7th Year

Hello there! 'waves hand' It's my 7th year here. WOOT WOOT Happy 7th!!! 

I always come here even if I am not posting anything. I know I should continue to write, and post it. Or just continue to write even if I will not post it. 

So my goal, before end of the year, I will write and post one story, even if it's a short story.

I always got poems in my head, even if I don't post it. Sometimes when I feel the need to share, I just post what came to mind. I never imagined that I am close to reaching ten thousand views. 

So what am I doing? I am accumulating colored pencils, I got a few brands, and adult coloring books lol I haven't colored anything yet. Next year, that will be my goal, I will start to color, wish me luck, I will need it. They said it should lift stress, but, and I mean BUT, I am stressed just thinking about it. Why did I start this, sigh. I need to control my brain, and just do it. 

I started a paperclay art, and I am half way through. I got it a year ago and only started to work on it. I am happy that I even got myself to start it hihiihi now, I need to push myself to finish it this year. 

I am always on Twitter and YouTube to get my daily fix of Kpop.



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Hehehe, congrats on 7 years~
Happy anniversary :)