QUESTIONNAIRE, EXTRAORDINAIRE~ (in other words, the first blog i've written here... XD )

BORROWED *winc wonc* from dandelion_26
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(Blog I got this from ---- )




1. What is your middle name?

If we're talking about the one right after my given name, it's "Angela". But, if it's like my mom's maiden name, then I don't have one. Because I'm already using said maiden name as my surname/last name.

2. What is your favorite color?

Not "is" but "are" XD...
So, my favourite colours are red, lilac, royal violet, royal blue, dark blue, black, and white. XD

3. Who was your first best friend?

I'm kinda not sure?
I think it's a childhood friend, but I don't think we ever reached "best friend" level.
So, maybe it's a cosplay friend of mine. XD

4. How tall are you?

Last I checked, I'm around 5'4... Or something...

5. Cats or dogs?

OR because I LOVE BOTH!!

6. Funniest moment throughout school?

I can't think of one to be honest. Most of the time, my school life was mundane or frustrating.

7. How many countries have you visited?

One. My home. XD

8. Are you in/have gone to college?

Gone to, yes. But, I haven't finished because I am working.

9. What was your favorite/worst subject in high school?

My favorite in elementary was MAPE. In 1st year of Highschool, it was my Dance class (I was in Special Program for the Arts). The rest of my Highschool years, I think it was English, Computer, and MAPEH? College.... None... Maybe English..... Maybe...

10. What is your favorite drink?

Chocolate, coffee, mango/grape juice, and milk. In that order.

11. What is your favorite animal?

Cats, dogs, wolves, tigers, bunnies(!), and.... umm... That's it???

12. What is your favorite perfume?

It's not a perfume, more of a cologne. It's Lewis & Pearl Rock n' Rio.

13. Tea or coffee?

Coffee... I don't like tea unless it's ice tea... or milk tea....

14. What would you (or have you) name(d) your children?

I've always liked Draco (yes, HP ref but mostly because it means dragon) and Danaerys (yes GOT I know... BUT DRAGONS!!!)... I'm not too sure I wanna name them that yet. hahaha It'll be a long time before I actually decide to have children you know. I like being single, thank you very much. XD

15. What sports do you play/have you played?

I've played soccer (like legit in a team as a kid but not the big thing) and a bit of volleyball (for PE and Sportsfest) and Badminton (again, for PE and Sportsfest)

16. What is your favorite book?

Harry Potter series, Pecy Jackson series, The Kane Chronicles.... that's it so far. Like, I want to read more legit books but I don't have the extra cash right now.

17. Who are some of your favorite authors?

Rick Riordian and J.K. Rowling for now...

18. What is your favorite movie?

Too many to tell... T^T

19. Are you single or taken?

S.I.N.G.L.E :D

20. What's your idea of an ideal first date?

Nothing. I don't care as long as we both have fun and enjoy each others' company. :)

21. How many boyfriends have you had?

N.O.N.E :D

22. Favorite memory from childhood?

I'd say watching the first Harry Potter movie at the theater... Or the school field trip to Star City (an Amusement Park) or to Enchanted Kingdom (another Amusement Park)...

23. Do you speak any different languages and how well?

I speak my mother language and English fluently. Then, I'm just familiar with Korean, Japanese, and very, very little Chinese. That's it.

24. Do you have any siblings?

I used to have three older brothers. One of them already passed on, though. So, I got two older brothers from my mother side. Then, I have like six older brothers from my father side. (My family is kind of the second family.... I have too many older brothers....)

25. How would you describe your fashion sense?

I'd describe it as me. or the things that I like.

26. What is your favorite restaurant?

I don't have one. I just eat where I feel like eating...

27. What are some of your favorite TV shows?

I used to wait for this fantasy show as a kid. It was Mulawin and Encantadia (the original one). I love fantasy-themed shows. My favorites now are probably Game of Thrones (but I can't watch it anymore cuz I don't have TV T^T) and...... Ummm... that's it?????

28. PC or Mac?

PC... I've never had a Mac so.. yeah..

29. What phone do you have? (iOS vs. Android?)


30. Tell us one of your bad habits!

I like to bite things..... I probably have an oral fixation and I'm definitely trying to stop... it's awkward for me sometimes...

31.  Do you have any pets ?

Used to have one, but it died. The one that came after it kinda died as well... So, I don't try to keep pets anymore...

32.  Name three things that are physically close to you?

My phone, my phone, my phone... JK!! My phone, my sketchpad and drawing materials, and my makeup???

33.  What’s the weather like right now ?

Rainy. It's annoying sometimes but at least it isn't hot...

34.  Do you drive ? If so, have you crashed?

I drive on video games only and I keep on crashing. I'm a driver, okay?

35.  What time did you wake up this morning ?

Around 7 am.

36.  When was the last time you showered ?

After I woke up.

37.  What was the last movie that you saw ?

The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

38.  What does you last text message say?

"Naka alis na po aw.. Mal8 na po aq work." --> "I already left.. I'll be late for work."
A friend of my mom asked me to tell my mom something but I already left for work because I didn't want to be late.

39.  What is your ringtone?

Ringtone: AOA - Good Luck

40.  Where do you buy your groceries?

At the local market or at SM (Super Market - mall thing)

41.  Have you ever taken any medication to help you fall asleep faster?


42.  How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

I'll be 25 by then. I wanna experience getting drunk.. Kidding... Maybe...

43.  Do you wear contacts or glasses ?

I've worn contacts before, but that was for style. I did have glasses, but they're really old and broken now.

44.  Do you colour your hair ?

Yes. Right now, it's a brown color. But, my hair's already growing out, so I'll be colouring it again. I think I'll go blonde.

45.  Tell me something you are planing to do today:

Go home and read fanfics.

46.  When was the last time you cried?

Maybe two weeks or three from now. I was stressed about financial situations and my mom nagging me. (I live with my mom, yes. Because I'm the only girl in my family, it automatically means that mom will stay with me. because. i'm. a. girl.)

47.  What is your perfect pizza topping?

Pepperoni. And llooooooooottttssss of cheese.

48.  Which do you prefer, hamburger or cheeseburger?


49.  Have you ever had an all-nighter?

Yes. For work.

50.  What is your eye colour?

Dark brown, but you can kinda see the brown colour.

51.  If a crystal ball could tell you anything about your future, what would you like to know?

Will life become easier?





Kidding. Will I be able to cosplay again? XD


Well, that's that.. :D


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