Just me and my ...

Annyoung guys!!!

It’s NoonaYoung@yin again >.<”

Well, this blog will be a rollercoaster one. And so, do click the ‘Back’ button now or you will regret it, I swear.






So, today 24th of July, Rafi oppa’s birthday – palelolelo and also the last day of Syawal which means today is the last day of celebrating Hari Raya. For Muslim, the month Syawal, after a month of fasting in Ramadhan, is the time for forgiveness. ‘Maaf Zahir dan Batin’ is what we will say to others and it means I’m sorry for all the conscious and unconscious actions/ words that had hurt you, emotionally/ physically. And today when I met up with the senior, which I nicknamed her as ‘Princess’, not because she was named that in Malay, but as of her characters, I had an urge of walking to her and say Maaf Zahir dan Batin to her. I know I dislike her and even hated her all this while for what she had done to me. Yet at the same time, I feel that at the end of the day, we’re all human and God is there to see and judge Himself. No matter what happened, let bygone be bygone. Still, in the end, I was a coward and I walked away after just saying a ‘Hi’ to her (which also took me some time to have the courage to do so).

As I said last week, I’m making a comeback here, to AFF. I don’t know when, but I swear AFF is part of my life. I can’t stay out of it even if it is just a day. Yet, when things outside AFF aren’t rosy and in fact turning towards downhill, I couldn’t but had to stop visiting here and keep myself alive out there.

Many had, perhaps read from my previous blog posts of how I was bullied in the office for being the youngest and newbie. Now, let me make it clear that my bosses, all of them in the top position, yes, top position means the director and so on, would never side me though they once said, you are my staff and I’ll take care of you. Never, it is all just a lie. And now, something even worse had happened. My boss wanted to have with me! I was totally at shocked when he approached me and asked for it openly. He is a doctor, and there are times I feel grateful for his advice, on work and personal matters. But that is not the way for someone to request something so horrible! He said – Having will improve our Boss-PA relationship. In my heart, I was screaming, idiot ert! This had happened a few times, and whenever he asked, I’ll find a way out. Yes, I’m a , you read it right, I’M A BLOODY . And I don’t think I’m a toy for you to satisfy your lust. I love my body. Just thinking about this right now makes me feel like crying. I just don’t understand why people love to take advantage of me. Tell me why!

Right now, I was given another task, to take care of another boss. Yes, being PA again. Though this boss doesn’t seem to have s or minds, but I feel drained. There are so many candidates available for the post, and yet I was chosen. And when this news got into my mom and brother’s ear, they lectured me for hours and days. I’ve had wanted to get out from here but I always hesitate at the very last minute being of the silly grateful feeling towards my boss which now turned into disgust and fear. I had applied for a transfer, but no one approved it. It is not that I don’t want to search for another job. But my resume doesn’t shine as bright as others. My education background compared to those of my age is considered dull. I’ve only school leaving certificate with me (though I’ve good grade, but because of some family issues and financial problem, I didn’t further my sturdies). I’ve plans too for my future. I want to have a degree too and hold a higher position with a better pay. Still, Rome is not built in a day. I need to work my way to get the fund as now price of everything is so damn cheap!

There are so many things running in my head day in and day out. I just feel so tight in my heart. I really need some peace in my life though I know everything that happened now is actually a test from God to see what I’ll do next. I know it is a challenge for me to grow wiser and mature. But, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this. It is hard. Really hard.


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I'm so shocked to hear about this and still so glad that you manage to survive till this moment. I won't say anything about that bloody hell so-called boss of yours (cuz I believe many of us have left comments about it down there) and I think the decision to ask for a transfer is the best. But I know better getting a job these days is hard especially when you only have a certificate but still you can try. Or maybe you should apply for another post? idk, it's up to you. Living in a big city needs a stronger will of survival so I really wish you'll get the best job with a great pay and safer (at least, no more boss). This is very serious Yin and as a younger fella, there's nothing I can do but to pray for your safety. I really understand your situation as of this moment with money & education background problem, but yes, stay strong and keep in faith that everything will go well. ^^
Dont worry noona, Allah always protect you. Just always pray to Allah. Allah always blees you noona :)
That's totally unacceptable. He is abusing his power as your superior . There's no such thing as can improve Boss and PA relationship ! What kind of statement is that! This make me angry. If he wants to build a better relationship with his worker there's team building . I think you need to be very careful in such environment . Try not to be alone . Bring pepper spray with you . Also always inform someone whenever you go . If you can try to keep or record all the prove with you. I know its not easy but if you have other choice , quit the job . Money is important however you shouldn't risk your life. Please be safe.
As always you shall never be far from my prayers so by God will you shall have your piece of mind one day so never stop thanking God
Oh, dear, that boss is horrible... I can't believe how uncivilized some people can be. I haven't gone through this and I feel like I'm in no position to give you advice, but I wish that someday, you'll find the strength and courage to finally break free from your cage. It's hard and many will oppose your dreams, but I hope that you'll make it.