Anyone watching princess agents here???

*on the floor*

*is pitiful* 

This drama is so strong. The acting is good, but the stunts are something else. Otherworldly. The story is very interesting also why do they spoil us in the opening??? Is it bc their are super long??? 

*is pitiful*

why did I get a major crush on Yan Xun?? 


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hi! i havent started it yet but im really considering it bc lin gengxin is hooot * ^ *
but at the same time im really hesitant bc it looks like hes playing one of those "oh im too cold and mysterious to love anyone" sort, not to mention the trailers portray him as super feelingless and lowkey evil but then hes the male lead so im just like T_T and ???
then again, i feel like EVERYONE is watching it and that im missing out but i dont wanna be thrown off bc i dont like servant x 少爷 relationships anyway and im really really really hoping that the drama is so much more than that :c so pls tell me that all i have are misconceptions and that the drama is one of the better cdramas of 2017 huhuhu T_T