I'm writing a new story finally :)

So, I've decided that I'm going to kick myself out of my unproductive state and write a new story for you guys, with regular to semi-regular updates.

However, this new story is going to be something new for me, because it's going to contain a lot of things I've sort of shied away from writing about.

It will contain things like torture, abuse, imprisonment, manipulation, violence, eating disorders, etc.

I know, I know. Sounds like a melodramatic story already, but just bear with me, give me a chance lol.

Anyway, for this reason I'm placing a trigger warning on the story. 

It's a Markson fic, I'm planning on making it about 15 chapters long, with each chapter being around 1500 words, so not super lengthy but still a good read. (Also shorter chapters make it easier to continuously update.)

Go subscribe and let me know your thoughts! It's called "How Bad Do You Want It?"



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I hope it comes out good! Unfortunately I'm also struggling with that kind of themes :( I hope I can kick myself into gear too because my stories won't write themselves unless I do it. I have two oneshot fics I want to finish and update and update El dorado which I also haven't finished or written any further, plus all the ideas I get for fics in the meantime. And I want to catc up with anime too >_<'
Good luck from me!!! <333