ღ Locker 1999 Paper Note ღ

Contact information

Username : Eunnie

Profile Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/105168



Character Information

Character Name : Park Eun Ji

Nickname : Eun / JiJi

D.O.B :  07/02/ 1997

P.O.B : Gwanggju

Ethnicity : Chinese-Korean

Weight : 40

Height : 166cm

Blood Type : O


Personal Info

Personality :

She likes to be accomapanied by friends. She is friendly and outgoing towards those who are close to her, and super straight forward. She can really be very mean to two face people, and es. She hates it when people are arrogant and annoying. She is a weirdo and unique. That is what people like about her. She is also always curious about things around her. Being curious she would sometime make others uncomfortable about her questions. Even people dosen't know her well, they would think she has mental problem. She hates it when people stares at her, as it would make her super awkward. To strangers she might look like a "quiet girl" but to her friends, she is a Chatterbox! If you did something like betraying her, she would be mean and hate you forever so don't get onto her bad side. 

Adding on to her curiousity,she has a bit of a "touch complex". She touches anything or anybody that appears unusual to her. When she goes to a museum and sees a sign saying "don't touch the exhibits" she touches them.She respects friendship alot, as she hates untreasured friendship. She acts very childish for her age and likes alot of soft toys. She can go crazy over all her soft toy collections especially rilakkuma. She is really naive and innocent she gets trick easily. Thats why her parents do not let her take care of her savings. Sometime she can really stubborn like a kid who dosen't want to go back as the playground is too funn.

Likes : 

- Rilakumma

- Singing

- Ice Cream

- Food

- Piano

Dislikes : 

- Dark

- 2 Face people

- es

- Insects

- Ghosts

Habbits :

- Washing hands after touching anything dirty.

- Eating 6 meals.

- Bringing along sweets everywhere she go.

- Pouts when she is thinking.

Trivia/Facts :

- She has to have an ice cream everyday.

- She is scared of hitting an ant.

- She likes to friends




Ulzzang Name : Hong Young Gi

Links :





Back Up Ulzzang Name : Lee Eun Ji

Hair Colour : Blonde / Black / Brown

Styles : Long, Straight, Bangs infront. Like this : http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lx810byavt1r0fxjso1_400.jpg ( Lee Eun Ji )



School & Friend Information

Grade :  Year 1

Extracurricular : 

- Drama

- Dance

Best friends : 

- Bae SuJi ( Suzy)

Friends : 

- Lee SeungRi

- Yoon Doojoon

- Lee ChaeRin



Locker 1999 Information


People say i look too chubby for my age and my height isnt so tall. I was always feel left out when toking to my friends. My family is having a hard time as my father's company is on the verge of Brankruptcy. Your parents are deciding to run away and abandon you to pay the debts secretly but you heard all of it and you didn't know what to do.You are lonely as Suzy your bestfriend had also been very busy because of her studies. You need some companion that could listen to your problems and help you with it.

The Boys : [ Put 3 idols you want to be your ‘help’ from Locker 1999, sort it from the most to the least ]

- Lee Byunghun ( L.Joe)

- Kwon Jiyong( G-Dragon )

- Kim Myungsoo ( L)

His Personality :

He is quiet and cool but he is really friendly when you got to know him. He is sweet and could cheer people up very easily.

Any Special scenes ?  Im fine with anything ^^

Any Rival or Secret Admirer ?

Rival / Secret Admirer : Lee Byunghun. He and I have a friendly rival in Dance. As we kept on challenging each other for the Top position, but he had also secretly like me whiel challenging each other.

Do you want to end up with him ? Yesh~



Anything I left / comments ? Good lucks :) If you need anything feel free to tell me :D

Password : Yong Junhyung


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