friend with benefits?


32.) do you want a friend with benefits?

base off fics, it sounds exciting but in real life no. What if they have HIV or STD??? What if I get pregnant? Too many risks.

33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be?

Hmmm... world as in Earth or space included? I'll be the galaxy.

34.) have you ever been blackout drunk?


35.) have you ever met someone famous?


36.) how many concerts have you been to?


37.) which concerts have you been to?

none. I want to go to an EXO or Of Monsters and Men concert.

38.) do you have a hidden talent?

not that I can think of

39.) what do you do when you’re stressed?

I rant and nag at others. Its a horrible choice, I know.

40.) do you think money can buy love?

It can buy titles but love? No, not really. 

41.) how old would you date?

uhh... realistically speaking 5 years older than me (why is Baekhyun ten years older?????? T-T)

42.) have you ever done something illegal?

Illegal download

43.) what is your biggest fear?


44.) what is an unusual fear you have?

hmm... idk 

45.) can you drive?

no although I wish I could

46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures?

tough question but I'll go with no

47.) do you believe in karma?

yes. Karma's a *****.

48.) what is one quality you need in your partner?

Hmm... compassion?

49.) do looks matter?

honestly, yes. Does this make me a bad person?

50.) does size matter?

????? No?????

51.) who is the last person you forgave?

uhh.... I don't remember.

52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor?


53.) what languages can you speak besides english? 

Uh, a bit of French. I understand Hmong but I can't speak it well. Forgive me, my ancestors?

54.) ever been on a plane?


55.) ever been on a boat? 


56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? 

Yeah, this friend I had.

57.) are there any friendships you regret?

yes, looking back I was stupid and youngER.

58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make?

hmm, yes there are many.

59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours? 

Yeppppp. For a funeral.

60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am?


61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through?

no, but I wish to.

62.) are you scared of rollercoasters? 

Used to be but now, I love it.

63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually?


64.) do you have any plans this weekend?

yeah. I'm going to amusment Park!

65.) do you miss anyone right now?


66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now?

Uhh... idk....

67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Telepathy or the power to make things come to life/form (make money out of thin air).

68.) who is your favorite superhero?

Hmmm. I don't know.

69.) are you dirty minded?

not really.

70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?


71.) how many kids, if any, do you want?

Preferably two

72.) who is your biggest OTP?


73.) what is your favorite food?

hmm... rice.

74.) do you want to be married one day?


75.) dogs or cats?


76.) do you drink enough water daily?

I should drink more water. I normally drink half a cup a day.

77.) have you ever seen a shooting star?

yes! At camp and it was amazing.

78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?


79.) how many best friends do you have?

None? I have closer friends but not best friends.

80.) when was the last time you cried?

this morning and I shall keep my mouth shut as to why.

81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?

no I have not but the idea seems interesting.

82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?

no but I made someone laugh so hard they cried.

83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go?

To other nebulas!

84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?

Awkward, humorless, nevertheless beautiful.

85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person?


86.) what is your favorite season and why?

Fall. The leaves turn a beautiful color and it's my birthday season!

87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it?

no. I hardly use that word outside of a sentence that doesn't evolve Baekhyun, EXO or food.

88.) do you know how to play any instruments?

yes, the Bb tuba. Proud tuba player.

89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not?


90.) what are you allergic to?


91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like?

yes, completely.

92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?

no I wouldn't 

93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why?

Chanyeol and idk.

94.) are you outgoing?


95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to?

hmm.. no.

96.) are you a good flirt?

I've never flirted before so no?

97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down?


98.) which planet is your favorite?

exo planet

99.) are you superstitious?

maybe? Whenever I do something and stop or vice versa, there's something happening.100.) are you a good listener?


101.) are you a good kisser?


102.) would you kiss any of your friends?



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interesting idea! i have nothing to do most days, so why not do it as well. XD