Korean Fried Chicken

My friends and I went to this restaurant today to try Korean friend chicken. The skin of the Korean fried chicken is drier than that of American fried chicken, but that's most likely because the Korean fried chicken is fried twice. The Korean fried chicken is also sweeter while American fried chicken is salty.

Korean fried chicken is also good though. Would definitely recommend.


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It is indeed fried twice, gives it that crisper feeling (insert heart eyes emoji here). Instead of corn starch, potato starch is used for the skin and i dunno which flavor you got but the seasoning i use to cook it has hot pepper paste along with some rice syrup which may give it that sweet taste. But yess I'm glad to find a blog which appreciates K-fried chicken. Wow now i'm craving some, might make some tomorrow since the closest store is like 40 mins away LOL