July 13, 2017 - Story Updates

Hi guys!

I'm not sure how many of you will read this, but I figured I would start using this format to let you know what's going on with my stories because I hate "updating" with an Author's Note (as I am sure many of you readers can relate). So if you want to know what's going on with my stories, you can check here.

If you read "Plastic Stars" then you know that I'm currently working on the epilogue. If you want more details about the contents of said epilogue, then go to the story. It's called "A Hint of an Epilogue." I am still working on the third stage, and it's long. The original story was 6,392 words. The epilogue is currently 3,506 words, and I'm not even on the fourth stage. I'm trying to speed up the pace, because I don't want to be as long, but I also want to give you guys a decent epilogue. The issue is I'm stuck in the middle of the stage. It's been hard for me to come up with the right words to accurately convey what I want to happen, and... yeah. I hate to make you guys wait (which is why I uploaded the preview) but you're going to have to wait.

"Whistle, Whistle, Whistle" is a whole other story (literally and figuratively) and I don't know where to begin. I started it as a way for me to get into the mindset of a lifeguard before my job started. However, because the story was so open ended, I got lost in developing something out of nothing that the story had completely changed and I don't know how to fix it. Therefore, the story is going on hiatus until I can fix it. Also, work in real life has become very stressful. There's actually a lot of politics going around for a part time summer job for high school and college students, and I need to do my job right before I can come back to this. I'm sorry to everyone who follows the story, but I promise I will be back eventually.

As for future stories, I do have some ideas in mind. I think I'll just stick to one shots or short chapter fiction. I do have one arranged marriage fanfiction for MarkJin, but I'm hoping I can keep that short. I also have ideas for a soulmate story, but I have yet to decide what fandom/pairing to do it for, or what plotline it will have. 

I hope this was helpful for the people who are waiting for me to update my stories! 



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