
Hi. It's already midnight here,and this is about the time for me to sleep. But I just feel like writing something before I hit the sack.


Remember the previous post when I said I got ditched by housemates ? Silly me. They were actually doing that because they were discussing about my birthday surprise. Imagine how bad I am feeling since then. Haha. Yeah,it is indeed true. I should not think negative and become paranoid. Guess I need to be more cool and be more positive.

I start to grow fonds towards my housemates,we get closer every single day. We do most of the things together especially having lunch and dinner. That will be the time when we share how our day is going and blabla. And thru that,the bond just gets stronger.

I'm still in the middle of trying to be more friendlier to my classmates. Most of them are nice,but there are a few which I think is hard to approach. Maybe because I'm a girl with lack in words (i do not talk much). But I really hope we all can be bestfriends,one day.

May the sun shine. May the rain fall.


Good night.


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