Seventeen Oneshot Shop~!

 Hey everyone ;D I hope y'all are doing swell~
Real quick before I continue on with this blog post, I sincerely apologize for my disappearance off the face of the earth D: I'm planning to make a blog post soon explaining everything, but I'm sorta on the grind for my fanfictions (b/c I've got 70+ stories on this account [another 27ish on my other account] and I intend to finish all of them TT^TT) and plus I was meaning to make this blog post a while ago, but happened D: Welps, guess that's life?

I'll try my best to be more active again, let's hope I actually fulfill that promise this time.



Now for the real purpose of this blog post, is to tell you guys about this neat lil shop for Seventeen Oneshots!
If you're a hardcore Carat like me, I'm sure you'll love this shop.


Please do check out the shop when you get the chance to, there's no fee included when requesting for a oneshot and there are numerous genres in which the authors can write. 


The authors, _VernonDiCaprio and TheTwins write amazing stories and are overall just great people.
But... They do need a little bit of help maintaining the shop.


Specifically, they need 2 coauthors to help with the shop and fill out requests. I've already applied to be part of the shop (woohoo for me :D) but they could really use the help of just one more person to help complete requests faster.

If you're a new carat, senior carat, or you don't follow the boys religiously, consider writing for the shop as a new and inviting experience to help get used to the feel of writing, or if you're already an author (like me), then this could also be a fun way to complete new prompts and help develop your writing style a little bit more.

Personally, I wanted to join the shop because it seemed like a great opportunity to help keep my creative flow going while simultaneously producing content that people want. And plus, it's a nice way to keep me busy when I don't feel like working on my own fics.


So I encourage you guys to consider applying to be a coauthor for the shop, and if not, then please do check out the shop when you have some spare time :D


That's all I had to say for this blog post, expect a couple more updates from me this week ^^ I'm extremely behind on everything D:
Stay happy and healthy everyone! I love each and every single one of you~!

Signing off, Nic.  


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